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Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Your Card: Justice

Keep your success to yourself, not everyone needs to know exactly what you’re doing every single day. Are you sharing the good things happening in your life because you’re actually excited or because you’re trying to prove to others that you’re somehow better than them? Make sure your motivations to do things are in the right place otherwise certain actions may come back to haunt you. It’s okay to be excited about what’s going on in your life, but make sure you are doing what you’re doing for yourself and not because you feel like you have something to prove to everyone else. 


Your Card: Knight of Swords

Today might honestly just be absolute chaos, Taurus. And there isn’t much you can do to slow down the shit show. All you can really do today is find a reason to laugh at the chaos and accept it for what it is. It will soon pass, just as other phases of your life have. For now, embrace the craziness and ride it out. 


Your Card: Three of Cups

Be wary of fake friends who may not have your best interest in mind, Gemini. I feel like you know who I’m talking about or that someone in particular randomly came into mind as you read that. That initial flash of a person’s name or face might be your intuition’s way of warning you. So trust it. It may not make logical sense right now, but for whatever reason, you are being cautioned. You don’t have to cut anyone out for good but just keep certain people at arm’s length. Better to be safe than sorry. 


Your Card: King of Cups

Try to remain self-aware of any emotional triggers today, Cancer, and where they may be coming from. If there is a wound within you that may need more attention, gently nurse it. You may find yourself acting somewhat passive-aggressive towards others as a result of trying to remedy this trigger. Just be careful not to take things out on the wrong people. 


Your Card: Queen of Swords

Why do you care so much about what others are saying about you? Do you fear that there is some truth to their statements? Or is it that gossiping and rumors have gotten so out of hand that others have painted a picture of you that isn’t even close to the reality of you? Whatever it may be, “getting even” is only going to make things worse and further feed into the negative idea that they have of you. Don’t act vindictively, don’t become spiteful, and don’t feel like you need to approach anyone. Just maintain your cool and turn your cheek. It’s not worth your time. It’ll go much better for you if you simply let the trash take itself out. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

Get off your ass, Virgo. Stop being lazy and get your shit done. Sorry, but someone had to say it and sometimes all we really need is that kick in the ass to get us going. If you want your life to change, then go ahead and change your life. 


Your Card: Three of Swords

Right now it may be best to step away from the problem at hand, Libra. Trying to fix things right now and make everything better will only lead to more heartbreak and emotional anguish. Many of us don’t realize when our emotions have taken over our rational mind and so even though we think we’re doing the right thing in those moments, really we’re just acting impulsively and allowing our emotions to get the better of us. Take a breather. Get away from the problem. Allow yourself to feel through this pain until it has passed enough for you to regain control and view things from a better state of mind. 


Your Card: Nine of Cups

Treat yourself a little bit, Scorpio. Indulge in something that fills your heart. Take yourself out on a dinner date. Go for a walk and enjoy your own company. You are being encouraged to embrace a bit of independence and find your means of happiness without needing others to do that for you. 


Your Card: Four of Cups

Be wary of any fake apologies, Sagittarius. Someone might be telling you what they think you want to hear. And though it sounds nice, it isn’t coming from the best place. Just something to keep in mind. You don’t have to call anyone out, but you also don’t have to accept their apology right off the bat either. 


Your Card: The Moon

Listen closely to what your intuition is trying to tell you. You might be experiencing certain anxieties over a situation you have little control over. Perhaps secrets revealed that you would have rather not heard. Or hints dropped by fake friends that make you second guess what you thought you knew. The only way to find the truth in the matter is by listening to what your intuition is trying to tell you. Your intuition knows the truth so find a way to clear out the noise so that you can hear clearly what it is trying to tell you. It doesn’t matter what others have to say, the answer is in you already. 


Your Card: Two of Swords

Mind your own business today, Aquarius. It would be best if you didn’t get involved in anyone else’s drama or conflict. Keep to yourself and dodge the bullshit before you get unnecessarily dragged into it all. Sometimes it takes a concerted effort to protect our peace. 


Your Card: The Hanged Man

Are you listening to what you truly want, or are you listening to what others want, Pisces? Though it’s alright to consider people’s advice to you or hopes for you, it’s your life at the end of the day. Don’t feel like you need to please everybody else with your decisions. Do what is right for you and do what makes you happy. The Hanged Man is asking you why it matters so much what others think. Why aren’t you living for yourself?