The Trait That Might Push Your Person Away (Based On Your Birth Month)
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The Trait That Could Push Your Person Away (Based On Your Birth Month)


If you’re not careful, your ambition is going to push your person away. It’s wonderful that you have big dreams and you should be proud of yourself for working toward achieving them. But you can’t make work your whole world. If you aren’t treating your person as a priority, they’re going to get tired of being second best. 


If you’re not careful, your secrecy is going to push your person away. Although you don’t have to tell your person every little detail about your thoughts and feelings, you shouldn’t shut them out either. If you aren’t making an effort to communicate with them or are actively keeping secrets from them, there’s always going to be distance between you.


If you’re not careful, your sarcasm is going to push your person away. You try your hardest to have a good time all the time, but your person won’t always want you to respond with jokes and sarcasm. Sometimes, they want you to be serious. They want to have real discussions, not silly ones.


If you’re not careful, your impatience is going to push your person away. You can’t expect them to move at the same pace as you, and if you pressure them to change their mind before they’re ready, they are going to grow uncomfortable around you. You have to stay patient. Give them time.


If you’re not careful, your stubbornness is going to push your person away. You stand firm in your beliefs, which is usually a good thing, but you have to be willing to listen in a committed relationship. You need to hear your person out and compromise with them from time to time. You can’t always have it your way.


If you’re not careful, your forgetfulness is going to push your person away. They want to feel like you’re paying attention when they speak, like you care about what they have to say — and forgetting birthdays and anniversaries and even their meal orders is going to make them feel like you aren’t paying attention at all. Like you aren’t putting in the effort.


If you’re not careful, your passivity is going to push your person away. They aren’t going to want to make all the decisions in the relationship. They want your input too. So if you’re always allowing them to choose what to eat and where to go on dates, they’re eventually going to grow frustrated.


If you’re not careful, your jealousy is going to push your person away. You don’t want to come across as controlling. You don’t want to make them choose between the friends they love or they career they love and your relationship. They can have it all. You can’t be the center of their universe every waking moment.


If you’re not careful, your rigid routine is going to push your person away. They won’t always want to plan out every detail of their day. Sometimes, they’ll want to go out and have fun without knowing what to expect. They’ll want to try new things in new places. If you refuse to alter your schedule even a little, they’re going to grow bored.


If you’re not careful, your fear of confrontation is going to push your person away. You might feel like you’re doing the kind thing by keeping your complaints to yourself, but the relationship can’t grow and change if you aren’t honest about what you want. You need to be transparent with your person, or they’re never going to give you what you need.


If you’re not careful, your impulsivity is going to push your person away. While being spontaneous can keep the relationship fun, there’s a time and a place for it. You don’t want to be too unpredictable when it comes to love. You don’t want your partner wondering where you stand or what wild thing you might do next. You need to be consistent so they feel comfortable with you.


If you’re not careful, your apathy is going to push your person away. Even though you really do care, you don’t always show it on the outside. But if it feels like you couldn’t care less about whether you hear from your partner or not, then they are going to feel like there’s no passion. Like you don’t care enough about them.