The 5 Most Polite Zodiacs
Although there are countless ways to divide people, one surefire method is to split all of humanity into two camps: polite people and rude ones. One day medical science may discover that it’s something encoded in our DNA.
Polite people are always considerate, and you couldn’t change them if you tried. They never cut in line, they understand the difference between assertiveness and pushiness, and you never have to ask them to be nice. Being nice is second nature to them.
Rude people are always inconsiderate. If you have to tell them they’ve been rude once, you’ll have to keep telling them again and again.
Here are the five most polite signs in the zodiac.
1. Libra
Represented by the Scales, Libras are the epitome of fairness. Justice is etched in their hearts, so they don’t try to exploit you, make you feel bad about yourself, or do anything to make a situation worse. They are cordial, considerate, pleasant and courteous to the point where you could live in close quarters with them for a century and never be mildly annoyed by anything they do. Oh, sure, there are exceptions, just as there are to almost every astrological rule. But if you find a good Libra, either as a friend or a lover, hold onto them for dear life.
2. Virgo
Virgo is a walking, talking etiquette book. They are rarely rude, crass, insulting, or demanding. They are highly aware of personal space and never invade yours—unless you ask them to. They are rarely prone to what is sometimes called “nervous laughter”—in other words, if you tell them about some recent misfortune or tragedy that befell you, they will never burst out laughing and blame it on nervousness. They freely accept people from all walks of life and from every possible political and philosophical persuasion, because they see the humanity inside everyone. Likewise, they don’t use religion or politics as an excuse to be rude to you.
3. Pisces
A mutable water sign, Pisces is carefree, easygoing, and shows tremendous hospitality. If you don’t have a shirt and they are wearing the last one that they own, they are the living embodiment of someone who will give you the shirt off their back. The only time they will ever get angry at you is if you try to grab the check at a restaurant. It’s an odd quirk about them—they are the most generous person you’d ever want to meet, but they will not allow you to reciprocate their generosity, because it’s a matter of pride to them. And even if you think you’re an expert on a given topic and they happen to know 100 times more about it than you do, they will never insult you or condescend to you; instead, they’ll gladly share their knowledge for free.
4. Gemini
The Twins can be so polite, it often works against them. They hate to impose, they never take the last donut, they don’t interrupt someone when they’re talking, they are terrible negotiators who often lowball what they charge for services rendered, they never go where they’re not wanted, and sometimes they don’t even go to half of the places where they are wanted. Because of all this, many people—the rude ones—mistake their politeness for weakness. But if someone takes advantage of their kindness, that’s when the other Twin—the evil one—will emerge.
5. Leo
Because Leo can be gregarious and ever-so confident, some people find them to be fake and intimidating. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once you get to know them, you’ll realize that their big wide smile, bright enough to light the darkness, is absolutely genuine. And their confidence may seem a little daunting at first until you realize that if you meet a group of strangers at a party, they’ll be the only one to remember your name, where you’re from, your favorite musical artist, and the medical problem that’s been worrying you. And they’ll also be the only one who’ll give you their personal doctor’s name. What seems like a phony salesman at first turns out to be the best friend you ever had.