The Communication Skill Each Zodiac Needs To Work On In Their Relationship
VIRGO (8/23 – 9/22)
Holding space for multiple truths to exist side by side.
We all know that it’s Virgo’s way or the highway, but sometimes there are different ways of defining the same concept. What trust or loyalty means to Virgo may look different to their partner. Virgo needs to let them put it into their own words.
LIBRA (9/23 – 10/22)
Letting their partner know they’re on their side.
Libra can focus way too much on diplomacy, but in every relationship, there comes a moment where it’s critical to stand up for your partner, even if means clashing momentarily with friends or family. Libra needs to learn how to verbally draw that line the sand.
SCORPIO (10/23 – 11/21)
Not waiting for the other person to stop talking.
Scorpio is so focused on what part of their argument comes next, they don’t even hear what the other person is saying. If they did, maybe they’d realize the other person just wants to be heard.
SAGITTARIUS (11/22 – 12/21)
Skipping the knee jerk insults.
Sagittarius can get so focused on self-preservation, they can go full Ender’s Game do irreparable damage in the process. The best defense isn’t an offense so overkill it does irreparable damage. Speak from the heart instead.
CAPRICORN (12/22 – 1/19)
Leaving out the corporate jargon.
Capricorn forgets that planning a life with someone isn’t a board room presentation or a cold sales e-mail. They don’t need to convince their partner with facts or figures, but motivate them with genuine emotion.
AQUARIUS (1/20 – 2/18)
Stop analyzing everyone.
Sometimes Aquarius makes excuses for other people who need to apologize, or decide how they feel about something without giving them ample time to arrive at their own conclusions. Aquarius needs to approach the conversation as a partner, not a therapist.
PISCES (2/19 – 3/20)
Contributing to the discussion.
Sometimes Pisces hopes if they let the other person talk for long enough, they just won’t have to say anything at all. Sometimes it’s out of laziness, sometimes out of fear, but they need to take that introspective second to figure out how they genuinely want to respond.
ARIES (3/21 – 4/19)
Relying on volume.
The person who speaks the loudest isn’t the one guaranteed to be right. Aries needs to make space for other people to finish their sentences without being barked over. Aggression isn’t the best way to get people to do what you ask of them.
TAURUS (4/20 – 5/20)
Using a patient tone.
When Taurus gets snippy, it can be really intimidating. They need to use non-verbal cues to communicate a willingness to listen to others or give helpful explanations that help instead of hinder the progression of the conversation.
GEMINI (5/21 – 6/20)
Staying consistent.
Gemini can flip-flop in the middle of a conversation, leaving the other party confused and unsure how to move forward. Hearing two different sides of a story that don’t add up can leave them questioning Gemini’s true intentions.
CANCER (6/21 – 7/22)
Opening up.
When someone shares something personal, Cancer is a great listener, but the one area where they can fall short is reciprocating that openness. People want to know that when they get personal, Cancer is also willing to go to that next level.
LEO (7/23 – 8/22)
Remembering specifics.
Leo is constantly hearing stories from everyone, and it’s only natural that some of the details get fuzzy over time. But with a romantic partner, it’s important to make the effort to remember names, places, and events through active listening.