Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, September 27, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: The World

What unfinished projects, loose ends, or pending conversations do you have on your plate? The World encourages you to finish what you started. There’s a new story waiting for you, but you must first close the pages on all previous chapters. If you want to open yourself up to new landscapes and opportunities, you have to close the door on what has come to pass. You hold the key to change and expansion, Aries. Start taking action today. 


Your Card: The Chariot, reversed

The reversal of The Chariot indicates that you’re lacking direction or experiencing severe indecisiveness. You feel stuck and don’t know which is the right way to move forward. This card shows up when it’s time to make the choice you’ve been avoiding. One way or another, you’re going to have to regain control of your life. Take some time this weekend to evaluate the situation and find clarity. Act soon, Taurus. Maybe you don’t know what’s best, and that’s okay. Sometimes you just have to take the reins and see where that takes you. 


Your Card: Ace of Cups 

You’re feeling a sense of renewal today, Gemini. Hope and inspiration overwhelm you with the possibilities. Let this energy and your heart lead the way this weekend. Are you ready to step back into the dating pool? Do it now. Ask out your crush. Flirt with a stranger. Don’t be a homebody, and step out on the town. Chances are high that you’ll make a heartfelt connection, be it romantic or platonic. If you’ve been thinking about taking up a creative endeavor, this is the time to start. This weekend is ripe for manifesting, so set some intentions. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed

The Two of Pentacles shows up in reverse when one feels stressed or overwhelmed. This card signals a major imbalance. Your duty this weekend is identifying how you can start inviting more equilibrium into your life. You’re also tasked with unwinding. Let loose and do something fun, or do nothing at all. Just let yourself recharge. Don’t forget to put some thought into what in your life must stay and what has to go, so you stop stretching yourself so thin. Make it a habit to better manage stress in your daily life. 


Your Card: The Empress

The Empress encourages you to romanticize your life this weekend. Invite some softness and magic into the next few days. Try to be present in the moment and appreciate your surroundings. Take in the beauty in the world you live in. Buy yourself flowers. Take in the sunset. Go to dinner with your friends and remind yourself of the importance of nurturing your most meaningful connections. Spend Sunday watching your favorite films and remembering the power of art. Let yourself be moved by this little life. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles asks you to stop and reassess your progress and efforts. Take in all that you’ve accomplished, Virgo. It may not feel like much some days, but you have come a long way, and you should be proud of yourself. Remember that great things take time and patience. Don’t get discouraged because you haven’t yet reached your destination. Reflect this weekend on ways you wish to improve, different approaches you could take, and habits you could break to push you forward. You’ve got this! 


Your Card: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords represents honesty, clear communication, and clarity. Its arrival advises to ask for the truth, or express yours. If there’s something you feel like someone has been holding back from you, be direct and ask. Cut through any confusion so that you can make informed decisions. If you’re keeping something from someone close to you, you should probably be open with them. You will never regret being transparent or authentic. This card also encourages to set any boundaries you need to set. Stop being afraid of putting your own needs first, Libra


Your Card: Ten of Wands

Do less this weekend, Scorpio. The Ten of Wands is a reminder that you can’t pour from an empty cup. When was the last time you prioritized self-care and relaxation? For the next few days, don’t think about work, life’s demands, or anything on your to-do list. Give yourself a break. Go out. Have a boozy brunch, then come home and lounge around on the couch. Take a bubble bath. Read. Watch some movies. Pour yourself some wine. Bake some fall cookies. Do nothing at all. Focus on recharging and thinking of ways of better tending to your well-being. 


Your Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

Whatever has been afflicting you, it’s soon to be behind you. This card represents a period of healing and renewal. You just have to want it badly enough, Sag. It all starts with making the choice to move forward and release your unhealthy attachments to the past. Stop dwelling on the loss and heartache. Stop living in nostalgia. Stop thinking about what could have been and start thinking about what could be. This weekend, place some serious thought into how you want to rebuild. What are you going to do? 


Your Card: The Tower

You might experience rough times or a sudden upheaval over the weekend, Capricorn. This isn’t necessarily something you should fear. It could be a good thing. Transformative, groundbreaking change may lie on the horizon. However challenging and uncomfortable it may feel now, it’s going to lead to extraordinary growth. What’s happening is making room for new opportunities, experiences, and connections. Don’t resist. Let go of what’s no longer serving you. Trust in the process and believe that you have the strength to come out of this as a more empowered version of yourself. 


Your Card: Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands makes an appearance to remind you that the Universe is conspiring in your favor. Whatever you’ve been hoping for and working towards is on its way to you. You just have to be patient and remain dedicated to your dreams and desires. Keep going, Aquarius. Don’t let any delays or obstacles discourage you. Now more than ever it’s important that you take risks. If you’ve been holding yourself back from making bolder moves, stop.


Your Card: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords wants you to reclaim your personal power. Start taking back charge in your own life, Pisces. Whatever fantasies you’ve been feeding, it’s time to get grounded in reality. Whatever conversations you’ve been avoiding, you need to have them. Whatever decisions you’ve been sitting on, you have to start taking action. This card promises to usher in a powerful new era, but you’ve got to open the door. Move forward with confidence and conviction. What are you so afraid of?