Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
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Your Card: Judgment, reversed
The reversal of Judgment shows up when you need to do two things: step up to your challenges and take accountability for your actions. You’re in the place you’re in right now because of your own choices. Instead of lamenting what could have been or blaming others, learn from your mistakes and do better. Start taking a more proactive role in your own life and change what you want to change. Move forward in a way that aligns with your desires and values. You’re in control.
Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed
It’s impossible to make everyone happy, so instead of trying to please others, satisfy your own desires. The Queen of Swords shows up in reverse to nudge you into being more assertive. It’s okay to say no to people, Taurus, even those you care about the most. Prioritize your own wants and needs. Moving in a way that benefits you or brings you happiness isn’t selfish. Don’t let others influence your decisions and actions. It’s important to keep this in mind beyond today. Remember to center yourself as you work towards building something great.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles appears when you’re in deep need of release. Examine what (or who) in your life you’re clinging to so tightly. Is there something you have to work hard to preserve? What or who are you afraid you’ll lose if you loosen your grip? Are you still holding on to something in your past? Are there old wounds you have yet to heal? Are there any outdated beliefs or behavioral patterns that confine you? This card urges you to let go.
Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed
This week, focus on yourself and on your own well-being. When the Ace of Cups appears in reverse, it’s a sign of some sort of emotional or creative block. Your water has run dry, Cancer. Whether it’s a lack of inspiration or a wound that has left behind a vacantness, you’re carrying a loss that’s preventing you from experiencing true fulfillment. You need to pinpoint what has you feeling so hollowed out and empty. Process any emotions you’ve been trying to suppress. Heal what you need to heal.
Your Card: Queen of Cups
Pay attention to your inner world today, Leo. Your emotions and intuition are giving you an important message. Whatever insights, gut feelings, and hunches you experience today, know that you can trust them. Listen to what they’re encouraging you to do and not do. Don’t be afraid to lean into your feelings, either. Not every situation can be rationalized away or figured out through logic. Contrary to popular belief, your heart doesn’t always cloud your judgment—sometimes it gives you the clarity you need. What’s yours saying?
Your Card: Temperance
Less is more today, Virgo. The quiet but powerful Temperance reminds you about the importance of balance, moderation, and patience. As you slow down today, reflect on how you can restore equilibrium in your life. You’re extremely ambitious and work so hard to achieve those lofty goals of yours, but this extreme dedication does make you susceptible to burnouts. Do it a little differently this year. Brainstorm ways you can better manage the stress that awaits you in 2025. What practices can you implement for a better work and rest balance? How can you stay grounded during busy periods?
Your Card: King of Pentacles, reversed
It might be hard to hear this, but you’ve lost sight of what’s really important. The King of Pentacles shows up in reverse to remind you of your true priorities. Use today to go inward and reflect on what brings you an authentic sense of fulfillment. You’ve been neglecting those things. On the outside, your life may look picture perfect, but can you say that you’re truly emotionally fulfilled? Where along the way did your definition of success get warped into what it is now? Stability is more than meets the eye, Libra.
Your Card: King of Swords
Scorpio, stop overthinking it. If you want the truth you seek, then be direct and ask for it. You might feel tempted to do some investigating behind the scenes and find out through your infamous covert methods, but the King of Swords denotes the importance of open communication in this situation. Face the person you need clarity from and be honest about your concerns. Look them in the eye and ask that question you can no longer avoid. Listen to what your intuition is saying about their honesty.
Your Card: The Empress
The Empress is a card of love, family, intimacy, abundance, and beauty. She asks two things of you today: reach out to the people who matter the most to you and romanticize your life. Spend time with loved ones tonight. If you can’t, then shoot them a sweet text or send them something thoughtful to remind them how much they mean to you. Let them know you don’t take their presence in your life for granted. As for the second thing, connect with the world around you. Gravitate towards what brings you joy. Create beauty in your life with something even as simple as setting out a bouquet of flowers.
Your Card: Ten of Wands
You’ve barely dived into the new year and already you’re feeling overwhelmed. There is no bigger pressure than the one you put on yourself, Capricorn. The Ten of Wands is a reminder of what can happen if you take on too much or place unrealistic expectations on yourself. It also urges you to carve out time for rest in your busy schedule. Do things differently this year. Try to strike a better balance. Don’t risk a burnout so early on in 2025.
Your Card: Two of Cups
The Two of Cups represents harmonious relationships and deep connections. This card is all about love, mutual trust and respect, and unity. When it shows up in a reading, it’s a sign to place your focus on your one-on-one relationships—a friend, your lover, a parent, a sibling, a relative, or a colleague. What bond in your life have you been neglecting as of late? Reach out to that person today. Make plans to get together soon. Place energy into strengthening your relationship.
Your Card: Ten of Cups, reversed
It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses and confront reality, Pisces. Pretending everything is fine and ignoring any problems in your relationships aren’t going to make them disappear. If you’re feeling disconnected from somebody close to you, then it needs to be addressed. Pull that person aside for an open and honest conversation about the issues between you. Make yourself heard and be willing to hear them out, too. Hold space for them while honoring your needs. If you feel like they’re incapable of giving you the reciprocity you deserve, maybe there’s nothing left to work through.