What Every Zodiac Can Expect From August’s Supermoon

The last time the New Moon was in the sign of Aquarius, we were still enduring the Saturn in Aquarius transit. On August 1st, 2023, when the Full Moon enters Aquarius, we will officially close out a cycle initiated six months ago relating to our relationship dynamics and ambitions. This can be a social transit as well as one that will highlight our romantic lives. With Venus currently retrograde, this Full Moon will be in opposition to the planet of love, which will make us want to embrace Venusian-related topics. It is a social transit that can help us reconnect, especially with Mercury in its shadow period occurring now. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun and Moon sign.


Exploring your creative energy and finding inspiration will be the tone of this transit. The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you be more in tune with your future goals and you seem more determined and fearless in pursuing what brings you happiness. With Mercury currently retrograde, you may receive some messages from friends from the past or may encounter them at social events. This is a time to make new connections and memories.


This is an emotional transit that will help you focus on creating a balance to allow your professional life to thrive. As the Full Moon allows you to close out chapters and begin new ones that help you with your self-expression and creativity. It is a time when you feel motivated to step up your game. This can also be a transit where you focus on giving yourself much love, care, and attention.


Becoming more successful and setting new and more concrete goals can be a result of this transit. You may feel much more confident with this transit as the Full Moon helps you to look back six months ago and see where you were and how much further you are now. Expansion and learning are tied to this transit—you will see how much your ideology has changed and empowered you.


This transit can move you into new territory that will spark your creativity and personal growth. Here you are being taught to value yourself more with Venus in Leo making an opposition to the Full Moon. You see what you are willing to tolerate in relationships and what does not work for you. It is a transit of healing and release, so when the Full Moon enters the sign of Pisces, you will feel much more liberated and optimistic.


Themes linked back to Saturn in Aquarius begin once again. Your partnerships will evolve during this transit. You are prompted to look to where you were six months ago and see the shift in your relationship dynamics. It can feel like a pleasant transit helping you to discover your self-love. The connections you make now will serve to help you understand yourself more and to build better boundaries in relationships.


Taking things slower can be a result of this transit as you focus on bringing more organization and harmony into your world. You can see your relationships with your coworkers or classmates begin to get a little better. This Full Moon will help you to be more prepared and proactive about your plans for success. Mercury in your sign gives you the mental clarity to triumph over any challenges in your day-to-day life.


You can rejoice and feel slightly more liberated with this transit. There are plenty of opportunities for love and redefining your relationships. However, with your ruler currently retrograde, try not to be too impulsive and take things slow. The Full Moon gifts you an opportunity to step into your power and reclaim your control. You may feel extremely supported by friends and family, giving you the courage needed to chase your dreams.


This transit can offer you a lot of clarity and optimism for the next several weeks. As the Full Moon squares off with your sign, you will be much more focused and determined to claim your place in the sun. There is more optimism brewing within you. Creating success comes easier as long as you continue to believe in your abilities. The Full Moon in Aquarius can feel revolutionary as you move forward with much more courage into this new and more joyous phase in your life. 


If you worked on a project a few years ago, this transit will allow you to reconnect with it and feel more prepared to complete it. Saturn in Aquarius has transformed your communication style and the lessons you learned then will be implemented now. The Full Moon sheds away those insecurities and allows you to take control and go in a new direction that will keep that spark and flame going with any creative pursuits. 


This is a good transit to focus on your material gains and finances. You are also going to feel a lot more inspired at this time. If you have felt uninspired or have had a rough time connecting with what you have to say and your words, the Full Moon helps to bring you more spark and creativity, thanks to the opposition with Venus. The connections you make during this transit will be intense and passionate. 


Having meaningful connections at this time will help you to feel inspired, loved, and more optimistic. The Full Moon will allow you to move on from topics relating to the self and the ego. With Venus making opposition to your sign, you may be hungering for love, so make this a fantastic time to spend with the people you love and respect. During this transit, you learn to be your own cheerleader, since you are more accepting and loving towards yourself.


The Full Moon will show you how to be there for yourself and show yourself patience and self-care when you need it. Things can feel like they are on overdrive with Saturn in your sign restructuring everything around you. Take things slow and learn about your limits so you can work smarter and not burn out. There will also be a focus on your relationships with this transit. Honesty is needed during this time to connect better with your partner.