Joel Sossa

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are In For A Love-Filled, Lucky Week Ahead

After facing some pesky challenges from Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow in Capricorn and its conjunction with volatile and intense Pluto, the messenger planet has finally entered the innovative and free-thinking sign of Aquarius — where it will stay until March 2nd. This change is a welcome relief, as it allows Mercury to bring a more unconventional and intellectually curious perspective to life, diverging from the practical and conventional outlook of Capricorn, into something more future-oriented and hopeful. 

Additionally, on February 15th — Venus, the goddess of love, will form a flirtatious alliance with imaginative Neptune. This mystical partnership can have a transformative impact, both in terms of creativity and romance, by inspiring you to have faith in a greater power and to let things unfold as they may.

On February 17th, Mercury in Aquarius will enter into a cheerful alignment with Jupiter in Aries, providing you with thrilling insights and motivating you to venture into new and uncharted territories. Trusting in yourself and your sharp mind will bring many benefits to your life during this energetic season. With that being said, the following day, the sun will enter the mystical sign of Pisces, shifting the collective energy from being focused on logic and social norms to a more spiritual and otherworldly state. Despite the dreamy and ethereal nature of Pisces, Venus will interact with powerful Pluto the next day, bringing an element of intense passion to everything from relationships to creative pursuits.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of the below zodiacs, your week is about to get extra special — 


Cancer — it’s time to revel in all of the beauty that is coming your way this week. The Universe is pouring an immense amount of hope and awe into your life over the next few days, and you are going to feel as if your very soul is being nourished by this energy. On the 15th, Venus is going to be dancing with Neptune throughout your enticing ninth house of expansion and transformation, allowing for you to let go of any boundaries and limiting beliefs you might have. In other words, you are being introduced to your higher self.

With that being said, you are going to feel deeply inspired and aligned with your soul, and the future is going to start materializing in a way that feels dreamy and promising. You are manifesting everything you have ever wanted, and that is only going to be amplified on the 17th when Mercury sextiles lucky Jupiter. You may feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm, and this means that it is an incredible day to have a breakthrough. Welcome to the rest of your life, Cancer.


Scorpio, there’s no way to put this lightly — you are simply just feeling yourself this week, and you’re going to come out on top because of it. This is mainly due to the fact that the moon is transiting Sagittarius, which is going to create a spark in your second house of comfort, and money. However, the Universe isn’t stopping there. Jupiter will add an additional surge of luck and transformation into your atmosphere when it blasts through your sixth house of work, and everyday routines. Hold on tight!

When Venus meets up with alluring Neptune on the 15th, a serendipitous conjunction is going to bring its own synchronicity into your life. Whether this helps you to connect with a love interest, or an artistic endeavor, you’re being encouraged to dream a little and to go in the direction of your imagination. Let this rush of energy be your muse, Scorpio. Everything you desire is yours for the taking.


Pisces — this week while you let go of all your fears and insecurities and place your trust in a higher power, you are going to be entering your very own solar season. This means that you have the ability to reap the rewards of Venus and Neptune dancing throughout your sign on February 15th by tapping into the celestial connection you have with both planets. Whether it be in the realm of art or romance, your presence is both captivating and otherworldly right now. Your intuition and emotional sensitivity are heightened, so embrace your mystical interests, particularly those that involve mindfulness and introspection.

On February 18th, the sun launches into your sign, and Venus starts her sultry dance with mystical Pluto, igniting your 11th house of partnerships and future vision. Focusing on the kindness in your heart during this time can make a positive impact on your life, while good deeds will bring you a sense of fulfillment, and help for you to further lean into your purpose. Embrace your empathy, Pisces — it is your superpower.