What Every Zodiac Can Expect From The New Moon In Sagittarius
New moons are for manifestation and this New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th will invite an optimistic, pleasant, lucky energy into our lives. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, Sagittarius brings positivity, expansion, adventure, learning, risks, and new beginnings.
This is what every zodiac can expect from this transit:
You’re normally an adventurous person, but this New Moon is really pushing you out of your comfort zone. Whatever urges you feel now, to try and learn something new, lean into them. Taking risks is what you do best, so enjoy yourself and remain optimistic.
Commitments and intimacy are on your mind this month. You’re feeling the urge to not only purge the people in your life who don’t align with you anymore but also to take the risk and deepen your current connections. Listen to your intuition. Fresh starts are good.
This New Moon during Mercury Retrograde energy is a lot for you, and while it might feel overwhelming, it’s still a positive thing in the long run. Do yourself a favor and express your feelings without fear — the right people will respect and understand you and the wrong ones will see themselves out.
It’s great that you love taking care of people, but you have to remember yourself, too. Use this as a learning experience: if you don’t want to burn out and you want to be a pleasant person to be around, you have to take care of yourself first. Rest and recharge–that’s the only way you can keep going.
With the fiery energy, you’re feeling incredibly inspired and empowered during this transit. You’re confident in yourself and your abilities and are more than willing to take risks and embark on new adventures. With an open mind and some optimism, you can expect to enter 2024 on a great foot.
With the Mercury Retrograde energy, you’re feeling a lot of emotions: lost, unsure, and stuck, but also inspired and excited for what the future holds. Lean into any urges for how you can express yourself the best because that’s what will get you far. Remain hopeful and ignore the self-doubt talk.
You know that life is about balance. If you’ve been spending a lot of time at home and focusing on your career, then maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and explore new things. Go on a trip and engage in some romantic connections.
Not only are you feeling more confident in yourself right now, but a stroke of good luck is coming your way, too! Remain hopeful and even delusional–that’s a great way to manifest the things you want going in 2024.
Even though you are being challenged to rethink your values and goals to reflect on what in your life needs to change, luck is on your side, so remain optimistic. Take a moment for yourself and focus on what your intuition is saying about how you can let go of the old and make room for the new.
With the energy of Mercury Retrograde in your sign and your season approaching, you’re doing a lot of positive introspection during this time. You’re always looking to improve yourself, which is great, but don’t be so hard on yourself. Look at how far you’ve come and all the negativity you’ve expelled from your life. You should be proud.
It’s an ideal time for you to expand your social circles. It’s okay to ask for help, because sometimes, it’s who you know, not what you know. Lean on your friends, family, and coworkers–you never know who could be a catalyst for making your dreams come true.
This time of year is putting you in your feels and you’re more vulnerable than normal. Don’t let these feelings get the best of you, Pisces! Remain optimistic. Channel your energy into something creative, something that brings you peace and joy.