Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, December 29, 2024
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Your Card: Five of Swords, reversed
Despite what your anger may be telling you, not every fight is a fight worth fighting. The best thing you can do for yourself is to unburden yourself by letting it go. How would getting payback even benefit you? It’s a waste of your precious energy and time. Don’t lower yourself to their level, Aries. Walk away with your head held high and knowing you were the better person.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed
The new year is right around the corner, make sure you’re taking some time to decompress. Before entering 2025, it’s important that you reflect on how you can be better at incorporating more balance into your life. What self-care practices are you going to include into your routine? In what ways can you stop spreading yourself so thin? Are there aspects of your life that you neglect in favor of others? Where can you cut back on?
Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed
You can’t take your baggage into the new year, Gemini. Unless you want to let it keep confining you in 2025, it’s time to let go of whatever it is that has been weighing heavy on you. You can’t keep letting the past dictate your present and future. Take back your control and power. Release the heartache, loss, or grudge that keeps you from moving forward. You’ve carried it for too long. Give yourself the gift of healing.
Your Card: The High Priestess, reversed
The High Priestess shows up in reverse to urge you to trust yourself. Listen to your intuition, Cancer. It will never lead you astray. Your best guide is your inner wisdom and knowing. Don’t gaslight yourself into not believing what you know is true. If your instincts are telling you something about a situation or person, listen to them.
Your Card: The World, reversed
You need to find completion and closure before entering the new year. Where in your life do you need to tie up loose ends? If there’s a project or obligation you need to complete, stop procrastinating. Whatever conversations you’ve been avoiding, have them. Let go of any baggage, heartache, or anger that you’ve been carrying. Create space for wonderful new opportunities in 2025.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles
Keep your eyes on the prize as you enter 2025. Don’t let all the challenges and obstacles you faced this year discourage you from pushing forward. This new year is going to be a rewarding one. Success will find you, both in your personal and professional lives. You just have to stay motivated and remain dedicated to your goals. Renew your commitment to your dreams and desires. A good way to start would be by using today to set clear intentions.
Your Card: Judgment
Stop being so hard on yourself for all your mistakes. Instead of dwelling on how you failed to make the right choices, focus on how you are now wiser and more capable. You’ve learned a lot from your past. There’s no need to carry all that guilt and shame into the new year. The only thing that matters is that you try to be a better version of yourself with each passing day. As long as you’ve taken accountability, there’s nothing you need to forgive yourself for.
Your Card: The Hierophant
Despite how you’ve lived your life thus far, you simply can’t do everything alone, Scorpio. It’s hard for you to reach out for help (or even admit that you need it), but you’re doing yourself a disservice by trying to navigate the situation at hand on your own. Don’t resist asking others for help, especially those who have lived longer than you and are wiser. There’s no shame in needing someone to lean on.
Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed
Stop suppressing your emotions, Sagittarius. Don’t allow yourself to go into the new year still bottling them all up. Whatever realities, feelings, or conversations you’ve been running away from, it’s time to face them head-on, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Ignoring them is going to stifle you creatively and spiritually. Don’t let these things hold you back from having an expansive 2025.
Your Card: Six of Wands
You’ve put in a lot of hard work and dedication into achieving your goals this year, Capricorn. You should be extremely proud of yourself. Even when you struggled and faced great challenges, you kept pushing forward. You never gave up. You did everything you had to do. Do something to celebrate and reward yourself. You deserve it. Let loose a little bit. You have another long year of manifesting your dreams ahead of you.
Your Card: Ten of Swords
It may feel as if you’ll never get over this loss, but you must trust that better things are coming in 2025. The Ten of Swords is a reminder of hope. Don’t lose faith, Aquarius. You’re going to make it out the other side stronger and happier than ever. View this dark period as paving the way for a new beginning. Some things have to die in order to make room in our lives for more beautiful things to flourish.
Your Card: Knight of Cups
Stop overthinking it and just let your heart lead the way, Pisces. Yes, it’s possible that it will lead you to failure or rejection, but do you want to live the rest of your life wondering “what if”? You owe it to yourself to give it a shot. Don’t deny yourself of your desires. Whether it’s applying for a job, making a move, or confessing your feelings to someone, you can’t go wrong as long as you’re staying true to yourself.