The Next Chapter In Your Story, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your card: Ace of Wands
You’re so naturally passionate, Aries—and for this next life chapter, you’re being asked to channel that energy and use it to motivate you. It’s easy to get caught up on an idea and burn yourself out on it, but this is your sign to follow through: You know you’ve got something good in mind, so it’s time to put it into action! What happens next could change your life, if only you put in the effort.
Your card: Three of Swords, reversed
There’s been a lot of negative energy surrounding you lately, Taurus—whether that’s coming from yourself or from others. Maybe you’ve had your heart broken and you’ve been struggling to put the pieces back together; maybe you’ve been doubting yourself lately and have been plagued by imposter syndrome. Whatever it may be, this new life chapter is asking you to put the hurt behind you. Maybe it’s time for you to forgive, or maybe it’s just time to forget—the negativity has begun to weigh too heavily on you, but you’re a resilient person. There are better things waiting for you up ahead once you’re able to find your peace.
Your card: Queen of Pentacles
You’ve been working hard, Gemini—sometimes too hard. But the good news is this: Everything you’ve worked toward is coming to fruition, and thanks to that, your next life chapter will be about enjoying the fruits of this labor. You finally don’t feel like you have to constantly scramble to make things happen—you’re able to provide for yourself and those you love. You’re coming into your power, so make sure you take the time to properly enjoy it!
Your card: Nine of Wands
Your next life chapter is going to be a test of your resilience, Cancer. I know that sounds scary, but the truth is that there can be a lot of power found in choosing to stand up for yourself—and others—and continuing to get up even when you’re knocked down. It’s going to be a chaotic time for you—and probably exhausting, too—but it’s going to show you just how strong you are. Just be kind to yourself through this process and remember that you’ll make it to the other side okay.
Your card: Six of Cups
Your next life chapter just might mean returning to some older ones, Leo. This is all about reconnecting with your past in some way, whether it’s an old friend (or flame), your hometown, or even just your inner child. Is there something you’ve left behind that feels incomplete? Or is it nostalgia that’s leading you down a familiar path? Whatever it is, there’s something you’ve left unexplored that’s calling to you—just make sure you don’t allow yourself to regress in a negative way during the journey.
Your card: Page of Wands
There’s a new energy coming into your life, Virgo—don’t shy away from it. You may not always be a fan of leaving your comfort zone, but there are new opportunities all around you, and there’s potential for something life-changing if you just let yourself take the leap. You may be surprised by how willing you actually are to give into the excitement, but don’t overthink it—your base instinct is to logic your way into what you think is the best path, but sometimes you have to let passion and inspiration take hold. If you do, your life could look completely different by the end of the year.
Your card: Three of Cups, reversed
You’re an incredibly social butterfly, Libra, but this new life chapter is asking you to focus on yourself. While having a community to fall back on is a great thing, it’s also important that you foster the independence you need to take on the world on your own. Focus on the things you want and need without factoring everyone else in to the equation, because while it’s admirable to look out for others, it’s just as important to make sure you’re looking out for yourself. As a people pleaser, it may go against your basic instincts, but trust that your own happiness is just as important as anyone else’s.
Your card: The Sun
For a zodiac sign that’s so often connected to darkness, Scorpio, your next life chapter is set to be incredibly bright. There’s a wave of positivity waiting to wash into your life, and it’s your job to embrace it wholeheartedly. You’re coming into yourself and learning to leave behind some of the heavier energies that may have held you back—and maybe even giving optimism a try. It’s not always easy to trust a good thing when it comes into your life, but this is your sign to let in the light.
Your card: Three of Pentacles
Your next life chapter is going to be all about creative collaboration, Sagittarius. You love learning and trying something new, so naturally, you’re ready to thrive. If you’ve been having some big ideas, start sharing them with people who you think could help you bring this vision to life, or if someone is working on something you think has potential, offer them your insights. You have the power to build something life-changing and lasting, so be sure to keep your mind open and start making moves!
Your card: Six of Pentacles
This next chapter of your life is all about give and take, Capricorn. You’re known for your conservatism, both materially and emotionally, but it’s time to fight against your instinct to hold back. Why not share more of yourself with the people you love? Why not take a chance on others? The more you start to budge and allow yourself to offer what you have to give, you’ll be surprised at how it all comes back to you in the end, even if it’s not in the way you might expect.
Your card: Wheel of Fortune
Your life is about to take an unexpected turn, Aquarius—whatever this new life chapter is about is something you’d never be able to predict. Luckily, you’re not exactly one to shy away from new energies, and you’ll likely take this change in pace in stride. Maybe you’ll meet a stranger who will turn your life upside down; maybe a job opportunity will land at your feet without any effort on your part at all. Just have faith that whatever it is, something positive is happening—skepticism is fine to some degree, but don’t let it completely stop you from exploring this new life path.
Your card: Eight of Pentacles
You’re putting in the work, Pisces, and it’s going to show in this new life chapter. You’re ready to be the expert and move up in the world, and the world is finally ready to meet you where you’re at. Prepare to start getting the recognition you deserve, but just keep in mind that the work isn’t done—you’re going to have to keep your head down and keep going. As long as you do that, your life will likely look a lot different in a few months from now, and you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.