Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, October 31, 2024
Your Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
The reversal of the Ten of Wands calls on you to take a step back and regain your balance. This card shows up when you’re burdened. You’ve either been spreading yourself too thin, or there’s something weighing you down, perhaps both. Are there situations that don’t add worth to your life? Could you be asking for help in any area? Could you be delegating? Do you need to reassess your priorities? Are there tasks you could be saying no to? Spend time today identifying how you could restore equilibrium in your life. And don’t forget to make time to unwind. Breaks are productive too, Aries. Go to a Halloween party, or lounge on your couch and watch some scary movies tonight.
Your Card: Knight of Cups
If there’s a choice you’re currently facing, the Knight of Cups advises you to let your heart lead the way. Don’t get caught up in reason or logistics, and just do what feels authentic to you. This means embracing your desires, even when they terrify you. It means expressing your emotions with sincerity. Be vulnerable and confess your feelings, if you like someone, or if someone hurt you. Apply for the role. Make that move you want for yourself. Don’t be afraid of failure or rejection. Let go of your fears and think about the best possible thing that could happen.
Your Card: Eight of Wands
Don’t give up now, Gemini. The Universe is conspiring in your favor, so whatever you’ve been working towards, make sure to keep up the momentum. If you’ve been thinking about taking a bolder approach or taking more risks, this is your sign to go for it. If you’ve been stuck or lost, just know that the answers are coming soon. Everything is going to click into place the way you’ve hoped, you just have to keep at it. Continue moving forward with self-assuredness.
Your Card: The Lovers, reversed
The Lovers show up in reverse to shake you into restoring balance. Something has you feeling out of alignment, and perhaps, even disconnected from yourself. Are you paying too much attention to your work life and neglecting your personal life? Have you been partying too hard? Is there a relationship in your life that forces you to neglect your own wants and needs? Does a certain situation drain your energy more than it brings you value? Does someone make you feel neglected? Identify what’s robbing you of harmony, and fix it. Sometimes that takes breaking old habits or walking away from what we thought we wanted.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed
Okay, so, you didn’t wake up feeling exactly positive today, Leo. There’s something that has you feeling restless, perhaps even pessimistic. You haven’t been making the progress you would have hoped. These stagnant or slow results have you feeling impatient and are making you question whether you should throw in the towel. Instead of letting yourself accept defeat or become discouraged by the setbacks, take some today to reassess your approach.
Your Card: Two of Wands
Stop being so afraid, Virgo. Right now is not the time to play it safe. The Two of Wands encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and start making bolder moves. Taking a risk is terrifying, but it’s only then that you’ll allow yourself to reach your fullest potential. Take a different approach when it comes to your goals. In your personal life, embrace new experiences and new connections. Let yourself live a little more. Broadening your worldview or adopting an entirely different perspective may just be what you need to make more progress in achieving your dreams.
Your Card: Four of Wands
The Four of Wands invites you to have some fun this Halloween. This is a card of joy, celebration, excitement, and community. Use this holiday as an opportunity to reward yourself for all your hard work recently, and let your hair down. Host an impromptu gathering with your favorites to hand out candy to trick or treaters, eat, drink, and play games. Go to a Halloween party. Call your best friends over, or have a horror movie marathon with your significant other. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself.
Your Card: Five of Swords, reversed
You need to take a step back from the situation, and breathe. Whatever conflict, disappointment, or challenge you’re facing, take a beat. It’s important that you rein your anger in, Scorpio. Getting payback or exploding on whoever wronged you may be tempting, but you need to remain mindful in your approach. Is this something forgivable? Will you regret your words later? Is this person even worth the energy you’d place into getting even? How would revenge benefit you? Do you need to have a calm, honest conversation in which you express your feelings? Sit on it for a little while.
Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed
You might find yourself struggling with self-doubt today, Sag. Instead of beating yourself down with negative self-talk, you need to try to regain your confidence. This means reminding yourself of all your talents and capabilities. Take a look at how far you’ve come. It doesn’t matter that you tried and failed. It doesn’t matter if you made an epic mistake. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you. All that matters is how you feel about yourself and that you don’t become discouraged by the challenges along the way.
Your Card: Strength
You’re going to encounter a situation today that’s going to require you to remain as calm as you possibly can. Channel your inner strength, Capricorn. It’s important that you don’t have a reaction. Instead, step away and come up with a strategic response. Whether it’s a challenge at work, conflict with someone in your life, or disappointment, don’t let it get the best of you. Don’t let them see you break down or lose your cool. Stay focused. Remember there’s a solution to every problem. Remind yourself that you’ve overcome worse. Remain unwavering in the faith you have in yourself.
Your Card: Queen of Wands, reversed
When the Queen of Wands shows up in reverse, it’s a sign from the Universe to snap yourself out of your shame spiral. Whatever has you feeling so insecure, it’s time you put it behind you. Are you really going to dwell on it forever? Are you going to keep letting it dictate your self-perception? Are you truly going to let it have this much control over you? You need to recognize your potential. Reclaim your power, Aquarius. Learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing forward. It really is that simple.
Your Card: Four of Cups
The Four of Cups indicates stagnation and blockage. You’re feeling uninspired and unmotivated lately, Pisces. This card wants to remind you that there is a way out, you just have to be willing to find it. Maybe all you need is some self-reflection. Perhaps it’s the complete opposite, and you need to immerse yourself into the world to find your inspiration again. Have you tried watching a great film, visiting an art museum, reading a book that will bring you to tears, or listening to a song that moves you? Do whatever you have to do to feel like yourself again, just don’t let yourself wallow. You’re going to get it back.