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The Positive Change Waiting Around The Corner For These 4 Zodiacs


You get a lot of flack for living in your own imagination instead of engaging with your reality, Pisces, but has anyone ever asked themselves if that is simply because your reality is entirely lacking? The positive change that awaits you is a change of circumstances so astounding that it will render everything up until then obsolete. You will completely rethink the way you do everything, and everything you do. It’s the difference between smiling and saying hello to strangers and zoning out with your headphones on; all that stands between the two scenarios is the circumstances. With the right people, in the right place, you may transform from a devout introvert into a social butterfly. Everyone has underestimated “the way you are” compared to “the way things are”, including yourself, but in short order, everyone’s doubts will all be laid to rest. The life you’re meant for is sometimes the one you least expect, but also the one you most enjoy. 


The thing you’ve completely given up on, Leo, the thing you hate doing the most, will finally get taken care of by someone else. The project you consistently dread will be automated. Your partner will book the flights, or if you don’t have a partner, someone is going to set you up on a date and spare you hours of swiping in either direction. A plumber will fix your leaky sink, the dry cleaners will take care of that mustard stain. You will download apps for organization, exercise, and figuring out what TV show to watch next, and suddenly everything that felt so incredibly complicated and overwhelming will settle down into a calm undisturbed surface, not unlike a hot bath after the shittiest of days. Whatever you do, don’t forget, the stubbornest of people can change their minds, or the person in charge of a decision can change. People who have never volunteered to help you before can raise their hand. Circumstances, if anything, are bound to change.


People can, for lack of other words, snap out of it, Aquarius. The person who is meant for you, can go from having no clue who you are to a complete coup de foudre (read struck by Cupid’s arrow) in a matter of seconds. Someone can go from the most pigheaded stance on the world’s stupidest argument to an apology, in seconds. The world can descend from a picturesque pastoral calm into to absolute pandemonium, in a matter of minutes, and vice versa, the day can be saved. Don’t lose faith in this possibility, Aquarius, that the world can change on a dime. What’s here today may not be here to stay, not even for the next few hours.  Don’t read the funeral rites for something that is still alive and kicking, no matter how comforting it is to plan for the worst. The older you get, the more you will see that ‘Hail Mary’ plays are always worth the attempt. Lick your finger and hold it to the wind. You’ll see how quickly it can change.


You are so used to things slipping through your fingers, Sagittarius, but for once in your life, it’s time to take a second and look at everything that has planted its flag and laid claim to your life. For every language you’ve forgotten, there’s one you haven’t. For every hobby you’ve taken up, there is one that has become part of the rhythm of your life. For every dream that has died, there is one that has just fully ripened on the vine. For chrissakes, Sagittarius, stop selling yourself short. You have only to look back five or ten years, and remember the younger you would die to be walking in your present day shoes. To know what you are capable of. What you have survived through and flourished in. The change that lies around the corner is equally as astonishing, so don’t forget when it comes, how exciting it truly is. To the past, present, and future you. You have come so far. Appreciate each step as it comes.