Orione Conceição

This Is Why You Deserve A Healthy Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

1.      Aries

You do a lot for the people you love. And in the past, your efforts might have been taken for granted. You deserve someone who sees you and knows you from head to toe. You wear your heart on your sleeve and deserve someone who takes care of it. They’ll reciprocate what you pour into them effortlessly.

2.      Taurus

You are one of the most loyal people around. And in the past, you’ve likely found yourself in relationships that you should’ve left sooner. Whether it became toxic or not, you deserve someone worthy of your loyalty. You deserve flowers at your doorstep and someone you can trust always to be there.

3.      Gemini

You care the most when you love someone, which may put a lot of mental load on you. In the past, you’ve probably felt drained from your relationships. Whether long-term or short-lived, you feel like you have yet to meet someone who is your sense of peace. You deserve to be mentally reciprocated and for someone to care as much as you do.

4.      Cancer

You tend to take care of everyone else and leave yourself out. And in the past, you might have been in relationships that overworked you. That’s why you deserve someone who considers you. You deserve everything, from breakfast in bed to emotional stability. You deserve safety.

5.      Leo

You pour everything you can into the people you love. And in the past, your partners probably took advantage of that. Whether they were the right person for the time being, you deserve someone who’s genuinely kind. You deserve sincerity in their words and warmth in their admiration of you.

6.      Virgo

You are a provider all the way through. Which may have explained the burnout felt in past relationships. Whether it was a first date or the seventh, you deserve someone who’ll put in as much effort as you. You deserve the candlelit dinner and the stability you’ve been longing for.

7.      Libra

You’re pretty, and you know it. But in the past, you might have attracted those who were shallow and didn’t care to know you fully. But you are more than your looks and deserve someone who knows it’s the least interesting thing about you. You deserve hand-written love letters and a constant shoulder to cry on.

8.      Scorpio

Like a few on this list, you tend to give your all in relationships. And in the past, you might have found yourself in a couple of toxic ones. Regardless of who was at fault, you deserve someone who can give you the world. You love so deeply and are such a devoted partner that you deserve a love that nurtures and keeps you safe.

9.      Sagittarius

You tend to dive in head first when you like someone. And in the past, it might have been the culprit to your connections not working out. Whether you saw forever with them or not, you deserve a love that grows stronger over time. You deserve the quirky grocery runs and those deep conversations you long to have.

10. Capricorn

You sacrifice a lot for the people you love. Whether it’s your time or money, you’ve probably felt taken for granted in past relationships. You strive to succeed, especially when you love someone. That’s why you deserve a love that can match your effort. You deserve the bouquet of roses and someone who listens with intention.

11. Aquarius

You become a romantic when you fall in love, even with the wrong people. You pay attention to the little things and make the one you’re with feel so valued. That’s why you deserve someone proud to have you. You deserve the name drop in every room and someone who knows what they have while they have it.

12. Pisces

You are one the nicest people out there. And in the past, you might have found partners who took more than what they could give. You deserve a love that invests in you. You are not for those who are passive or have one foot in. You deserve a great love story and someone who’ll never stop putting in the effort.