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The Intention You Should Set On The 3/10 New Moon, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Check for your sun, moon, and rising zodiac signs. Pro-tip: You’re seriously missing out if you don’t check for your rising when reading horoscopes. 


The New Moon in Pisces is lighting up your twelfth house, which is considered the “unseen realm.” It rules over your subconscious, intuition, dreams, hidden desires, fantasies, secrets, psychological ailments, sorrow, and fears. This New Moon is compelling you to spiritually seek closure in some way and to embark on your spiritual growth. Take some time on this day to meditate and reflect on where in your life you feel bound. What are the habits, relationships, addictions, and self-defeating behaviors that keep you confined? Your intentions should revolve around leaving those things behind. It’s time to clear out what’s no longer working for your highest good to pave way for new beginnings. This New Moon is offering you renewal, but it’s up to you to embark on your healing and it all begins with making your current burdens a thing of the past.  


Your sector of hopes, earned wealth, community affairs, capacity for fulfilling your dreams, and social networks is electrified on March 10. This New Moon is activating your destiny, in terms of your desires and aspirations. You should set intentions that are associated with what you want to achieve, because there’s strong potential right now to make your wishes a reality. The New Moon on this day is also kicking off an incredibly productive six-month cycle, so make plans around how you’re going to go about manifesting what you want to accomplish. You’d also benefit from setting intentions regarding your social contributions to the collective, forging deeper bonds, and interconnectedness. 


The New Moon in Pisces on March 10 is a time for you to plant seeds for professional aspirations that align with your spiritual truth. Your tenth house of profession, power, influence, and public image is illuminated by this Pisces New Moon. Are you content with your career as it currently stands? Is there another path that feels more like your higher purpose? Could you be doing more to bring your idealistic visions to life? What do you want to redefine regarding your dreams? What resonates with your soul, Gemini? Set your intentions around these themes. Reflect on what truly makes you feel fulfilled and authentic, and then set out to pursue those things. 


Set intentions around where you want to travel to, how you want to broaden your horizons, and education you want to pursue over the next six months. The New Moon in Pisces lands in your intrepid ninth house of all things expansive—philosophy, higher-learning, travel, thoughts, and knowledge. Is there a new academic path you want to pursue or a craft you’ve been wanting to explore? You should also set goals involving adventure and spontaneity. Aim to step outside of your comfort home and well-worn path, Cancer. This means injecting spontaneity into your life, as well as imagination and alternate perspectives. Push yourself to meet new people in new places. Don’t let fear and familiarity hold you back. There’s so much beauty and new wisdom waiting for you once you embrace the unknown. 


Buckle up for change, Leo! The New Moon in Pisces illuminates your powerful eighth house of transformation, sex, intimacy, death, rebirth, wealth, and mystery. You should set your intentions around your metamorphosis, and that includes releasing what no longer is serving you. This New Moon is an invitation to reflect on toxic habits, self-limiting beliefs, dependencies, fears, and relationships that are no longer aligned with you spiritually or with your higher purpose. You’re also being called in by this New Moon to examine your anxieties around vulnerability. Aim to let your guard down. Make and deepen your meaningful connections. It would also benefit you to set intentions around getting rid of your debt or maximizing your income. 


This New Moon lights up your seventh house of long-term relationships, partnership, business, contractual agreements, marriage, balance, and harmony. Set intentions around your commitments, whether that’s personally or professionally. Reflect on how you can bring back the spark into your relationship, deepen your bond, or get closer to a mutual sense of understanding with your partner. It’s a good time to set goals together on taking the next steps. Some Libras may feel beckoned to set intentions regarding boundaries in their relationships, or they may actually feel called to release a romantic connection—listen to what your heart is telling you. If you’re single, you should set intentions that involve opening yourself up more in order to find a lasting connection. The New Moon is also beckoning you to set intentions regarding business and contracts. 


This New Moon amps up your sixth house of health, routine, fitness, work, healing, and acts of service. You must set intentions around cultivating wellness, balance, and good habits in your daily life. Think of the New Moon in Pisces as calling you in to reflect on what you can be incorporating into your practice for self-improvement and how to better take care of your mental health. You should set out on making healthy changes, adopting or re-adopting beneficial methods for your highest good, and letting go of toxic patterns. Prioritize what nourishes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This includes embracing new self-care and self-love implementations. Live a life that aligns with your deeper values, personally and for the collective. But remember, Libra, don’t aim for perfection, just for better. 


The New Moon in Pisces has the potential of ushering in many exciting surprises for you, Scorpio. You just have to be open to embracing them. Desire, pleasure, fun, individuality, creativity, child-like musings, romance, and self-expression are all ruled by your fifth house, which is electrified under this New Moon. Your intentions should revolve around joyful pursuits of pleasure, as well as around finding ways to live a more authentic and liberated life. Aim to not only express yourself more freely, but to be vulnerable and let your guard down and show others the soft beauty you keep hidden on the inside. The New Moon is also calling you in to nurture your creativity and inner child. You should also find ways of injecting more romance into your life. Connect with your soul’s desires.


As the New Moon in Pisces activates your fourth house of family, home, traditions, private life, and innermost feelings, you should reflect on what a personal sanctuary looks like for you. Set intentions that invite you to nurture a more healing and peaceful environment and focus on strengthening the emotional aspects of your life. What can you do and what changes can you make to make home feel more like a sacred place? How can you better connect with your loved ones? What emotions have you been avoiding that you should face? This New Moon is an excellent time for you to spruce up your space and make it yours. If you have been thinking about moving, buying a home, or relocating to a different city, then start planning for it now. Build your intentions around finding stability and comfort, not just in your surroundings, but within yourself. 


This New Moon in Pisces is extremely enlightening for you—it’s amping up your sector of sharing, communication, connection, perception, interactions, and mind. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to the messages the universe is sending you. Honor them, Capricorn. The intentions you set today should focus on making your voice, thoughts, desires, and feelings heard. How can you better present your ideas? How can you better advocate for yourself? What truly enriches you mentally and spiritually? How can you better work with others? Embrace your inner knowing, but also reflect on ways of finding inspiration and meeting intriguing new people. 


The New Moon in Pisces will be falling into your second house on March 10th. This sector rules your finances, resourcefulness, values, possessions, material desires, self-worth, and security. Some good intentions to set would involve ways of making supplemental income, getting a promotion or raise, or saving more money. It would be wise for you to use this New Moon to set a budget and think of ways to grow your bank account. Write down your goal and make a step-by-step plan. Don’t just think about what’s going to bring you more income, but what’s going to make you feel fulfilled or provide you a creative outlet. Make sure the intentions you set resonate with your values, desires, and core beliefs. You should also take some time to reflect on the non-material riches in your life. 


Happy New Moon! This one is all about you, Pisces. The New Moon in your sign is begging you to turn your life into your most beautiful work of art. Reinstate your faith in yourself. Remember that you hold all the power to create the life you have always envisioned. Set intentions that center around you transforming your dreams into a reality. Make a vision board. Write down your personal and professional goals. Promise yourself that you will honor your imagination and make more room for creativity in your life. Swear to the universe that you will express yourself more authentically. Step into a more honest, liberated, and empowered version of yourself. You can redefine yourself with this New Moon.