What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From The Libra/Virgo Mercury In Retrograde
Mercury in Retrograde is upon us yet again—just in time to kick off the fall season. While this transit is often despised and considered a reason to run for cover, try to relax. Retrogrades in any planet are simply asking you to take a step back, reassess, and think things through before moving forward. While chaos, complications, and confusion are typically part of the process, it doesn’t spell disaster for you.
This Mercury in Retrograde, however, will be transiting two different signs—starting in Libra on September 9th and concluding in Virgo on October 2nd—meaning multiple themes will be coming to light for you during this time. Traditionally, Libra is a sign associated with harmony and relationships, whereas Virgo is often connected to our desire to improve upon things and keep it all together.
Take a look at your sign below (your Sun AND your Rising) to see what you can expect from this upcoming Mercury in Retrograde.
Your interpersonal relationships are front and center for this Retrograde, Aries, as Mercury transits your house of partnerships. This could bring up some much-needed conversations surrounding your relationships, though it may feel a bit tense. Things don’t need to escalate into a full-blown argument, though—just be open to listening and being honest without being brutal. Additionally, this Retrograde could unearth some past relationship trauma that you’ve been working hard to put behind you, but this is only to remind you of where you’ve come from and where you want to go. As Mercury moves into Virgo and makes its way into your 6th house of health and habits, you may feel a bit out of sorts regarding your everyday routines. Don’t panic, though—just take a breath and start working your way back a little at a time. Small progress is still progress.
It’s time to revisit how you take care of yourself, Taurus. Often labeled a creature of habit, it’s no surprise that you have likely drawn close to specific structures that bring you comfort. However, this retrograde is asking you to reevaluate these things and ask if they truly are helping you in the long run. There is nothing wrong with doing something just for the sake of feeling better, but if you can also implement some options that will improve your mental health and overall well-being, then it can’t hurt, right? Later, as Mercury journeys back to your house of romance and creativity, how you crave and satisfy your desires will be asking for your attention. You may likely hear from/want to rekindle things with an ex—proceed with caution, but it could be worth a conversation, if for nothing else, than to get some closure.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is ready to stir things up for you a bit—something you are bound to expect. Your house of romance and creativity is getting the most attention here, which may have you feeling stuck or uninspired for a minute. While you are often a sign that likes to look at all the possibilities, that desire might try to run away with you during these few weeks. You may feel stifled or unsatisfied with your current relationship situation or may feel the heavy weight of no inspiration towards your creative pursuits—but don’t fret. Rather than scrapping everything in your current life, try reflecting on what you feel you’re missing. And if your ex sends a text? Maybe just leave it on read. Once Mercury shifts back into your house of roots and family, you may experience some dissatisfaction or resurfacing trauma tied to your familial bonds. If there is any unresolved conflict between you and a loved one, now may be a time to have a conversation—or at least reflect on what you want to say.
Home is where the heart is—and it’s also the first focus of this Retrograde for you, Cancer. As the planet transits your house of roots and home, you may find that the place you come to for safety and comfort isn’t entirely free from its share of issues. Whether it has to do with your actual physical home or the connections and relationships with your family, Mercury is pushing you to heal and strengthen your connection to these things as much as you are able to do. This doesn’t mean you can’t look ahead to what’s next, but to remember where you come from and what you’ve grown from. When Mercury makes a pit stop in your house of communication, you may experience some issues with getting across what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. Even those closest to you may misconstrue what you’re saying, and you may do the same with them. Take some extra time to make your communication clear and concise, while also paying attention to what is being said to you.
Think before you speak: that is the central theme for you during this transit, Leo. Your house of communication will be receiving the spotlight during this time, and as is most associated with Mercury in Retrograde, your communication will likely be taking some hits. Your boldness and charisma are often part of why you can say things with confidence and not too much pushback, but these few weeks may find that you aren’t getting your point across the way you hope to. Others may take in your words and feel you’re more arrogant than confident, more pushy than determined. Slow down and consider how you address people because it will be worth taking a few extra moments if it means you can keep your close relationships intact. Later, as Mercury moves into your house of finances, you will be directed to pay attention to what you value. While wanting to make money and status isn’t a bad thing to strive for, ensure it isn’t the only thing that matters to you.
