jasmin chew

There’s A Part Of You That Knows What’s Best For You, Even If You’re Confused

It’s easy for someone to sit and tell you that you should do this and you shouldn’t do that. It’s easy for people to sit back and tell you what you need to change and what you need to work on, but the truth is, they don’t truly know you or what you need. They don’t know your struggles or your pain. They don’t know the kind of thoughts that haunt you at night or how you protect yourself from further pain, but they don’t need to know everything and you don’t owe them an explanation for your choices.

But you have to be convinced that you know what’s best for you, even if people think otherwise. Even if sometimes you don’t think you know what’s best for you, there is a part of you that does. There’s a part of you that knows what makes you happy and what makes you sad. There’s a part of you that knows what would make you sleep at night and what would keep you awake wishing you had said something. There’s a part of you that knows if it’s better to take a risk or play it safe. You might need some advice here and there, you might need some redirecting, you might need some fine-tuning, but don’t discount your own feelings and opinions just because you’ve been wrong before. Don’t let others dictate your life, even if they seem to know better than you, and don’t let others make you doubt your own feelings.

Because you will make mistakes and there will be things you do that could have been done better or maybe avoided altogether. You will not always have it all figured out and you might fail sometimes. You might wish you had listened to people, but trust me, these experiences are all shaping you. These are all parts of your journey and your story. These are all the missing pieces that will complete the puzzle.

This is your life with all its difficulties, with all the mistakes and the wrong turns and the foolish choices. It’s all yours. This is how you learn and grow into the person who knows better, who’s a bit wiser and who is not afraid of messing up. The person who doesn’t always take the easy way out or listen to people but somehow that person makes it. Somehow, that person gets it right. 

This is your life. Eventually, you will make it. Eventually, you will get what you desire. You may not get there as fast as you wanted to, but at least you did it your way, played by your own rules, and lived every bit of it in a way no one else will understand, and that is the beauty of being yourself. No one else dictated your story. It was all you, and this is what makes it special. This is what makes your time here relevant. You made it your own and didn’t allow many people to tell you how you should spend it and it’s mainly because somehow, you always knew what was best for you.