Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
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Your Card: Two of Pentacles
Today is centered around the importance of reaffirming those boundaries that you have previously set for certain people. Though you may not realize it, the Two of Pentacles suggests that there are people around you who are slowly chipping away at restrictions you’ve set into place. They may be testing your limits to see how much you’ll budge. Therefore it is up to you to make sure you remain firm in your boundaries. Others will only respect you as much as you respect yourself, Aries.
Your Card: Six of Swords
The Six of Swords indicates that you may be resisting an inevitable change occurring in your life presently. Though it may feel as if this trouble or pain that you are trying to leave behind is impossible, the truth is that you are choosing to remain stuck. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, Taurus but you will never reach this light if you are letting the wrong things matter too much.
Your Card: Three of Wands
Today will be a preview into your future, Gemini. You are experimenting with change today, trying new things, and implementing new strategies. This is a good time fuck around and find out, for a lack of better words because as of right now, the stakes are incredibly low. This experimentation with change is setting you up for what is coming next for you and your journey ahead. Don’t be afraid to fail right now because, through failure, you are discovering ways to get it right the next time around.
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles is showing up to represent a nurturing presence that is guiding and protecting you today, Cancer. Though there will be moments when we feel alone or as if we have no one there for us, the divine presence of The Queen of Pentacles is a reminder that you are never truly alone, there is always something greater than ourselves that will guide us through dark times. It is important to believe in a higher power, to surrender our control to that entity regardless of what your religious or spiritual beliefs may be because that higher power may look different to different people. But this surrendering of control is what helps one to accept the situation for what it is and it gives us the hope necessary to keep fighting for ourselves.
Your Card: Page of Wands
Be open to a sudden change of plans, Leo. It seems that right now you have your eyes set on a specific goal or a prize, however, remain flexible. The presence of the Page of Wands could indicate some unexpected realizations or plot twists that might force you to rethink certain things. That is not to say that your goals are unachievable or that the things you want are unrealistic, it just means that you may need to pivot or readjust how you go about things moving forward. Don’t resist, adjust. You are being guided intentionally and the more you resist, the more difficult things become. You may find yourself far more pleased with this outcome rather than the initial outcome you were striving towards.
Your Card: Eight of Wands
You need to get your shit together, Virgo, or else you may miss out on very promising opportunities. If you’ve been stagnant with your journey towards growth, then you only have yourself to blame. It seems that you’ve been hoping and praying for the chance to improve your circumstances, yet you’re ignoring the chances the universe has been giving you. You can’t expect things to change on their own, you need to do the work yourself. Life isn’t going to magically fix itself and the more you wait around for change, the more chances for growth you’ll miss in the long run.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune may be presenting itself as a warning or a good sign depending on how you’ve been acting lately, Libra. Remember the karmic rule of three. What we give, we get in return times three. Keep this in mind as you go about your day. Though we should always be acting out of love and compassion regardless of what we get in return from the universe, sometimes it’s important to be reminded that our actions always have consequences.
Your Card: Knight of Cups
Take your own advice today, Scorpio. The Knight of Cups is urging you to trust your heart and listen to exactly what your intuition is telling you. I know you hear your intuition loud and clear yet you still are unable to trust the direction it’s pointing you towards. What advice would you give yourself if you were your own friend? Many advice know how to give great advice but not how to take that same advice. Whatever advice you have for yourself, take it. You know exactly what you need to do right now.
Your Card: The Hermit
It’s time to recharge that social battery, Sagittarius. You may be giving way too much of yourself away to other people and as a result, it is leaving you empty. Solitude may be necessary as of right now. The Hermit is a reminder that you don’t need permission from anyone to withdraw. Give back to yourself what others have taken energetically from you.
Your Card: Five of Pentacles
Though you’ve been doing a good job, remaining focused, and taking the necessary steps to attain the life you want to live, the Five of Pentacles may suggest that today is just one of those days. What I mean by that is, life is life and at times there is only so much control that we have. Not every day is going to be perfect. Not every day is going to be highly productive. You can’t expect yourself to be performing at %150 all the time without having those moments where the wind is completely knocked out of you, Capricorn. Sometimes you just have to accept failure or disappointment and ride that wave out until it passes.
Your Card: Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is a reminder to be realistic within the context of what you hope to achieve. While we should always shoot for the moon in regard to our goals, you can’t shoot for the moon if it means completely disregarding the other areas of your life that require your attention. Perhaps it’s time to take a more systematic approach to life, Aquarius. I know you hate hearing this because you have the freedom and excitement that comes with spontaneity. Predictability is your kryptonite, but without a clear direction forward, you’re going to burn yourself out before you ever make it to the moon.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
It seems that you may be investing your time and energy into something that just simply isn’t meant to be, Pisces. I know it may be difficult to accept this, but you can’t fight the inevitable. Doing so will only set you up for more disappointment and strip you of your agency. Ask yourself why you feel so compelled to continue on even though things don’t seem to be working out the way that you hoped. Is it your ego that is getting the better of you and blinding you from reality? What do you feel like you need to prove here? Take a second to really ask yourself these questions because it’s important to assess what really matters.