Thought Catalog Agency

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, May 27, 2024

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Your Card: Four of Swords, reversed

The Four of Swords shows up in reverse when you need to give yourself space to rest or heal. Whether you’re burnt-out from work and your responsibilities lately, or there’s an emotional wound you’ve been carrying, take the proper time today to focus on your well-being. You’ve been neglecting your need for self-care, and the stress or heartache you’ve been carrying has taken a toll on you. Take the federal holiday as an opportunity to prioritize your inner and physical being. A day or night of recharging will do wonders in helping you regain your mental and emotional strength. Reconnect with yourself, Aries


Your Card: Five of Wands, reversed

There’s a conflict present in your life or perhaps a difficult conversation that you’ve been avoiding. Whatever the case is, the reversal of the Five of Wands signifies that this isn’t a situation you can continue to run away from. You need to face it head-on or it’s going to grow into something bigger. This unresolved issue will only bring you more problems in the future. So, instead of swallowing your words or acting passive-aggressive or ignoring the matter, communicate yourself clearly today. Just get it over with. No matter which way it goes, you’re going to feel so much relief afterwards. Try to have an open mind and be willing to compromise.


Your Card: The World

The World encourages you to recognize the progress you’ve made and to celebrate those achievements. Perhaps you’re nearing the finish line on a goal you’ve made or a project that you’ve been working on. Maybe it’s something that for a long time felt out of reach. You should be proud of yourself no matter how big or small the steps you’ve taken are. Remember where you started and take the time today to honor how far you’ve come. Reward yourself—go out to the lake, take yourself out to dinner, set up a happy hour for you and your friends, buy that pricey item you’ve been eyeing, or simply take the day to rest and do the things that bring you joy.


Your Card: Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a card of celebration, belonging, community, stability, and reunions. It functions as a congrats for the effort you’ve been exerting lately. It’s an encouragement to honor your work and celebrate your successes—with loved ones around you, preferably. If you have Memorial Day off, then spend the day doing just that. Relax at the pool with friends, plan a BBQ, take a day trip. If, unfortunately, you have to work, do something to celebrate tonight. Enjoy life’s simple pleasures, you deserve it, Cancer. Kick back and savor your achievements. 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

You’ve been getting stuck in your routine, Leo. It’s caused you to miss out on new experiences and perhaps even great opportunities. Your busy schedule, or adamance at accomplishing your goals, has you sleepwalking through your own life. You’ve been neglecting your relationships, your joys, your hobbies, and your own happiness. Use today to escape your daily rituals. Be spontaneous. Change the energy around you. Partake in activities you haven’t in a while. Connect with your loved ones. Do something different. Surprise yourself. Keep in mind moving forward that life can’t be all work and no play. Try to make it a habit to carve out time for life’s simple pleasures. 


Your Card: Strength, reversed

You’re feeling a bit down today, Virgo. There’s something eating away at you that’s starting to wear away at your confidence. It’s making your fears, anxieties, and insecurities surface and overwhelm you. You must not allow yourself to give in to feelings of self-doubt. It’s easier said than done, but you have to make a real attempt at negating every intrusive thought. Try reframing challenges and obstacles as lessons. You’ve overcome so much, you can overcome this, too. You have all the power it takes to take control of your own life. Be gentle to yourself this Monday as you try your hardest to remember that. 


Your Card: The Chariot

Take a chance on yourself today, Libra. Be bold and confident, and go after what you desire. This Monday is a perfect day to start aligning your actions with your intentions. Leave behind whatever fears or self-defeating thoughts were stopping you before. Direct your energy towards what you want, whatever that is—a relationship, a promotion, a relocation, opening a business, pursuing a different career. Whatever it is, it can be yours. If it’s not meant to be, then you need to figure that out, too, so that you can alter your horizons. You don’t have to fully conquer the world today, you just have to make a start. 


Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed

You should move carefully today, Scorpio. The reversal of the Six of Pentacles warns of imbalanced power dynamics, ulterior motives, or self-interest. If someone is acting extra generous today, be certain that that generosity doesn’t come with strings attached. On the contrary, it could be you that’s trying to manipulate a situation or person today—don’t stoop to that low behavior. If there’s something you want or need to know, then just ask for it. Pulling the Six of Pentacles in reverse can also indicate that you need to be honest with yourself about whether others are giving you reciprocity and if you’re doing the same for them. Where in your life do you overextend yourself without getting anything in return? Who have you been neglecting?


Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed

Lately, you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by indecision. You won’t make a move because the fear of making the wrong one paralyzes you. It has caused you great anxiety. Today you should give yourself the time and space to regain your clarity. You can’t stay in this place forever. At some point, you’re going to have to act. It may end up working out, or it may not, but that’s life, Sag. You’re doing yourself more harm by refusing to move forward. You can handle whatever consequences come, good or bad. The worst thing that can happen is that you’ll come to find out that you have to change course, take a different approach, or alter your horizons. You’ll feel so relieved once you take control of the situation. Decide soon. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords

This day you’re finally going to gain some much needed clarity. This can come in the form of a breakthrough or reality that’s going to surface to light. The truth may hurt, but it’s necessary in order to move forward with a clear head and set upon the right path. Do you truly want to keep living in fantasy land? If it doesn’t land in your lap, then you need to seek the honest truth. Do whatever you have to do. Have whatever conversations you need to have. Leave your emotions out of it. It may not be what you wanted to hear, but trust that hearing it is for your highest good. 


Your Card: Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is encouraging you to connect with your inner child during the Memorial Day holiday. Get back in touch with your creative side. Paint just because it’s fun. Put on a fun playlist and dance as you clean the house. Do crafts. Spend some time outside gazing at the clouds. Read a book that’s been collecting dust on your shelf. Do anything that brings you joy today. Leave the rest for tomorrow. Today is a day for being playful. Today is a day for becoming reacquainted with your inspiration. Today is a day for indulging your curiosity. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is urging you to follow your heart, Pisces. Run towards your desire with open arms. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and put yourself out there. You’ve been overthinking it too much lately. Leave your anxiety and worst-case scenarios aside and just give in to the possibility. Express your feelings with sincerity today. Don’t hold anything back. Fear of rejection and pain is understandable, but always wondering “what if” will certainly give you more grief. Be confident and radically honest. You’ll never forgive yourself if you hold back the words you’ve been aching to say. And remember, no matter how it goes, you should be proud of yourself for speaking your heart.