Jose Ismael Espinola

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed

Try to set your preconceived notions aside today, Aries. Something is going to come up that’s going to require you to be open to new insights and perspectives. Your existing (and possibly outdated) beliefs are going to be challenged. Don’t resist different ideas, even if they don’t come from you. True wisdom comes from opening your mind and allowing for flexibility—for yourself and others. Remember this today when you might be tempted to act as if you have all the answers. 


Your Card: Two of Wands

Today you may find yourself contemplating your future, and in turn looking back to your past to see how far you’ve come. You’re dreaming big, Taurus. These dreams require not only strategy, but stepping outside your comfort zone. The Two of Wands is telling you that if you want to create the life you desire, you’re going to have to take big, calculated risks. Take some time today to be intentional and come up with an effective plan. Trust in your abilities and your inner power. 


Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed

The Six of Wands is beckoning you to recognize your achievements and celebrate yourself today. There might be an accomplishment you’ve made, or are close to making, that calls for some self-recognition. If the faith you have in yourself has been wavering or if you’ve been lacking confidence lately, then it’s important for you to stop and take a look at all the ways in which you’re truly doing just fine. You work hard, Gemini. You’re endlessly talented. You’ve overcome many obstacles. Be proud of yourself. Do something to pat yourself on the back. 


Your Card: Page of Wands

Today is bringing you limitless inspiration and enthusiasm. You’re feeling extremely curious about all the possibilities. It feels as though you could obtain anything you set out for. You’re not wrong, Cancer. Your plans may not be delineated quite yet, but today is an excellent day to think about your options and the steps you should take to embark on that journey you can’t get out of your head. Make a move and start taking action on those ideas of yours.


Your Card: King of Swords

You’re overthinking and analyzing today, making up stories in your head and connecting dots that may or may not be there. Instead of torturing yourself like that, then just be direct and ask for transparency. Stop making assumptions and get to the bottom of it, Leo. You deserve clarity. Don’t ignore your intuition if after having the necessary conversations, you still feel like there’s a truth being omitted from you. Use reason. If someone’s words aren’t matching the facts, then that’s all the answer you need. This situation requires you to move forward rationally using your logic. Let go of any emotional assumptions and preconceived notions. Don’t think with your heart today, and instead stick to the facts. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

Today is a good day to start moving away from the past. Nostalgia is sweet and everything, but it’s also addictive as hell. You can’t spend the rest of your life walking down memory and yearning for the way things used to be. At some point, you’re going to have to move forward with your life. You’re denying yourself beautiful, wonderful things that are meant for you by dwelling on what used to be or what could be. The Eight of Cups can also signify that there’s something in your life that’s no longer right for you and that you need to leave behind. Be extremely honest with yourself about what and who in your life is keeping you from evolving or from getting what you truly desire. If it no longer feels meaningful or fulfilling, then you need to say goodbye. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

Let your heart lead the way today, Libra. You don’t need a pros and cons list, you just have to be true to yourself. Let go of your fears. Stop thinking about possible pain and rejection, or failure. Don’t you dare question what’s the worst that could happen. The worst thing that could possibly happen is you living with regret and not going after what you want. Express yourself with sincerity. Take action towards the things that are meaningful to you, emotionally and creatively. Confess your feelings to that person you can’t quit thinking about. If a situation presents itself to you today where you have to make a choice, remember to follow your gut instinct. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed

You’re feeling restless and impatient with your progress today. The disappointment is getting too much to bear, and it’s making you lose sight of what’s important. It may seem like your hard work is yielding very little results right now, but this doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily doing anything wrong, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you should give up. You could get out of this stagnant state you’re in possibly by just changing your approach. So, take a break today to clear your head and reassess your method. Readjust your expectations, or reach out for guidance if you need to. You’ll get there, Scorpio. 


Your Card: Four of Swords, reversed

You need to prioritize yourself today, Sag. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard for quite a while now and neglecting your need for rest and self-care. A breakdown or burnout is imminent if you keep going the way you are. It’s okay to take a step back from the responsibilities and demands in our lives in order to take care of our well-being. You can’t do your best, when you’re not feeling your best. Take some time to recharge today, and while you’re at it, brainstorm on things you can do to better take care of yourself and avoid burning out in the future. 


Your Card: The Chariot

Something epic awaits you, Capricorn, you just have to stay focused. Renew your commitment today. You can start off by thinking of ways to keep yourself in check and stay disciplined. Remember that your desires aren’t just going to be handed to you. Define them today, recalibrate if you need to. What do you need to sacrifice to create the life you want? What changes do you need to make to make your dreams a reality? What steps should you be taking to get closer to your goal?


Your Card: Death, reversed

The reversal of Death is a sign that you need to stop resisting change. You can’t change the inevitable, and you can’t forcefully fit something into your life that just isn’t working out for you anymore. You’re not going to evolve as a person if you keep wasting your time and efforts on situations and people that no longer serve you, make you happy, or make you grow. What in your life is no longer in alignment with your desires and values? What habits or relationships make you feel like you’re betraying yourself? Where do you feel stagnant? Reflect on these things today. In order to step into an improved, empowered version of yourself, you’re going to have to leave some things behind. 


Your Card: King of Cups, reversed

Stop bottling up your emotions, Pisces. Today is a good day to confront those feelings you’ve been trying so hard to suppress. If you’ve been questioning a certain person in your life, particularly because of inconsistencies between their words and actions, then the reversal of the King of Cups is urging you to rethink your relationship or set boundaries. Pulling this card is also a warning not to partake in selfish and manipulative behaviors yourself. So, if there’s something you need today, just be transparent and ask for it.