The 6 Funniest Zodiac Signs
Humor is one of the most elusive human qualities—you can’t really define it, but you know it when you see it. If there was a way to measure humor, manufacturers could bottle it, people could buy it, and everyone would be just as funny as everyone else.
Alas, not everyone is a natural-born comedian. The following zodiac signs are the funniest precisely because their sense of humor comes naturally—they never have to try to be funny. They couldn’t stop being funny if they tried. In fact, if they tried, they’d be even funnier.
Everyone can be funny in their own special way—sometimes intentionally, other times without even knowing it. This applies to all 12 zodiac signs. But here are the Top 6.
1. Sagittarius
(November 22 – December 21)
Nearly all astrologers agree that Sagittarians are the funniest of all the zodiacs. They are a fire sign, which means they may come at the target of their humor loudly and with all guns blazing. They are ruled by Jupiter, which is associated not only with humor but with positivity, which means that as funny as they are, they are never unnecessarily cruel or dark. They are at their best when faced with a depressing topic and being able to find the silver lining in any cloud. If you’re undergoing a crisis and need a laugh, you can rely on Sagittarius to make you feel better.
Sagittarius Comedian: Sarah Silverman (December 1) is highly adept at taking awful subjects and finding something inappropriately funny about them.
2. Taurus
(April 20 – May 20)
The Bull is an Earth sign, which usually makes for “earthy,” bawdy humor. But they are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, which means that their humor is more restrained and elegant than the other Earth signs. They are sometimes perceived as being aloof, haughty, and even a little bit snobby. But this makes for a laid-back and muted sense of humor as they passive-aggressively point out all the foibles and mistakes that people make trying to appear better, wiser, nobler, and more attractive than they really are. Tauruses aren’t natural attention-seekers and thus may not be the life of the party—instead, they may hang near the fringes of the party and crack jokes to a close friend about how “the life of the party” is a shallow idiot.
Taurus Comedian: Jerry Seinfeld (April 29) is the king of detached, observational putdowns.
3. Leo
(July 23 – August 22)
A fire sign ruled by the sun, Leos are charismatic and love being the center of attention. Of all the signs, they are most likely to be voted “class clown.” They don’t mind embarrassing themselves so long as the crowd is roaring. They typically engage in raw, bawdy, “broad” humor—the type that involves slapstick, gross jokes about bodily functions, and saying all the things you aren’t supposed to say. They love doing funny voices, making goofy faces, and burning through any icy atmosphere until all the tension has evaporated and everyone’s rolling on the floor begging them to stop.
Leo Comedian: Dave Chappelle (August 24) is considered a genius for “crossing the line” so often, he makes the line disappear right before your eyes.
4. Libra
(September 23 – October 22)
Libras are an Air sign, which means either that they’re airheaded or they don’t take things too seriously—often both. They are ruled by Venus, which means they aim to please. A gregarious and pro-social sign, they love nothing more than to make others smile. Their natural charisma and the twinkle in their eye combine to make people feel warm and welcome—so even if they insult someone, that person winds up laughing along with everyone else rather than stomping away angrily.
Libra Comedian: Norm Macdonald (October 17) was a master of “meta” humor and probably had the “twinkliest” eyes of any comedian who ever lived.
5. Gemini
(May 21 – June 20)
Gemini is an Air sign, which means they don’t take things too seriously. They are also ruled by Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, which translates into keen, analytical humor based more on words and ideas than images and playfulness. Their verbal agility means they are also quick on their feet, which means they often emerge triumphant during open-mic comedy battles. Although they are among the best at making fun of others, this never comes off as gratuitously mean or vicious because they are the absolute best at making fun of themselves.
Gemini Comedian: Amy Schumer (June 1) is a quintessential Gemini comic because she tempers her sharp-witted putdowns of others with a battery of jokes at her own expense.
6. Virgo
(August 23 – September 22)
An Earth sign that is ruled by Mercury, Virgos manage to be dry and sarcastic rather than obnoxious and clownlike. Their humor is so dry, you may need moisturizer after hanging out with them. Their barbs can be so passive-aggressively muted, you don’t even realize you’ve been insulted until the entire room is laughing at you—at which point, you are forced to either laugh along with the crowd or look like a bad sport. The thing that makes Virgos so uniquely funny is that at first glance, they don’t look funny—they look distinguished and maybe even a bit uptight. But that’s their secret weapon, because inside their proper exterior beats the heart of a clown.
Virgo Comedian: Amy Poehler (September 16) is smiling in every picture you see of her, which is the perfect mask for her mean-spirited yet goofy humor.