This Is Every Zodiac’s Horoscope For The Week Of June 18-24
This week, you’re still experiencing the side effects of Saturn in retrograde. This cycle, which lasts until November 4th, could provoke deep reflection in the upcoming months. What are you doing with your life, Aries, and does it leave you fulfilled? The 19th is the perfect time to craft long-term plans and prioritize goals.
It’s time to reexamine your relationships, Taurus—there’s a toxic influence hanging around you this week. With Saturn in retrograde, you may struggle to define boundaries or notice red flags. Time is the best revealer of trustworthiness; this week, take twice as long to decide if someone is meant to be in your life.
This week is all about fresh starts! The Gemini new moon arrives on the 18th, and you’re ready for a full-on reset. If you’re putting off a big change (like applying for a promotion or asking for a raise), now’s the time—energy from the new moon will help you forge ahead.
The sun enters Cancer on the 21st, marking the start of Cancer season! If you took some downtime earlier this month, try tackling a new project or picking up a new hobby. Cancer season is your time to start fresh, and the sun entering Cancer gives you energy to spare.
It’s a busy week for our fearless lions: between your career, your social life, and your advocacy work, you’re exhausted. This week, take some extra time to recharge. Now’s the perfect moment to schedule an impromptu vacation or indulge in a creative project.
Gemini’s new moon arrives on the 18th, and with it comes new career opportunities. A new leadership position or promotion will be available; with Gemini in your tenth house (which governs long-term goals), it’s time to start thinking of your goals for the next six months. Your efforts will bear fruit between now and the next Gemini full moon.
The new moon brings exciting career opportunities and the urge to broaden your horizons. Seek out others who share similar ambitions and will recommend new ways to acquire knowledge. As we enter Cancer season on the 21st, your career will reach new heights! While others are relaxing on the beach, you’re toiling away in the office. Keep up the momentum; your efforts will pay off next month.
Gemini’s new moon activates your eighth house, which governs your closest bonds and new opportunities. This week, you’re all about relationships. If you’re looking to start a new business venture or meet someone special, now’s the time! Your wanderlust kicks in on the 21st; take some vacation days before the 25th, when you’ll struggle to balance your career and relationships.
It’s the season of love for Sagittarius! This week, you’re all about commitments: you’re ready to make things official, and there’s no better time than the 18th! If you’re single, the new moon brings a new beau—along with someone who will play a major role in your life.
This week is all about new beginnings. You’ll feel the urge to hop on the fitness bandwagon on the 18th; if you’re trying to get out of an exercise rut, start with low-impact activities like pilates or yoga. On the 21st, the sun moves into Cancer and your seventh house of partnerships, which means you’ll become selective about the company you keep. Bring balance to your closest bonds by spending time with friends or your significant other.
This week, Gemini’s new moon enters your fifth house, which governs love and self-expression. On the 18th, sparks will fly between you and a new partner. This feeling could turn into an exciting friendship or a short-term fling. During the summer solstice, the sun moves into Cancer and your orderly sixth house. You’ll focus on practical matters (like paying bills or eating healthy) and your mental health.
It’s time to plant some roots! Gemini’s new moon has you focusing on the home and family. Over the next six months, you’re drawn to domestic matters; try picking up a new hobby that will improve your home life. Baking or woodworking will help you embrace the new moon’s energy. If you’re craving a fling or a new adventure, you can thank the summer solstice. The Sun enters your fifth house on the 21st, and you’ll be drawn to romance and travel.