What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Virgo Season
Virgo season has arrived, and it’s time for a bit of a reality check after Leo season’s radiant, blinding effects. As we start to shift into the end of summer, Virgo is asking us to buckle down and figure out our priorities.
However, Virgo is not a boring, by-the-book sign, and this season shouldn’t be considered dull. There is plenty to celebrate in Virgo season, but it’s simply asking you to take a different approach—rather than getting in your face and going over the top, it’s time to pull out the magnifying glass and analyze things a little deeper than usual.
The New Moon in Virgo will kick things off on August 27, asking us not to be afraid to pursue our dreams and take the necessary steps to get there. New Moons offer us a chance to be more intentional and directional in where we are going and what we are doing, and in the sign of Virgo, this can be filtered through a practical, distinctive lens. Other planets will continue to make their way through the Earth sign, giving us a grounded place to assess our relationships and ourselves—Virgo wants to be well informed before making any decisions, which means uncovering a lot that may have previously been swept under the rug. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 brings out our more imaginative side, reminding us it’s important to be emotional and connected just as much as analytical and self-assessing.
So how will Virgo season specifically affect you? Check out your Sun and Rising signs below to get an idea of what Virgo season has in store for you!
Leo season (and let’s be honest, several of the previous ones as well) kept you insanely busy—which you usually don’t have an issue with. However, even the most determined, energetic people need a break, which is a central theme for you this season. As you’re trying to recover from the hectic schedules and likely burnout you’re feeling from trying to stretch yourself thin, it’s time to take a step back and give yourself a break. With your sixth house of health and habits taking center stage, this is also a time to reassess how you tend to organize and run your life and figure out some better ways to get things done without burying yourself into the ground in the process. Trying some new mindful habits, like meditation or journaling, could also be a huge help in giving you some clarity on what comes next.
Your fellow Earth sign Virgo is pushing you to take a closer look at what you want in your love life, as well as boosting your creativity. As The Sun moves through your fifth house of love, creativity, and pleasure, you need to determine whether the relationship you’re in (or the way you’re approaching dating life) is genuinely fulfilling you. While you tend to lean towards reliable and security-minded partners, you also value the ability to do things on your own time and at your own pace—which may require a more flexible and open path. Determining where you are in life will play a significant factor, but Virgo is all about the details and taking in the facts, so don’t shy away from being honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you need or what isn’t working out.
Your house of roots and home is getting the spotlight this Virgo season, so turning your social energy inwards towards those closest to you is a good idea right now. Taking the time to reprioritize the ones who are connected to you may be necessary if you’ve been distracted elsewhere, so it never hurts to remind others (and yourself) of the ones who are there for you through anything you may go through. Additionally, with Mercury moving through your fifth house of love, creativity, and pleasure, you may find yourself experiencing some unexpected attention from people in this area. However, once Mercury moves into Retrograde, it’s important to slow down and not make promises you can’t keep, even if you’re feeling swept up in all the fun and romance.
This season, Virgo hopes to instill the need for balance in your life because opportunities are bound to show up for you, but you need to learn how to interweave them in your life rather than allowing one thing to take over. Your third house of communication and understanding is getting the most attention right now. Still, with the Full Moon in Pisces lighting up your ninth house of philosophy and mastership later on, you’re looking to receive some opportunities that can expand your educational career. The good news is that your different aspects in life will have some overlap, making some decisions easier to make, but as the season progresses, this is an excellent time to set sight on your next steps and figure out what path you want to take—rather than feeling pressured to choose something that doesn’t align with who you are or what you want out of life.
As your season concludes, it’s time to take all that much-needed self-confidence and reinvention and apply it to other areas in your life. Your second house of resources is taking up your attention currently because it never hurts to buckle down and save some money and create a plan for how to achieve any new goals or projects you’ve set your sights on while taking time for yourself last season. Additionally, the Full Moon in Pisces is going to shed a reminder on the things you find value in—not just tangibly but emotionally as well. You are headstrong, but you rarely get to where you want to go in life by doing things alone, so taking this time to also look at who you’re most closely connected to (in multiple ways) can help you figure out what steps you need to take to create a solid foundation for your future.
Happy Birthday, Virgo! This season is time to focus on you, and it’s much needed. While the Sun shines on your first house of self, take some time to figure out who you are and how you want the world to see you, and see if those things are aligned. If not, ask yourself why that is. The Full Moon in Pisces will also highlight the one-on-one connections you have in your life—a new chapter is trying to emerge, but figuring out what it means for you will take some time. It’s easy to want to stay in the same comfortable routine, but it’s time to ask if that’s actually best or simply what you find comfort in.
Virgo season is here to release some untapped potential, so don’t be afraid to embrace the opportunity. Taking some time away from the chaos and drama of life may be in order—it’s easy to get caught up in what’s happening with everyone else around you, but sometimes you need to remember that it’s not always your business, so taking a breather and turning that attention inward could serve you better in the long run. If you have been feeling like something is struggling to come to the surface of your mind—maybe some unresolved feelings or a creative idea that will bolster you out of the rut you have found yourself in—with Mercury moving into your sign this season, you may find yourself expressing your inner thoughts and feelings more directly. But once Mercury moves into Retrograde, take a moment to think things through before confirming any major plans or discussions. You may have a little trouble getting your footing, but Virgo is trying to push you to discover something new about yourself—something this sign is more than skilled at achieving.
Friendships are always meaningful, and this Virgo season, you’re asked to remember this. Especially when it comes to achieving your goals and following your dreams, your friends can be a huge source of support and encouragement, but they can also hold you back if they don’t have your best interests at heart. Taking the time to gain some clarity and pay attention to who is showing up for you and cheering you on will be paramount going forward. Your creativity and passion will have some serious bolstering effects this season, and you need to be surrounded by people who truly want to see you shine, not the ones who would rather step on you to get ahead.
This season is spotlighting your career pursuits and asking you to sit with what you want out of this area in life. Is your current career path due to making good money, or is it what you want to be doing? While we can’t always make a ton of changes in our lives when it comes to providing and caring for ourselves (and loved ones), Virgo is still directing you to pay attention to what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. If you’re not on the path you want to be, how can you change that? Even small steps are better than none at all. Don’t be afraid to turn to your friends and try to network with some new contacts—you might be surprised what doors can open up for you.
You don’t always have to do everything alone, Capricorn—working with others matters for a reason. Virgo season is shining light on your house of friendships and networking, meaning the possibilities of you receiving new opportunities, gigs, and contacts is wide open. Allowing your connections to open new doors for you is no small thing, so don’t be afraid to embrace the chances that come your way.
Virgo season is reminding you that sometimes it is okay to spend the money you’ve worked so hard for. While saving and taking care of important financial matters is a must, there are times when spending is appropriate—and that opportunity is likely to show itself during this season. With Mercury transiting your house of philosophy and expansion, you may find that the financial opportunity could be linked to something in that realm; just be thoughtful and intentional rather than overspending.
Your relationships are taking center stage this season, Pisces. Your sister sign Virgo is asking you to look closely at the relationships you keep close—what’s working and what isn’t? What can you do to improve and show up better in these connections? What can they do? While emotions can run high during this time, the end result is a reminder of your value and self-worth and who you have chosen to surround yourself with. For better or worse, you may find out who doesn’t see you for the person you truly are and doesn’t respect and care for you the way they should. It’s essential to take the rose-colored glasses off and connect with those who care for you.