Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Table of Contents
The Hierophant, Reversed
The ‘old ways’ and institutions will not serve you right now, and they may have been a large cause of some of the trauma you’re experiencing currently. It’s a time for you to go through the process of learning your own way forward. You need more than just dogma. Let go of the old ways of thinking, and start to think of how you can create your own path. Consider if any beliefs you have been holding on to have been getting in the way of your goals, or causing you harm – and allow yourself to let them go.
The Hermit
It’s a good time to pull yourself out of the situation so you can think more strategically. The answers you’re seeking require the sort of soul-searching that can only happen in solitude.You don’t need the opinions and influence of others right now, instead you need to look within to gather information and chart your path forward. Rise above the grind so you can navigate your way through it. Invest your trust in your inner wisdom and allow it to light your way, instead being interested in the wisdom of others right now.
The Empress, Reversed
It’s frustrating and overwhelming to feel so much creative force that is stuck behind a block. Where, exactly, is the block, and what part of the situation could use more nurturing? You might be experiencing the block because you’ve been overworking yourself, but it might also be caused by getting caught up in the details, or in the opinions of others. Don’t forget that you’re an important part of the equation. Growth will happen if you take a few deep breaths and allow some space. Be kind and nurture yourself.
Queen of Wands, Reversed
You’re feeling like you’re in a creative rut, which might be indicative of either burnout or overextension. Instead of feeling empowered by your creative side, you feel overly burdened by it.
You need to be honest with yourself about what forces are at play. Is your intensity helping you right now, or is it driving you into an immovable object? When do you feel empowered? Take a big step back and take a bit of a break. It’s a good time to remind yourself of your inspiration so you can reframe your goals and catch that spark again.
10 of Wands, Reversed
You’re feeling overwhelmed and overburdened, and with good cause. There’s just so much going on that it’s hard to tell what needs your attention at any given moment. You’ve got so many expectations you’re trying to live up to, and you feel like you wouldn’t even know how to ask for help – if you were even thinking of it. It’s time for you to embrace the power of “no.” Inspire your ‘no’ by reminding yourself of how much you’ve already done, and how far you’ve come. Remember that you can’t, and you shouldn’t, do it all. Let go of all those expectations, and instead evaluate what is really necessary for you to take forward with you.
10 of Cups
The Ten of Cups indicates the presence of a supportive, loving environment where everyone is included. If this describes what you have right now, enjoy the harmony and connections you’re feeling, it’s a time of openness and expansion. Soak it in while it lasts! As you enjoy these blissful feelings, ask how you can nurture them so that your relationships are stronger in the future. If this card doesn’t describe what you’re experiencing, how can you invite those feelings into your life and foster them? What can you do to bring that inclusive joy into your world?
Judgement, Reversed
You might be feeling called right now – to something higher, or to something that needs your attention. Remember as you explore the new possibilities that you are your most fierce judge and critic. Set that aside, so you can recognize that you are right in the beginning moments of an epiphany. It may require you to face some hard truths, but when you examine all that you’ve done and who you have become, do so from a place of compassion and grace. Through radical self-acceptance and forgiveness you have the chance to set forward on a new, exciting path towards healing.
Knight of Swords, Reversed
Something has struck your sense of injustice and it’s made you want to drop everything and go to the rescue immediately. Even though it’s hard, take a moment and consider all the angles first. Wait until you have all the facts, understand everything that is at play, and figure out an actionable plan. If you move without thinking, words will be said that can’t be taken back, and the situation can spiral out of control. Now isn’t the time to burst forth in an uncontrollable fury. Prevent a sucker punch by thoroughly examining the situation. Keep your sword sharp with information.
The Moon
Things are not always what they seem. You’re feeling a lot of anxiety around traveling an unknown path, and fear can grow into its own form of illusion. To navigate through this difficult and anxious time will take having a deep connection to your intuition to help you find your way. Living with and navigating through uncertainty can be scary. This could also be an indicator that it’s time to work through some of the difficult emotions that arise instead of against them. Remember – you can’t know everything about every situation, but you can know yourself.
9 of Swords, Reversed
It’s hard to think clearly, there’s too much going on and a lot of fear and anxiety has you feeling trapped. It’s time to face your fears and examine all that anxiety. You’ve been having a lot of sleepless nights as you worry, but if you spend time to deeply understand what your fears encompass, you may find that they are not nearly as terrible or frightening as you once did. Is what you’re afraid of really worth all your emotional energy? Once you unravel those mysteries, you may be able to replace fear and anxiety with rest, recovery, and healing.
The Star
It’s becoming easy to see all of the hope and inspiration around you. Allow those positive feelings to motivate you. What amazing dreams can you realize with all this inspiration? Allow yourself to fully embrace hope and dream big – what could you do, without fear to stop you? Lean in to your hope and inspiration. Allow yourself to feel renewed, inspired, hopeful, optimistic, and serene. Take a moment to be grateful for all the wonder around you and consider how you can invite this contentment into your life.
2 of Cups, Reversed
This is a difficult time and you’re feeling split. It could be within a relationship, or a feeling of conflicting interests. It could be a split between what you think and what you feel, or that you recognize a split between what you think and what you do. This feeling of disharmony and conflict is bringing up past traumas and you aren’t able to see your situation clearly. Step back and give yourself space to breathe and process everything that is going on. Examine if you are compromising too little or too much, and make sure all is in balance before proceeding.