Tarotscope For Today: Friday, January 31, 2025
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Your Card: Eight of Wands
Just when you least expected it, a certain plot twist you never saw coming may be presenting itself to really get 2025 started, Aries. Consider today, the true start of your new year. The Eight of Wands represents an unexpected message or turn of events you never saw coming. This could either be something really good or it could be a test of some sort. So whatever happens today, remind yourself how far you’ve come this year, and who you want to be tomorrow. This reminder will help to commit to your growth and make the best decision that will yield the best outcome.
Your Card: Justice
Don’t try and smooth talk your way out of any sort of situation. Don’t play dumb hoping to receive the benefit of the doubt. It might not seem like it, but your best bet is to be truthful and take accountability, Taurus. The Justice card advises you to be honest with your mistakes and accept the consequences of your actions. And by being honest, taking accountability, and apologizing for your mistakes, you will probably be let off easier had you tried to manipulate the situation.
Your Card: Eight of Cups
So you’ve made a list of all the things that you hope to accomplish in 2025 and all the areas you’d personally like to grow in and still you’ve done nothing to actually take action. Don’t keep waiting until tomorrow to make the necessary changes to live a life of higher purpose, Gemini. Because before you know it, the new year won’t be so new anymore and you’ll realize you haven’t done any of the things you said you would. If you’ve been putting things off until tomorrow, you’ll continue to feel stuck and as if the things you are doing have little meaning in the grand scheme of things. Tomorrow is an illusion. Tomorrow doesn’t exist (so to speak). It doesn’t matter what we “plan” to do tomorrow because tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. All we have is right now and this very moment. So do something now because tomorrow will never come.
Your Card: The Moon
You might be in your feelings today, Cancer. While for some, the early new year is a time of hope and anticipation for what the new year has in store, for you, you may find yourself deeply reflecting on your year. You may find today to be rather bittersweet in a sense. You’ve come to really appreciate the challenges thrown your way in 2024 and how it forced you to grow. But now you’re unable to accept the passage of time and don’t know which direction to head towards next. You’ve come quite far and the conclusions you draw today will set the stage for how the rest of your year may play out.
Your Card: Six of Cups
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Today you might find yourself reminiscing of a happy moment in your life that you got to share with people who hold a significant place in your heart. Perhaps you don’t speak to those same people or maybe life has changed completely since then and you wish you could go back and relive that time again. Don’t let this feeling of nostalgia fill you with sadness, there are still many good memories you haven’t lived yet, Leo. Appreciate the moments that you’ve had and let it serve as a reminder of what new meaningful experiences are still coming.
Your Card: Eight of Swords
Virgo, are you going to continue to let your fears stop you from taking a chance? Or are you going to finally take that leap of faith and go for it? Today is the day to “fuck around and find out”. I obviously don’t mean that in an extreme way. What I mean is, take your own breath away. Don’t worry about what someone might think or say. Limiting yourself out of fear of what another person might think will cheat you out of many exciting and magical experiences.
Your Card: The Emperor
Be a bitch today. Put up a fight. Don’t back down. Stand on business. Give less of an eff. That’s it… that’s your message for the day.
Your Card: Six of Wands
Don’t exist for anybody else except you today, Scorpio. Cheap external validation will never be enough because it creates this cycle where you are chasing that high of other people’s adoration. Don’t act out in ways because you think it’ll make other people like you more, do the things that you like. Do the things that you want. Feel motivated by your fiery passion and not motivated by external validation and attention.
Your Card: Nine of Swords
At times it can be hard to discern between intuition and anxiety. But the Nine of Swords indicates that whatever it is that is worrying you, is probably a manifestation of your anxiety, Sagittarius. The best way to differentiate the two is that intuition is a calm knowing whereas anxiety feels like overthinking and like your mind is running a mile a minute. Just let this confusion pass. As soon as it does, clarity will take over and you’ll be able to listen to your intuition better.
Your Card: The Star
You seem to be having a little glow-up today, Capricorn. Things are just working out and are clicking into place without you having to try hard. Today you might be feeling especially positive for whatever unknown reason. Sometimes people just wake up on the right side of the bed and that positivity sets them up for the rest of the day. Carry this optimism with you today and share it with those around you, Capricorn. You have plenty of good vibes to go around and you may even help turn someone else’s shitty day completely around. Not only that, this energy that you are beaming with could also attract some rather serendipitous news or opportunities so enjoy this little glow-up.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
The time just isn’t right, Aquarius. I know you really want to see something come to fruition or act impulsively but The Hanged Man suggests you do otherwise. Just wait. Don’t do anything right now. Don’t force anything right now. The best advice The Hanged Man has to offer is to just allow things to play out. The timing will be right when it is right.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune
A specific negative situation that has occurred due to insinuating circumstances will complexity turn around and become a huge blessing in disguise for you, Pisces. I know it seems like this problem only offers stress and more shit to worry about, but the Wheel of Fortune indicates that in hindsight, you’ll be happy this occurred. As hard as that may be for you to believe.