The 4 Zodiacs Who Keep Looking For More Out Of Life
Aries wants deeper relationships. They are tired with the surface level, transactional, small talk focused interactions that make up the majority of their days. Coworkers, clients, neighbors, baristas, nail technicians. They see each chance encounter as a chance to know a distinct human being. They want people to look them in the eye instead of staring at a screen. They long for meaningful conversation and connection. There has to be more to a community than a group of people accessing the same utilities and infrastructure. They want that feed your cat, hold onto your spare key, remember your birthday kind of relationship to the people in their vicinity. They want trust and recognition and validation. It’s a tall task, but if they continue to set a precedent by asking others for these things, they might just get their wish.
Sagittarius longs for that idyllic lifestyle that only exists in movies or books. The jobs that don’t involve commuting on public transit, or a fixed 9-5 schedule. Lifestyles that involve sunshine and nature, more life than technology. They long to unplug. To deal with people face to face. To exert themselves in a way that taps into their physical, mental, and social strengths instead of forcing them to conform to methods that are counterintuitive or impractical. Rule following for the sake of the status quo. Sagittarius not only wants to find the things that work, but specifically the things that work for them. The routines, the rituals, the targets that make life worthwhile to them. That give them a sense of ongoing purpose, even if that purpose is the experience of life itself.
Libra can’t live a bare bones lifestyle. They know that the phrase work-life balance is an oxymoron because it’s so much more than a 50/50 split. There are hobbies and meals and friendships. Chores and romance and healthcare. Exercise and spirituality and social media. Things big and small, essential and utterly dispensable that make up any given ‘life’, like a recipe that’s not complete without the last spice in the blend or the finishing herbs. The seemingly minute details can have a huge impact on their quality of life. A cup of coffee to start the day. Mouthwash before a date. They may not get as much credit as a college diploma or a brokerage account, but they effect the outcome, the same way basil or jalapeño can transform a can of tomatoes into marinara or salsa.
Pisces keeps looking for more out of life because they have an innate ability to perceive potential. They can visual what things will become, even before construction ever begins. They know that what exists today isn’t all that can be created tomorrow. What people do, choose, or want. They way they treat others. They systems they build, use, and form a part of. Everything is a result of choices and efforts, and therefore can be changed through new choices and new efforts. Society can be flipped as easily as a home if we choose to see it that way. Pisces knows this to be a fact, and therefore is always hoping and wishing that enough people will join them in their desire to see it come to fruition.