Grace Chung

This Zodiac Sign Fits The “Queen” Feminine Archetype

We all embody extraordinary traits and we all have an archetype that represents ourselves, our strengths, and even our divine purpose. These “archetypes” are known as Feminine Archetypes, universal patterns that represent who we are at our core. These archetypes can transcend gender boundaries since we all have a masculine and a feminine side.

The Queen Archetype is the empowered parts of us. It represents elegance, confidence, and leading with love. There is one zodiac sign that fits this archetype the best:


It’s not just because they are ruled by the Sun, the center of our solar system, that Leos also feels that they are the center of everyone’s world. They just embody this magnetism, this elegance, this confidence, and it’s undeniably regal. Leos can be graceful and compassionate but also can be a firm, strong leader when they need to be.