It’s your season, but sadly it doesn’t make you immune to the effects of Mercury in Retrograde, Virgo. However, you will likely feel somewhat prepared, given that you have already started paying attention to the houses in your chart affected by this transit. Your second house of finances and possessions pushes you to focus on the things you place your self-esteem and value in—what things do you allow to define you? You may find yourself scrambling a bit, feeling as though you don’t have things together, but take a deep breath and really look at the situation for what it is. Even if you aren’t where you want to be yet, it doesn’t mean everything is falling apart. When Mercury eventually journeys back to your first house of self, you may rethink every decision you’ve been making so far this season, particularly the ones about yourself and how you show up in the world. It’s okay to reflect, but don’t beat yourself up over risks you’ve taken or ways you’ve tried to shake things up lately. Just learn from these moments and enjoy the present.
This is your moment, Libra—time to take advantage of it. As you await for your season to arrive, Mercury has already found its way to you, and has a few things it wants you to sit with. As this transit takes place in your house of Self, you may find yourself presented with the question of who you are. Who are you when you aren’t constantly trying to make everyone else happy? Who are you when you don’t drop everything to make sure others are taken care of? This Retrograde is giving you the opportunity to slow down and really discover who you are when you don’t feel responsible for the rest of the world. Once Mercury moves into your house of spirituality and secrets, these thoughts and feelings may feel more intense, but don’t stress yourself out over it. It’s okay to take time for yourself and to keep things to yourself. Some things are allowed to be just for you.
It’s okay to be reserved sometimes, but no one needs to tell you that, do they Scorpio? As Mercury transits your house of spirituality and secrets, you may have to face some inner issues and situations that you’ve tried very hard to bury—but things come out eventually. You may find your emotions are at an all-time high, but this could work to your advantage—it’s time to find strength in how you feel and use this time to work through your past and all the baggage that comes with it. Once Mercury backpedals into your house of connections and networking, you could find some much-needed solace and breathing room from everything you’ve been sitting with—and it may lead you to some old friends who knew you back in the day. Whether those connections show you how far you’ve come, or open the door to a renewed friendship, take things slow before diving in headfirst.
If you’re feeling a bit disconnected, don’t worry too much, Sagittarius—it’s just the Retrograde saying hello. As it makes its way through your house of connections and community, this transit may highlight your connections (or lack thereof) and bring to your attention who you have surrounding you. You may be tempted to push people away and retreat, but instead, use this time to figure out why your friends and community aren’t quite as strong as you want/need them to be. Sometimes a simple conversation can open the door to discoveries you haven’t even considered. Once Mercury moves into your house of career, you likely will find yourself reassessing what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Are you in the place you thought you would be? Is what you’re doing aligned with who you are and your values? Important questions deserve time and attention, so this is the time to sit with them.
As much as you might hate to hear it, Capricorn, this Retrograde is starting in your house of career. This doesn’t mean your work world will go up in flames, but you might experience some frustration regarding work projects or colleagues. Sometimes roadblocks are just part of the process, and even though you would love nothing more than to move full speed ahead, take a minute and reassess what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Sometimes things need a new approach, and it doesn’t hurt to try it if you find yourself repeatedly running into a wall. Later on, Mercury will travel back to your house of philosophy and learning, pushing you to take some old lessons and apply them to your life. Just because you’ve outgrown some aspects of the things you once held close doesn’t mean there wasn’t anything useful or good to learn from it.
Sometimes the best adventures are the ones not planned, Aquarius—and this Retrograde is here to remind you of that. As the planet spins through your house of philosophy, expansion, and travel, you may find that your worldview and determined paths may experience some shakeups. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing—embracing the unexpected can open your mind to things you never could’ve imagined. You don’t have to abandon everything you know; just remember that these moments can help you plant your feet even stronger down the road. Once Mercury moves back to your house of transformation and connections, some unexpected feelings may make themselves known. You likely have had to let a life plan or a person go, and even if you know it was the absolute right move, you may still have some unresolved, painful feelings about it. Don’t be ashamed of needing more time to process those emotions–you’re human. Take your time.
Time to revisit your bonds and connections, Pisces—who (or what) are you holding onto? Mercury will be moving through your house of transformation and shared finances, which is as good a time as any to look at who you are tied to and what type of relationship you’re in. Perhaps you will realize that you’ve stayed connected to someone for too long, simply because it’s easier than untangling yourself—but that isn’t always a good enough reason to stay with someone. Don’t be afraid to look at your situation and see what truly bonds you. Later on, the Retrograde will move back into your house of relationships, and you might have a person from your past show back up unexpectedly. While some things are best left in the past, this person could serve as a reminder for mistakes you don’t want to repeat in the future, so you’ll want to pay attention.