Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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Your Card: The Hierophant
Today is about learning from the best, Aries. While you possess a great go-getter attitude and are persistent with your goals, you might be overestimating your abilities and without the technical skills, your assertiveness will only get you so far. So with that said, learn from those that you admire and strive to be like today. Mastery is key right now. Remind yourself that you don’t know what you don’t know so learn from those who do know.
Your Card: Five of Swords
Today you might be experiencing a lack of direction, Taurus. You’re to-do list is overwhelming and your inability to get it all done might be causing you to put yourself and your abilities done. But the thing is, what expect from yourself isn’t even what others expect from you. Why do you think you have to push yourself so hard to the point of collapse?
Your Card: Eight of Swords
It’s not that this problem you’re facing is too big to solve, it’s that you hold this false belief it’s impossible for you to overcome. If you convince yourself there’s nothing you can do, then there’s nothing you can do. But instead, remind yourself that no matter what, there is a way for you to overcome this, then you will overcome it. It’s as simple as adjusting your mindset.
Your Card: Judgment
Today you may be getting a glimpse into how far you’ve come along in your personal journey, Cancer. The Judgement card indicates you may be facing some sort of test today. But regardless if you can “pass” this test or not shouldn’t dissuade you at all. If anything, it’s going to teach you something you didn’t otherwise know before. There is always something to gain from every experience whether it pans out the way you hope or not. There are infinite ways to achieve the same goal.
Your Card: King of Swords
The less you know the better. That is the message of the day for you, Leo. Don’t let your morbid curiosity get the better of you because at this point, knowing the answer to your question will honestly cause more harm than do you good. This might be in regard to an issue from the past. Perhaps something with an ex or a lost connection or any sort of situation where things didn’t pan out the way that you wanted it to. So, stay in your lane, and focus on just you and your life. Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to. While at times, the truth can set you free, this is not one of those instances. If anything, knowing the answer to your question may lead to even more questions. All of which will cause more internal chaos.
Your Card: Five of Wands
Whatever drama or conflict you feel caught up in, it’s not your problem yet you’re unknowingly making it your problem. This could be about some petty workplace drama that you have somehow found yourself in the middle of. Virgo, if you think there’s a problem, then there’s a problem. But if you remind yourself not to take things so seriously then you’ll find yourself free of whatever stress this issue is causing. This issue only exists because you are nurturing the problem by giving it your time and energy and allowing it to take up mental space. You can’t control what others are going to do or say about you, but you have a choice in how you react. And the best reaction is none at all. Don’t give it power over you.
Your Card: The Empress
Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others, Libra. In any regard. This only breeds insecurity and although you may be trying to mask your insecurities, no matter what, energy doesn’t lie and people can pick up on that. And if the wrong people pick up on this energy, then they will use it against you. Steer clear of things that breed insecurities within you. This might mean taking a break from social media and spending your time doing things that make you feel your most powerful and comfortable in your own skin.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
You might be putting up walls without realizing it today, Scorpio. Perhaps you’ve been hurt emotionally recently by someone you trusted and are having a hard time letting others in as a result. While it’s okay to pull back and nurse your emotional wounds, be careful not to completely shut everyone else out who cares.
Your Card: Knight of Wands
There’s the saying “Fake it til you make it”. And while I typically am a huge proponent of this saying, I also think that it can be taken too far sometimes. If you’re faking it to the point where you don’t even know who you are anymore, then that’s not a good thing, Sagittarius. You seem to be hyper-focused on becoming a better version of yourself but trying to achieve this in a way that is not true to who you are. Being a better version of yourself doesn’t mean changing everything, it just means improving upon what you have and refining your current self. Don’t become someone you can’t even recognize.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles
The future might be feeling a bit unclear right now, Capricorn. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You’re currently in a place where things can go in several different directions yet will still lead you back to where you are trying to go. So if things aren’t going according to plan, trust that these deviations are leading you in the right direction. This path will start to make more sense as you press on. You might find that you’re happy with where life is taking you because it will be filled with many unpredictable encounters and exciting experiences that you never saw coming for you.
Your Card: Temperance
Today is about the calm that comes after the storm. In the major arcana, the Temperance card comes right after the Death card. In terms of the Fool’s Journey, the Death card symbolizes an ego death or transformation that is painful yet necessary. It is a time when one must let go of aspects of their ego that are no longer serving them so that the individual can become a better version of themselves. They say that your new life is going to cost you you’re old one and though it is painful, you’ll be grateful it happened. The Temperance card symbolizes the peace you feel following this rebirth. It is a moment of great euphoria because you are finally free from whatever was holding you back in the past. That is where you may find yourself right now, Aquarius. And if not now, then take this card’s presence as a sign that you’ll be grateful for the death of your old way of being.
Your Card: The Emperor
Today you might be called to stand up for what is right in the face of some sort of opposition. If there is someone who is being accused of something that they didn’t do or if there is some sort of injustice happening in your external world, say something. Speak up and don’t let the wrong people get their way. Enabling bullies only makes them stronger.