
These Are The Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Most Affected By The Scorpio Solar Eclipse

Scorpio season has arrived—and with it, quite a few astrological events!

Earlier this year, we experienced an eclipse season with the Solar Eclipse in Taurus and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Now that we’ve entered into Scorpio season, the next set has arrived—on October 25th, we will experience a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, and later on November 8th, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. So what can we expect from them?

The Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon moves directly between the Sun and the Earth, “eclipsing” the Sun’s light and creating temporary darkness. The New Moon in Scorpio sets the stage for this event, and the results for us include the desire to release emotionally, as well as uncover some hidden truths about ourselves and the world around us. Scorpio, by nature, is a sign that isn’t satisfied with surface-level learning—it needs to see the entire truth, even if it’s dark or unpleasant. Eclipses often feel deeply personal to us as they involve the Sun (which reflects our egos) and the Moon (which reflects our emotions and inner world). During a Solar Eclipse, we tend to feel a bit out of sorts regarding ourselves—our egos take a bit of a hit, and we get a much-needed reality check about who we are and what we want. In the sign of Scorpio, this revelation occurs through self-awareness and a desire for transformation, learning what we need to let go of so that we can become who we want to be.

While the Eclipse will certainly have an effect on all the signs (especially during the two-week period that exists between each Eclipse), there are a few signs who will decidedly feel its effects more intensely. Take a look below to see which zodiac signs will be the most affected by the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (be sure to check for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs!)


This is no surprise to you—the Eclipse is happening in your sign, after all. With the Eclipse taking place in your first house of Self, your experience in confronting who you are and who you want to be will be much louder than it will for other signs—but this isn’t a bad thing. It’s an extremely important time for you to get to the depths of who you are. While facing ourselves in the mirror isn’t always the easiest, it is necessary to confront our blind spots and truly examine every aspect (not just the parts we like). The good news is, this will kickstart a transformative process that will be the central theme for you this season—the emotions may feel intense, but don’t be afraid to experience them.


While the lunar eclipse will take place in your sign in November, you are still going to feel the effects of the Solar Eclipse. Your sister sign Scorpio is already shifting your focus onto your 7th House of relationships, and this Eclipse will only intensify this area. Transformation plays a crucial role here—you have become much more aware of what a healthy relationship should look like, as well as the type of relationship you want. The Eclipse energy is now pushing you towards active change to make this happen. Is your current relationship what you want and need it to be? While it’s possible for this season to mark an ending or close the door on a particular connection, it can also lend to the idea that your relationship is about to enter a new chapter of growth, bringing it closer to what you have been working towards. This is a time to nurture your connections, but also to challenge them—where do you go from here?


As a fellow Fixed sign (along with Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius), the effects of this Eclipse will resonate with you as well, Leo. Occurring in your 4th House of home and roots, this will mark a change in your home life that will shift your dynamic as a whole: think moving in together with a partner, moving out of your current space to somewhere different, repairing relationships with your family and loved ones, etc. This is an exciting time, but may also dredge up some unexpected emotions—even if it’s time for a change, it doesn’t always make leaving behind what is comfortable to you easy. It may even be difficult to fully trust in the next phase of your journey here—it’s a time to examine those feelings. What is holding you back, and what will make these transitions easier?


Rounding out the fixed signs (along with Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo), you too will be feeling the Solar Eclipse’s effects in a direct way, Aquarius. This event is taking place in your 10th House of career, meaning that some major shifts are heading your way in this area. Whether it’s taking on a different role at your current workplace or venturing out to a new career path altogether, Scorpio season is already trying to lay the groundwork for you to actually move towards a career that aligns with what you want, need, and are passionate about. Of course, these things don’t magically appear—you have to accept the opportunities and do the work. However, you’ve been preparing for this shift even when you haven’t fully realized it, and your moment has arrived to make those big moves. Your dreams matter, and this Scorpio Eclipse is here to remind you of that.