Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, October 3, 2024
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King of Pentacles
This is a card that indicates abundance and ambition, and it signals that there’s prosperity and generosity around you today. It also means that you have the patience, determination, and skill to shape your world – and as an Aries, you certainly have the creative fire to do so. You have a vision that includes grounded, practical solutions on how to get things done, and all of the resources and skills to make amazing things happen. If you aren’t feeling this way about yourself, it might be time to seek out a mentor, especially one skilled at business, for their counsel.
10 of Wands
You’ve taken on a lot recently, Taurus. Maybe even too much. But you’ve managed it so far, and you’ve made it to the last leg of a long journey carrying the oppressive weight and burden. You’re so close to the end you can see it. The challenge is finding the last remaining energy you have to will yourself over the finish line. Take a quick assessment and see if there is anything unnecessary that you’re carrying. It’s time to focus only on the task at hand and see it to fruition, there’s no need to carry an extra burden.
Ace of Pentacles
Today is a day full of not just potential but material gain for you, Gemini! You are surrounded by opportunities, and have many resources at your disposal to make big moves towards stability and security. There’s definitely a new opportunity that is coming into view, and walking that new path will yield some big, positive changes in the days to come. You’ll be able to plant some seeds for the future that can help align your material and spiritual desires. Everything feels new, exciting, and full of potential – hold on to that passion and excitement!
Knight of Wands
There’s a lot of energy around you, and you’re in the mood to pursue inspiration and creativity, Cancer, which suits your active imagination quite nicely! You feel like nothing can get in your way as you chase down your ideas – and nothing will! It’s a great time to take swift and definitive action towards your creative goals, and you will be effective in channeling your passion towards your dreams. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What ideas excite you the most? Take advantage of your spirited enthusiasm, and tap into your infectious optimism.
3 of Wands, Reversed
The reversed Three of Wands indicates that you are blocking yourself from moving forward, Leo. You might be waiting on a key piece of feedback from others, or it could be due to something triggering bad memories within. The delay that this is creating is getting to the point of being unnavigable, because you’re feeling frustrated with your lack of progress. Evaluate the situation and see if you are getting in your own way, or stopping yourself – and make sure that the reason for delay is necessary, and not just due to your inner critic’s doubts.
8 of Wands
Things are moving so quickly now! It could be that good news has cleared away a bunch of barriers, or that a bunch of things become unstuck, but everything is moving faster than it had been. This fiery, positive energy in your corner is exactly what you had been hoping for, Virgo, and I know that you’ll be able to take full advantage of it. You’re the sort that has a plan for how to capitalize on when things are going this well. Now is also a great time to double check your short and long term goals, because you’re about to get a big boost!
The Devil
Things feel stuck and you feel limited, Libra. What started as an interest might be going through some stages, moving through obsession into full-blown addiction. One of the most fascinating elements of The Devil card is the fact that the chains are loose – meaning the figures in it are capable of changing the situation should they want to, because this card isn’t just about addiction it’s also about liberation. You’re going through something that is as spiritually intense as it is physical. What is holding so much of your attention and energy now?
Queen of Pentacles, Reversed
Good news, Scorpio! The Queen of Pentacles heralds that you are in a time where you’re extremely productive, but the bad news is that it’s reversed. That indicates that you’re experiencing a disparity in your work-life balance. It’s not a ‘productivity hack’ to overextend yourself. All you’re really doing is disconnecting yourself from your nurturing nature. You’re not giving yourself time to recover, rest, or ground yourself. If you don’t take time to recharge and prioritize your own well-being you’ll burn yourself out, and then nothing will get done! You’re doing great at showing up for everyone who needs you – make sure that you show up for yourself, too!
The Tower
It’s hard to build something that you felt had stability, and to believe in it with your whole self – only to have it crumble down due to chaos and change. Luckily, Sagittarius, your adaptability makes you suited to weathering just such a storm. The universe sometimes sends such drastic changes when we are becoming too comfortable to see the big steps we need to take towards our better selves. It can be hard to embrace the world when it feels like our reality has been shaken to the core, but if there’s a zodiac sign that can adapt to such a big shift and make something beautiful and meaningful out of it, it’s you.
The World
You’ve been working at it consistently and a big cycle is about to complete, Capricorn. It feels like the work and your struggle have taken forever but you’ve done it! You’ll also be getting external validation of your success, and that’s going to really help you acknowledge your hard work. If you’ve felt like you’ve been working in a vacuum, you won’t feel that way anymore! You will see tangible signs of the completion of this enormous milestone. Now is a good time to contemplate the lessons you’ve learned in this process. The World is waiting for what you do next.
The Magician
The Magician in tarot is a powerful being who has the tools, resources, and skills to manifest his will into being, and the appearance of the card indicates you have this same power right now, Aquarius. Where before you might have felt like you are lacking something key to moving forward, you can be assured that everything is in place for you to create what you want to see. It’s easy to forget that destiny is ours to write, and it’s important that you remember that fact today. If you can keep yourself focused on a singular goal, you’ll be able to make some true magic today!
The Hanged ManSometimes the right thing isn’t about where you are going to or what you are doing, but how you are seeing things. This is something you know well because of your deep empathetic streak, Pisces. The Hanged Man is a sign that a change in perspective is necessary to achieve the growth that you need and want. This is a moment where you should hit ‘pause’ and spend a bit of time turning the situation over in your head. Set your intention to ‘understand’ instead of ‘create’ and you’ll see something key to your next steps.