Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 7, 2024
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Your card: Page of Wands
Today, an idea strikes. You’re feeling full of inspiration and boundless—and there is almost nothing that can hold you back, Aries. There’s a new journey waiting for you up ahead, and while you may not have it all mapped out yet, you’re excited to take those first few steps out into the unknown. Give in to your curiosity and explore the opportunities that may come.
Your card: Ace of Wands
You’re full of inspiration today, Taurus. There is a lot of potential for growth here, and you have the energy to take your ideas to new heights. This is an incredibly positive card, full of creativity and passion, so you can expect great vibes to be infused with anything you take on today. While it may not guarantee success, it’s a good indication that there’s promise in almost everything you do.
Your card: Seven of Pentacles
Today is all about putting in the work, Gemini. You’re smack dab in the middle of your journey, which, in some ways, is the most difficult place to be—the excitement from the beginning may have faded, and you’re not yet close enough to the end to get excited about the prospect of imminent success. That being said, it’s important to keep going—wherever this energy is showing up in your life, this is a sign that this isn’t the time to give up. You’ll reach the finish line eventually, but for now, just keep moving forward.
Your card: Ten of Wands, reversed
You’re putting too much on yourself today, Cancer. For some reason, you’re determined to take on all the burden alone, even if it doesn’t belong to you, even if there are people who are willing to help you out. Ask yourself: Why is it so difficult for you to let others help shoulder the weight? It’s okay—even necessary sometimes—to ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak, and it doesn’t make you incompetent. If things become too much today, start thinking about who might be there to offer up a helping hand.
Your card: Nine of Swords
Anxiety might be getting the best of you today, Leo. When this card appears, it comes with a clear message: You are not doing particularly well—but most of the problem is in your head. You’re caught up in your fears and anxieties and you’re letting it affect your reality. Of course, this knowledge doesn’t necessarily make going through this moment in time any easier, but it’s important to remember that how we perceive something isn’t necessarily the truth. Be kind to yourself and be careful about acting on your fears without sitting on them first.
Your card: The Star
You’ll find a moment of healing today, Virgo. You’re feeling peaceful, even hopeful, even if the near past was shaky and uncertain. Today is the perfect time to honor the old version of yourself before choosing to let that person go and move toward who you’re meant to be. Connect with your higher consciousness and keep your mind open to the opportunities that present themselves to you.
Your card: Four of Cups, reversed
You’re a naturally social creature, but you might find yourself withdrawing from the world today, Libra. You may have been feeling drained energetically lately, and this is the perfect time to take a step back and check in with yourself—what do you need? What will bring you back to yourself? If you’ve been feeling uninspired and disillusioned, this also may be a sign that it’s important for you to use today to look inward instead of searching for outside validation.
Your card: The Empress
Today is full of abundance for you, Scorpio. You’re in a period of growth, and you’re finally starting to see the fruits of your labor. This energy may make you feel more creative, more in touch with nature, or even just more in touch with yourself—you’re feeling good, overflowing with compassion and inspiration and self-love. Make the most of this positive energy while you have it.
Your card: Death, reversed
You’re going through a change in your life right now, Sagittarius, whether you’re willing to embrace it or not. It’s possible you’ve been in denial or resisting the inevitable, determined to hold on to something that’s no longer right for you. This may not even be something big or in the physical world—this could be about an inner transformation you don’t quite feel ready for, even though it’s ready for you. You thrive in an ever-shifting world, Sagittarius—remember that this, too, is just the beginning of something better.
Your card: Eight of Wands
Today is full of forward movement for you, Capricorn. It might mean literal movement—like travel—but it also can mean the progression of an idea, fast-paced change, or a general energy of action. A lot is going on, but the good news is that this is generally a positive thing, so long as you don’t resist it and instead give in to the flow. This will likely be quite a productive time for you—just be careful not to get so caught up in the chaotic energy that you leave things unfinished before moving on to the next task.
Your card: Three of Swords
Today, you’re met with disappointment, Aquarius—or, at its worst, heartbreak. Something has left you feeling disheartened and upset, and any hopes you may have had have been crushed along with it. It’s a difficult energy to go through, but just remember that it gets better—just make sure to take care of yourself today.
Your card: Ten of Cups
Today is all about the ultimate emotional fulfillment, Pisces. This might mean it’s a good time for romance—love is truly in the air!—but on a deeper level, it also points to overall contentment. You feel like you’re in a good place today, and you’re ready to share that positive emotion with those you care about most. Spend time with your loved ones today and appreciate how far you’ve come—when an energy is this good, it’s silly to waste it.