The Small Act Of Disrespect Each Zodiac Won’t Tolerate (In One Sentence)
You won’t tolerate when someone breaks promises because you are a person of your word and aim to surround yourself with people you can trust fully, without question.
You won’t tolerate when someone continuously cancels plans at the last second because you prefer to stick to a schedule and it’s a hassle to switch everything around without warning.
You won’t tolerate when someone tells little white lies because you can handle the truth like an adult and don’t need anyone to sugarcoat it for you.
You won’t tolerate when someone fails to say thank you because you’re always working hard but are not asking for favors in return, only recognition.
You won’t tolerate when someone is unreachable because it’s not that hard to send a two-second text letting you know what is going on when you’re stressing about it.
You won’t tolerate when someone shows up late because you are a busy person and could be doing better things with your time than waiting around for someone who clearly isn’t prioritizing you.
You won’t tolerate when someone stares at their phone while you’re speaking because you expect your partners to act present and give you their full attention while you’re in the room together.
You won’t tolerate when someone treats you differently in public than in private because you expect respect no matter the situation, no matter how many other eyes are in the room.
You won’t tolerate when someone teases you over your favorite movies, music, or hobbies because you take pride in your opinions and want someone who respects them even when they don’t agree.
You won’t tolerate when someone forgets important things, like your birthday, because they would remember the basics if they cared about you half as much as you care about them.
You won’t tolerate when someone shares your personal details online or with friends because you want a partner who respects your privacy and understands not everything should be on social media.
You won’t tolerate when someone pretends to listen and nod along when you’re speaking because you only open your mouth when you have something you feel is worth hearing.