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The Only 3 Zodiacs You Should Ever Share Your Secrets With

Some people are just terrible at keeping secrets. As soon as you utter your big news, nothing more than a whisper, they’ve already figured out who they’re going to tell first. Luckily, there are people in the world you can trust with your biggest secrets. If you’re trying to figure out who to tell, you should only keep it within these three zodiac signs. They’re the least likely to spill everything you’re trying to keep hidden.


Scorpios are known for being steel traps. Usually we only think of them as keeping their own secrets, and that’s certainly true. They won’t divulge anything about themselves unless they feel incredibly comfortable, and even then, it can take a lot of effort to drag anything out of them. But it isn’t just they’re own secrets they refuse to tell. You can count on your Scorpio friend to keep your secrets to themselves as well. Just be aware that they won’t hold back from judging you based on your news. Scorpios aren’t lacking opinions, after all.


Capricorns love to prove that they’re great friends. Any chance that they can demonstrate what a great friend they are, they’ll take it. That includes any time you have a secret. They may make a big show of how they’ll never tell anyone, but at least you can be sure that it isn’t just lip service. If a Capricorn says they won’t tell a soul, they mean it. Of course, they also hope for the same courtesy in return, since there’s nothing more fun than divulging your own secrets after your friend just dropped bombshell news. Expect to be much closer friends after this.


It honestly would never even cross an Aquarius’s mind to divulge your secret. More likely, they’ll forget about the secret as soon as the conversation is over. That’s one good thing about having an Aquarius friend. You know you can tell them just about anything and they’ll keep it to themselves–just like they keep their own feelings to themselves, too. Just make sure you actually tell them to keep it a secret or they might not realize that this is something special. They won’t always pick up on the subtext.