What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Gemini Season
Gemini season has arrived! The zodiac’s social, curious, communicative sign is here to help you step outside of what is comfortable and typical and into something fresh and exciting! After last month’s Eclipse season, we are all likely still dealing with those after-effects. Gemini isn’t one that likes to sit around and wait too long, though—take your time to heal, but don’t shut out the rest of the world!
Mercury in Retrograde is still going strong and will continue to until June 2nd. Mercury will briefly spend some time in Taurus before circling again into Gemini. No need to let the fear of the retrograde keep you from enjoying your life—just double-check any contracts you sign, be careful in your communication, and be wary of some technology mishaps—maybe get those warranties to protect your stuff and make sure it’s all up to date!
The New Moon in Gemini will be taking place on May 30th, which will be a breath of fresh air after the heaviness of Taurus season. Now that we’ve experienced some upheaval and have been confronted with things we haven’t wanted to deal with coming to the surface, the New Moon is challenging us to think through our approaches moving forward. How do we take what we’ve been given and allow ourselves to move on, rather than staying stagnant? Later on, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14th will push us to be our most vocal, gregarious selves. Sagittarius can be a bit impulsive, so with that energy heightened, you may feel as though you need to do something right now, but slow down a bit—you’re seeing some chapters coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean you need to burn any bridges.
Read your zodiac sign to see what you can expect this Gemini Season (check both your Sun and Rising signs!)
Gemini season is opening doors for you to connect with some new people, Aries. This season is happening in your third house of communication, with the New Moon setting the stage for some new beginnings in that category. However, take the time to listen more than you talk—your ambitious energy is admirable, but with the Retrograde still taking place, it could come across as arrogance, which could backfire on you if you’re not careful.
After the exciting (and, let’s be honest, super intense) season you’ve just had in your sign, it’s time to hand the reins over to Gemini. Gemini rules your second house of money and finances, so you may be noticing new opportunities for income popping up. Naturally, take advantage of what comes to you; just be sure you know what you’re signing up for. Keep an eye on your finances, but don’t be afraid to try something new! Additionally, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will light up your house of intimacy, bonds, money, and legal ties, which will be important to look out for. Some chapters may be closing in that area, but it’s likely for the best, and you’ve had some time to prepare for it, so don’t stress too much over it.
Happy Birthday, Gemini babes! It’s officially your season, so you’re bound to make the most of it. While Mercury in Retrograde has been operating in your sign lately, you’ve been able to manage it well. Retrogrades simply ask us to be a bit more careful with our thoughts and words, so while you may have been experiencing a little more chaos than usual, you’ll get a short break when Mercury rolls back in the sign of Taurus. The New Moon in Gemini will offer you an opportunity for a fresh start—who are you wanting to be? While your answers may shift from time to time, this is a chance to step into the version of you that you’ve been sitting on for a while. Later in the month, when The Full Moon in Sagittarius takes place, you’ll feel that excitable energy that wants to propel you forward into your next adventure—particularly in the love department. Feel free to release those old habits in relationships (or partner choices) that have been holding you back, because new things are on the horizon.
This season is still carrying some heaviness for you, Cancer, but it’s not the end of the world (I promise!). Gemini planets are moving through your 12th house, which is often associated with secrets, spirituality, dreams, etc. This often leads to things being uncovered that you’ve kept hidden from yourself and others. This can lead to some weighty introspection, especially with the New Moon taking place in your 12th house, but this is a time to sit with some of those revelations and figure out what they mean to you. Mercury in Retrograde will shift into the sign of Taurus, governing your house of friendships, networking, and connections—so be aware that communication with those you love may feel a little more strained these last few weeks. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will occur in your 6th house of health, routines, and habits—which could be a good foot forward towards keeping/setting boundaries you’ve made for yourself. Pay attention to your heart and your body—they have plenty they want to show you.
Gemini season is looking good for you, Leo! You have plenty to look forward to, from new interactions and connections to a burst of inspiration in your house of creativity. Of course, this isn’t your season, so keep in mind that trying to ensure you’re the center of attention in everything may not work out in your favor. You have some great opportunities to open up to new people when the New Moon takes place in your 11th house, but it’s important to read the room. Later on, when the Full Moon hits your house of creativity, you may find yourself finishing up a long-awaited project or be hit with a fresh dose of inspiration to work towards something new. Regardless, allow this breath of fresh air to be a welcome break for you.
Your fellow Mercury-ruled Gemini has started its season, which can be an exciting time! However, Gemini is a bit more unpredictable than you would like, which means that the routines and structures you’ve established? Yeah, they may not run so smoothly at the moment. Don’t freak out too much, though, because once the Retrograde in Mercury has passed, the rest of the season will feel pretty easy to navigate. The Full Moon will be taking place in your 4th house of roots/family, so keep an eye on that area of your life. You may need to work towards some resolutions or restorations with those who live in your home, but of course, ensure you’re taking care of yourself in the process.
You’re feeling a pull to explore your horizons, Libra—your fellow air sign asks you to get curious. While Gemini season can often be a make or break for you (your signs either are obsessed with each other or at total odds), this Gemini season is setting itself up to be a good push out of your comfort zone, if you can be open enough to go with it. The New Moon taking place in your house of travel and philosophy will have you ready to set some plans, but maybe wait until Mercury is safely out of Retrograde before actually making any purchases.
Taurus season and the Scorpio Eclipse absolutely ran you ragged—but don’t worry, you get a bit of a hiatus here this Gemini season. You’ll be able to finally fully release all the heaviness that has been weighing you down. With the season transiting your 8th house of connections, intimacy, bonds, etc., you will likely be tying up some loose ends to those relationships and circumstances you had to let go of. The good news? You know it’s ultimately for the best, and while it may feel bittersweet, you can look forward to some new beginnings coming up sooner than you might expect.
Gemini season is here, which is always an interesting time for you, Sagittarius. With Gemini as your sister sign and the number of qualities the two of you share, this season can often be that perfect boost you’ve needed to move things forward. The New Moon will be happening in your house of partnerships, so a new beginning for romance might just be within your sights. This could also signal a new chapter in an already existing relationship—regardless, you have plenty to look forward to. The Full Moon is taking place in your 1st house of self, which may be asking you to reevaluate how you present yourself to the world, or that perhaps some changes you’ve been making are coming into full effect. Either way, this is a great time to enjoy your life, so take advantage!
Much to your dismay, Gemini season is trying to shake up your habits and routines, Capricorn. The good news is that this is a chance to figure out what is working for you—and by working, I don’t just mean what is technically getting you results. You can achieve your “goals” but still run yourself into the ground in the process, which won’t actually help in the long run. Try to lean into the social vibes of Gemini season because it’s very easy for you to stay so blinded by your pursuits that you don’t connect with others—and whether you want to admit it or not, you need people too.
Gemini season is ready to spice up your life a little bit, Aquarius. Your house of creativity, pleasure, and romance is highlighted this season, so don’t be surprised if opportunities for some new flirtations and new inspiration show up for you. You may not need to dive right into a relationship at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have a little fun, right? With the Full Moon taking place in your house of connections and networking, you can find yourself meeting some newer faces that could be exactly what you’ve been hoping for.
Gemini season is taking you back to your roots, Pisces. This season is transiting your house of family and home, and with the New Moon taking place in that same house, you could realize now more than ever just how much you need the people who make you feel at home. You may need a bit of a break after the intensity of Eclipse season, which makes sense, so don’t be afraid to lean on your family and take a respite from the outside world (as much as you can, anyway).