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The 3 Zodiacs You Should Never Test (Or They May Bite)

Some signs have infinite patience. They’ll give their friends second and third chances. Heck, they might even let people walk all over them. But not these three zodiac signs. If you get on their bad side, you’ll have a rough time. Don’t test these zodiac signs, because they won’t take it well.


Aries are always down for a fight. They have a quick temper and aren’t afraid to say something totally biting. You know how you often think of the best comeback long after a fight, when you’re laying awake at night replaying it over and over in your head? Yeah, Aries don’t have that problem. They say what they think, when they think it, and it’s often something super cutting and mean. What makes them differ from others is that they won’t necessarily shut down an entire friendship or relationship after one fight. Just maybe be careful the next time you want to test an Aries.


You mess with the bull, you get the horns. When a Taurus is happy, they’re such good fun to be around. They take care of the people they love, they’re mellow, they’re good listeners. But if you cross them? The stubbornness they’re so well-known for will come out in full force. There’s no winning a fight with a Taurus. You either accept defeat or keep the fight going for days, weeks, months. A Taurus isn’t above holding a grudge and will never forget it if someone does something wrong. They’ll never let you forget it either. Here’s your warning.


Leos don’t have the patience for shitty people. Heck, you don’t have to be a shitty person as a whole, but if you do something they don’t agree with or that hurts them or the people they care about, they’re quick to cut you out. Don’t look for sympathy from them. Once they’re done with you, they’re done. They won’t miss you. They won’t think about you. They won’t wonder if they should text you. You’ll be the one doing all the wondering. If you truly get on the bad side of a Leo, it’s a one-and-done scenario. Second chances are for the other 11 zodiac signs.