The Relationship Reminder Each Birth Month Needs This June
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The Relationship Reminder Each Birth Month Needs This June


Remember, you shouldn’t have to lower your standards in order to make a relationship work. If they aren’t willing to give you what you need, then you need to walk away. You need to do what’s best for yourself and forget them.


Remember, you shouldn’t force the relationship to work just because you have history. Sometimes, the people you’ve built special connections with in the past aren’t meant to be a part of your future.


Remember, you shouldn’t be the only one trying to make the relationship work. They should be putting in just as much effort as you are. They should be showing they care through their actions and their words every single day.


Remember, you’re not responsible for teaching this other person how to treat you. If they refuse to respect boundaries and keep on hurting you again and again without ever making real changes, you don’t need to give them more chances. You need to walk away.


Remember, the way your worst exes treated you in the past shouldn’t be the standard. You shouldn’t be impressed when someone shows you basic decency. You deserve way more than what you’re used to being given. Just because this person is slightly better than the last doesn’t mean they’re actually good enough for you.


Remember, the bare minimum isn’t enough to keep you satisfied permanently. You are eventually going to realize what you deserve and start resenting them for doing so little, so it’s better to keep your standards high from the start. Don’t let others get away with giving you breadcrumbs.


Remember, you aren’t supposed to be carrying the whole relationship on your back. Your partner should be invested too. They should be exerting effort too. You shouldn’t be feeling like the relationship’s success is entirely on your shoulders because they should be doing their fair share.


Remember, it’s better to be single than to stick with the wrong person. Don’t give into the temptation to date the wrong person so you can say you’re part of a couple. It’s not worth the stress and drama.


Remember, your soft heart is a blessing in disguise. Don’t let anyone convince you that you’re too emotional, that you should tone it down. The right person will love how open you are with your heart and your emotions.


Remember, you have more to offer than you’ve been telling yourself. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t be surprised when someone shows interest in you. You deserve this attention and adoration and love.


Remember, your relationship status doesn’t determine your worth. You have value, whether you’re part of a couple or not, whether you’re wearing a ring or not, whether you have children or not, whether you own a house or not. Success is relative.  


Remember, it’s okay to want a relationship. It’s okay to crave connection with another human being. You shouldn’t be embarrassed of this — but you shouldn’t feel like you’re unlovable either. You simply haven’t crossed paths with the right heart yet.