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Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, February 18, 2024


Your card: The Devil

You might find yourself bound to your shadow side today, Aries—you’re indulging in things you know are bad for you, allowing yourself to be trapped in situations you’ve come dependent on, or choosing short-term pleasures over your own values. Oftentimes this card comes with a sense of self-awareness, whether you’re ready to admit it to yourself or not: You are not acting in your best interests. Take stock of the negative influences that you’re allowing to control you and recognize it’s time to set yourself free from them—what may have once started out as fun has led you to the road to ruin, so it’s best to turn back now while you can.


Your card: Knight of Wands

You’re full of vitality and energy today, Taurus. You’ve likely encountered a spark of inspiration that’s shaped itself into an idea, and you’re already ready to run toward it at full-force. While you’re ready to approach every obstacle that comes your way courageously and confidently, be careful that you don’t cross the line into recklessness—sometimes we become so passionate in our pursuits that we don’t always plan ahead, forgoing logic completely. You’re at your best when you allow yourself to lean into your natural tendency for patience, so let that inform your forward movement.


Your card: Five of Cups, reversed

You may have been dealt some difficult blows lately, Gemini, whether that be heartbreak, disappointment, or a setback. The good news is this: Today is for letting go. You’ve let this weigh heavily on your heart for too long, and today is the day you finally get to start the journey toward moving on. That doesn’t mean it’s going to magically feel better, but it’s a start—you’re learning there’s more for you out there and, more importantly, to forgive yourself. You can’t undo the past, but you can learn from it and let it transform you positively, so long as you take away the right lessons.


Your card: High Priestess, reversed

You feel disconnected from yourself today, Cancer. You’re used to leaning on your intuition, but lately something has you questioning yourself, whether that’s self-doubt, guilt, or the noise of other people’s opinions. This can be especially difficult for someone like you, who feels at home in their inner world—it can feel incredibly discordant when you no longer feel you can trust what you find there. This is the time to figure out where the problem lies, then listen to yourself when it comes to finding the solution.


Your card: The Empress

Today is vibrant with opportunities and abundance, Leo. You’re ruled by the Sun, so it’s no surprise that your natural light can lead to a hearty bounty that will leave you feeling fulfilled and leave others wondering how you always get so lucky. This card is full of nurturing and creative expression, both of which you’ll likely indulge in today, so enjoy the positive energy—you’ve earned it.


Your card: Temperance

It’s time to take a step back, Virgo. Something in your life is out of balance, and this is your sign that it’s up to you to find the harmony in the situation again. This often means you need to adjust your expectations or remind yourself of the importance of moderation—it’s entirely possible you’re putting too much stake in a situation or giving too much of yourself away.


Your card: Six of Swords, reversed

It’s time to move on, Libra—but for some reason, you’re struggling to take those steps. Things are changing, but you aren’t ready for it; instead of looking toward the silver linings that lay ahead of you, you can’t stop looking back. While this may be ultimately rooted in your emotions, it’s possible that you also feel there’s unfinished business that you can’t move forward without resolving. Ask yourself what’s holding you back and remind yourself that this change is in your best interest—it won’t always be easy, but it’ll be worth it.


Your card: Four of Pentacles

Today is about conservation for you, Scorpio. Security is on your mind, and because of that, you may find yourself hoarding your time and your money, afraid to give too much of it away when you might need it later. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—in fact, it’s wonderful if you’re working on a budget or figuring out your finances—it’s certainly a slippery slope. Are you refusing to pay your share of something? Are you withholding from others because of a scarcity mindset? Teally think about what you place value on, because if money outweighs all the rest, it’s possible it’s time to rethink your priorities.


Your card: Strength, reversed

You’re great at putting your best foot forward, Sagittarius, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t without your own inner doubts. You may be lacking your usual self-confidence today, worrying you aren’t good enough to overcome whatever problems you encounter or feeling particularly hard on yourself. It’s possible your usual reserves of strength feel depleted, leaving you exhausted. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to rest up and indulge in some much-needed self-care. It’s okay if today isn’t your day—just remember tomorrow is a new start.


Your card: The Empress, reversed

For some reason or another, you aren’t in your power today, Capricorn. You’re used to feeling self-sufficient, competent, and confident in your abilities, but something is blocking you from attaining this right now. If you’re working on a project, it’s possible you’ve hit a creative block. Self-love and self-care are particularly important today—it’s time to turn your focus inward and give yourself the nurturing you need.


Your card: Ten of Wands, reversed

You’re taking too much on by yourself, Aquarius. It’s possible that you need to learn to say “no” or to ask for help, because for some reason or another, you’ve decided it’s your personal mission to do everything for everyone, but you’re keeping the burden of it all to yourself. This is your sign that it’s okay to release all of that. This isn’t good for you or for anyone else around you, so allow yourself to let go.


Your card: King of Wands

It’s your time to take the lead, Pisces. You have a vision, and you’re ready to execute it with all of your creative glory. Your determination and passion attracts people to your cause, and while power might not have been your goal, you’ve certainly got people ready to follow you in your pursuit of success. Step into your power and keep your eyes open for the opportunities all around you—this is a good place to be.