Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Eight of Swords, reversed

Why are you second-guessing yourself so much today? This isn’t you, Aries. Don’t allow yourself to fall prey to old patterns and limiting self-beliefs that you’ve long shed. Instead, remind yourself of all the barriers you’ve broken to get to where you are now. You have the capabilities and resilience needed to get through whatever obstacles and challenges you’re facing now. Remind yourself of your personal power on this Wednesday. There is no room in your life for self-doubt. 


Your Card: The Sun, reversed

If you’re feeling drained today or are unable to maintain a positive outlook, take a proper break to get grounded. Recenter yourself, Taurus. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Be honest with yourself about situations, people, or patterns you need to release. Reassess your priorities. Try not being so stubborn. Instead, adopt a different perspective—one that will help you see through a more optimistic lens. Set your intentions and believe you can manifest them. Everything can change for the better, but you must believe the best is yet to come.


Your Card: Justice

Justice represents integrity, authenticity, truth, and accountability. On one hand, it calls on you to examine how you may have failed to be true to others. On the other hand, it asks how you haven’t been true to yourself. It’s important that you’re transparent with anyone you may have wronged and own up to your mistakes—the sooner the better. Don’t damage your relationship with this person, especially if it’s a meaningful one, by prolonging the conversation you need to have. If you’ve faltered in your convictions, get back in alignment with your values before you pay a high price. 


Your Card: The Tower

These shifts you’ve been experiencing might feel terrifying, but you should try looking at them as an opportunity for expansion. Growth is uncomfortable—painful, even. Eventually, it not only gets easier, but it’s better than you ever imagined it could be. The changes you’re undergoing are leading you to what’s truly meant for you and pushing you to embrace the person you’ve always wanted to embody. Lean into the new, Cancer. New experiences await you. The possibilities before you are endless. Get excited.


Your Card: Two of Wands, reversed

When the Two of Wands appears in reverse, it beckons you to examine how you may be settling for less. It might not be the funnest way to spend your evening, but carve out some time to reflect on how you may be holding yourself back from achieving true fulfillment. Are you in a relationship that makes you unhappy? Do you need to shed beliefs, habits, or patterns that hold you back from achieving greatness? Has fear been standing in your way of taking more risks? How can you aim for bigger and better things?


Your Card: Two of Swords

Don’t put pressure on yourself. You don’t need to rush through this, Virgo. In fact, it’s crucial that you give yourself the time and space to weigh out your options before making a decision. If you carefully consider the possibilities, clarity will come to you. Tune out the outside world and go inward. That’s where you’ll find the answers you seek. So, journal it out, meditate, and reflect. Write out your pros and cons. Do what you have to do. Just don’t move forward lightly. 


Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

Today might not be the best of days as you find yourself struggling with doubt and fatigue. Just know that things won’t always be this difficult, Libra. Whatever challenges you’re battling, you will defeat them. Be certain of that, even when it feels like the Universe keeps throwing you obstacle after obstacle. You possess all the resources and capabilities needed to reach your desired aims. Your job is to prioritize what’s important, focus on your own journey, and avoid comparing yourself to others. It’s okay to give yourself a little break, if you need, to restore your confidence and replenish your energy. You can get back to it tomorrow.


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

What sparks you up, Scorpio? Where does your passion lie? What makes you feel fulfilled and inspired? When was the last time you allowed yourself to indulge in your creativity? The Page of Pentacles calls on you to make space in your life for the things that truly interest you. Do a bit of that today, whether it’s writing, reading, creating art, or making music. Make more of an effort from here on out to nurture whatever it is that you love. Life shouldn’t be all about the grind, to-do lists, and daily demands. Inject more joy into it. 


Your Card: Six of Swords

When the Six of Swords makes an appearance, it’s a sign that you need to assess the things you need to leave behind. What must you release to move forward and embrace growth? Walk away from whatever difficult situations or relationships in your life that leave you feeling drained. Make everything that confines you part of your past—old patterns, toxic habits, self-limiting beliefs. Finally let go of old emotional wounds that keep you from opening up. Today, put serious thought into how you’re going to create room for new experiences, opportunities, and connections. Get rid of the old, Sag. 


Your Card: Knight of Pentacles, reversed

You’re not feeling your usual motivated self today. Your head is in the clouds. You’re distracted and procrastinating. Who even are you this Wednesday? Likely, this is due to your frustration with your lack of progress lately. Things aren’t moving along the way you’d hoped. Have you considered that the reason for your stagnation might be due to your rigidity and inflexibility? Make an effort to view the situation from different angles. Take a new approach today. It’s not your usual style, but you might surprise yourself. 


Your Card: King of Wands, reversed

The King of Wands appears in reverse to offer you a warning. It’s important that you don’t react impulsively, make any hasty decisions today, or try to exert your will over others today. You might feel tempted to, but try being more self-aware and humble today. Even if you wholeheartedly believe that your way is the best way, stay receptive to the ideas of others. Try looking at things from a different perspective. If you feel an urge to act rashly, stop yourself. Sit on it, first. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords, reversed

Be careful how you move today, your judgment isn’t quite as sharp as it should be right now. The Ace of Swords in reverse indicates that you’re lacking clarity and that your discernment is clouded. It might be obscured by your emotions, desires, fears, or the personal feelings of others. Don’t make any big decisions on this Wednesday, or anytime soon. Carefully consider your options before moving forward. Delay any important pending conversations for a different day. Avoid any major changes until you’ve gained a deeper understanding of what’s best for you.