
Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, June 8, 2024

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Your card: Ten of Cups

Today is all about emotional fulfillment for you, Aries. What fills your cup? What brings you happiness? Indulge in what makes you feel whole, because today will bring you plenty of opportunities to engage in the things you love with the people who mean the most to you. This is an amazing energy—don’t let it go to waste.


Your card: Five of Swords

You might encounter some conflict today, Taurus, whether it’s expected or not. You might feel like you’re fighting just to be heard, or you might be engaged in a literal competition of sorts—whatever it is, it’s important that you take a step back and figure out what outcome matters most. Is winning the most important thing to you? Or is peace? Be careful not to double down on something that could be—and maybe should be—a compromise.


Your card: Three of Wands

Today is about all about expansion for you, Gemini. You have a vision, and you’re finally starting to make progress on it, taking those first few steps toward your desired outcome. But while this card is about the execution of your plans, it’s also about dreaming big in the process. Are you using your full potential? Is your goal fully realized, or can you take it a step forward? Anything is possible today, Gemini.


Your card: Queen of Cups, reversed

Today is all about looking inward and taking care of yourself. You may have been dealing with some exhausting or emotionally draining situations recently, some of which you may feel like beating yourself up about. This card placement, however, encourages you to take a step back and instead focus on what you need, not what you think you should be doing. Be soft with yourself.


Your card: Page of Swords

Today is full of ideas for you, Leo. If you feel like you’re full of mental and creative energy, follow these impulses—it’s not often people have a spark of inspiration quite like this! Follow your curiosity and ask questions when they arise, because it’s okay that you don’t know everything—today is for learning and exploring. If you’ve been wanting to learn something new, this is your sign to try it now!


Your card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

You’re such a hard worker, Virgo, so it can be frustrating when you feel blocked or unable to move forward. It’s possible you even just feel burnt out, unable to put the energy forward that you feel is necessary. This is a good time to rest up and focus your attention elsewhere—sometimes it’s better to come back to something later when you’re feeling refreshed, rather than trying to work through the frustration.


Your card: Eight of Cups

Today might come with some unexpected—or even expected—disappointments, Libra. You might feel like it’s time to walk away from a difficult situation or that you’re the one being abandoned. It might be important to start asking yourself what makes you happy and if this situation is contributing to that happiness or detracting from it. Your best bet might really be moving on, even if that’s a disappointing outcome for you.


Your card: King of Swords

Today is all about taking charge of your life, Scorpio. This card is a sign that you have the power to step forward and go after the things you want, a reminder that you can command a room and lead a group of people toward a common goal. Alternatively, you might be dealing with a powerful person today that wants to help you achieve your goals. Whatever it may be, you’re in a good position today—use this energy wisely!


Your card: The World

This is a card of completion and success, Sagittarius. You’ve put in the work and now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The energy is positive and, in Sagittarian fashion, you have the opportunity to explore everything that’s in front of you—the world is truly your oyster. Enjoy this energy and be proud of getting here—a new beginning lays ahead, but today is about enjoying where you are now.


Your card: Two of Swords

You may feel split in two today, Capricorn. It’s possible you have a very difficult decision to make today, but there’s no easy—or even right—answer. Your head and your heart might be pulling you in two directions, but you aren’t sure which one you should be listening to. This can be a difficult energy to maneuver, especially on your own, so don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek out other opinions—just know that, ultimately, the decision is yours.


Your card: Six of Swords

Today is all about movement for you, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. This card often indicates moving on from a difficult situation—something that is necessary but may leave you feeling drained and exhausted. What’s important to remember in the midst of this chaos is that there are better things lying ahead and that you’re going in the right direction—just keep going.


Your card: Page of Cups

Today is full of opportunity for you, Pisces. You may feel creative and inspired, with new ideas appearing almost out of nowhere. You feel the urge to follow your curiosity and connect with the truth whenever you get the chance. This is the time to listen to your heart and let it lead you forward—it won’t take you in the wrong direction.