The Truth You Keep Overlooking, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: Judgement
In your heart of hearts you know that you’re due for a significant life change. When Judgement shows up in a reading, you’re encouraged to self-reflect on your choices and actions. Are you happy with the path you find yourself on, Aries? What have you outgrown? In what direction do you want to head?
Your Card: Ace of Cups
Whatever pain you’ve been suppressing, you need to face it. Allow yourself to process that loss or heartbreak. It’s time to let go of that emotional baggage, Taurus. This is the very thing that keeps you from opening up to new connections, opportunities, and experiences. Stop letting what has deeply hurt you hinder your happiness and growth.
Your Card: Nine of Pentacles
The reason you don’t feel truly fulfilled, despite all your great successes and accomplishments, is because you don’t allow yourself to savor the abundance you’ve created. Take a moment to feel truly proud of all you have achieved. Slow down from time to time and allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You work hard, you deserve it.
Your Card: The Fool
If you want new beginnings, you’re going to need to have more faith in yourself and believe in the possibilities. Allow yourself to feel excitement for what the future might hold. Learn to take more risks, Cancer, and stop playing it safe. Be bold. If you make mistakes along the way, that’s okay. So much magic comes from learning to embrace them.
Your Card: The Empress
You need to be brutally honest with yourself, Leo. What part of yourself needs nurturing? That heaviness you can’t shake is there because something deep within you is in need of healing. It may hurt to go inward and let yourself confront it, but you owe it to yourself. Whether it’s your inner child, an old emotional wound, or a loss that you have yet to grieve, show that part of yourself the love it needs.
Your Card: The Sun
You need to stop focusing so much on the negative in your life and instead, learn to appreciate the positive. Life would be so much happier and brighter if you looked at the glass half full. Despite your obsession with it, perfection is a myth. It’s something no one, not even you, can ever attain.
Your Card: Six of Swords, reversed
Libra, you need to stop seeking validation from external sources. Instead, you must reach within to find it. Stop caring about the opinions of others. The only thing that matters is how you perceive yourself—and how you feel about yourself. You could rid yourself of so many of your insecurities this way.
Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed
You’ve been feeling lost for quite some time, Scorpio. This darkness that envelops you will not let go until you find your sense of purpose. You won’t rid yourself of this emptiness until you allow yourself to be guided by a clear vision of what you desire. What makes you so afraid to take assertive action? Fear of failure? Feeling vulnerable? Stop missing out on opportunities. Take a leap of faith, even if it feels terrifying.
Your Card: Five of Wands, reversed
Stop avoiding difficult conversations and start dealing with conflict in a healthy manner. Whatever grudges and resentment are eating you up alive, it’s time to let them go. You won’t feel peace until you aim for resolution, whether that means working things out or parting ways with someone. Just face the issue, Sag.
Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed
The reason you feel like you’re not making any progress is because you’re trying to accomplish too many things at once. Your ambition is one of the greatest things about you, it can also be your pitfall. Instead of trying to do a little bit of everything at once, focus your energy on one, a couple, or a few things. Save the rest for later. This isn’t a race, Cap.
Your Card: Ace of Wands, reversed
You need to overcome your hesitation and start taking action, Aquarius. The Ace of Wands shows up in reverse to warn against spending all your time wishing for something. It’s not just going to fall into your lap. You have to actively work to manifest it. Overcome your self-doubt and believe that you can create something great for yourself.
Your Card: King of Swords
You keep getting yourself into trouble because you’re thinking with your heart and not your head. Sometimes you have to be like the King of Swords and make decisions based on logic. Stick to the facts, Pisces. It’s beautiful how you wish to see the best in people, but sometimes they don’t deserve that grace.