What Makes You Anxious, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Every zodiac sign gets nervous from time to time. But for some, nervousness and dread can intensify into a deeper emotional state. While anxiety can help us realize when a situation is unsafe, unwarranted anxiety may prevent us from doing the things that we love. Knowing why we experience anxiety helps us understand the difference between safe and unsafe situations and what we can do about our feelings. Here’s what makes you most anxious, based on your zodiac sign’s unique personality traits.
Aries: Negative Thoughts and Self-Doubt
Every zodiac sign correlates with a set of body parts that tells us something special about that sign. These body parts can be the sign’s most beautiful or strongest attributes, or the parts most prone to injury and illness. Aries rules the head and eyes, meaning that Aries people usually have gorgeous eyes, thick hair, and stubborn, “hard heads.” It also means that Aries people can be susceptible to common mental conditions like anxiety.
Aries people are creative and fast thinkers, and sometimes their quick minds lead them to dark, anxious thoughts. They are most likely to have negative thoughts about themselves, like that they’re not good enough or are certain to fail. To start healing their anxiety, Aries people need to use their sharp minds to counter every negative intrusive thought as it comes. When they think, “This presentation is going to go horribly,” they can counter it with, “My last presentation actually went great and this one will most likely be fine, too.”
Taurus: Change and the Unknown
Just as each zodiac sign rules a set of body parts, every sign also has a modality that reveals how they navigate the world around them. Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning that Taurus people are stubborn, set in their ways, and slow to accept change.
Therefore, change and fear of the unknown make Taurus people the most anxious. As a hard-working star sign that appreciates the finer things in life, they have the potential to achieve great things. But they are almost afraid of their own success and the change that would come with it, so they may self-sabotage or become extremely anxious, even when things are going well.
Taurus people can combat their anxiety by working on embracing change, one small step at a time. Deviating slightly from their routines and letting other people make minor decisions for them occasionally can help them see that change and the unknown can bring joyful surprises.
Gemini: Boredom and Stagnancy
Instead of having a fixed modality like Taurus, Gemini is a mutable sign. This means that Geminis are flexible and highly adaptive to new situations. Quite the opposite of Taurus, Gemini people crave change and new environments.
Geminis are very intelligent, and they love variety. There’s nothing they dislike more than being bored. What makes Geminis the most anxious is feeling stuck, stagnant, and trapped. They need movement and progress to feel comfortable.
As one of the most social signs of the zodiac, a great way for Geminis to temper their anxiety is talk therapy. A good therapist can help them organize their racing thoughts and find the best ways to make constructive life changes to avoid stagnation.
Cancer: Family and Relationships
Every zodiac sign has a guiding heavenly body that tells us something important about that sign. Cancer is ruled by the moon, the celestial body of divine feminine energy, so this sign is considered “the mother of the zodiac.”
As the zodiac’s mother, Cancers are deeply connected to their families, especially their mothers and children. Cancers are most likely to get anxious about their family members and their relationships with them. Whether they are worrying about their parents’ health, their children’s safety, or their siblings’ well-being, Cancers can’t help but take on the struggles of their loved ones.
To fight their anxiety, Cancers need to avoid codependency. They must learn to create healthy boundaries and take care of themselves first. Only when their cup is full can they afford to pour out some for others.
Leo: Appearances and Letting Others Down
Each star sign has a unique symbol that reveals the distinctive qualities of that sign. Leo’s symbol is the lion, telling us that Leos are strong, proud, and regal.
Leos love attention and are natural performers. They like having all eyes in the room on them, and there’s nothing they love more than making a crowd smile and laugh. Although they are vain, they’re not too concerned with embarrassing themselves, as long as other people are having a good time.
The greatest fear of Leos is letting other people down. They toss and turn at night, wondering if they have done enough to impress and please everyone. They are also quite concerned about their appearance, so their looks and signs of aging also worry them.
Leos can decrease their anxiety by working on their inner confidence. Although they come across as extremely self-assured, Leos place far too much value on appearances and others’ opinions. They must do what is true and right to them, rather than trying to impress everyone else.
Virgo: Their Bodies and Physical Health
Virgo’s set of body parts includes the digestive system, abdomen, and spleen. The stomach is such an integral part of the nervous system that it is often called the body’s “second brain.” Like Aries, the sign that rules the head, Virgos may be especially prone to anxiety and nervousness due to their star sign’s governing body parts. Virgos are also particular about what they consume and put into their bodies, as they tend to have sensitive stomachs.
What makes Virgos anxious is health concerns. They like having control over their diet and exercising the way they want. They are hyper-aware of their bodies and can overthink even minor ailments.
To combat their anxiety, Virgos need to relax their health regimens. It won’t kill them to have a slice of cake at a birthday party or to miss a workout once in a while. A slight headache or stomach pain isn’t necessarily symptomatic of a bigger issue. Focusing on mental health and the mind-body connection, such as practicing meditation or stress-relief yoga, will do wonders for a Virgo’s anxiety.
Libra: Other People’s Opinions
Libra is the only sign on the zodiac represented by an inanimate object, the scales. This special symbol tells us that Libras are all about balance in everything they do. They seek justice and are natural peacekeepers. As the sign concerned with fairness and harmony, Libras can’t stand confrontation and hate when others are mad at them.
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. The influence of Venus can make Libras a bit shallow at times. Between their desire for peace and their wish to be loved by everyone, Libras tend to worry too much about other people’s opinions.
Libras need to take care of themselves first and recognize that other people’s feelings aren’t their responsibility. They must also learn that when they are a friend to all, they are a true friend to none. They’ve got to trust their instincts and assure themselves how wonderful they are instead of needing external validation.
Scorpio: Rejection and Losing Control
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, and power. Thanks to Pluto’s influence, Scorpios are obsessed with power and can be quite controlling.
Scorpio also rules the eighth house, the house of intimacy and sharing. This means that Scorpios crave romantic relationships more than anything, yet they need to feel a sense of control with their partners.
Loss of control and rejection from loved ones are the things that keep Scorpios awake at night. They hate when a situation spirals out of their grasp, and their hearts break almost irreparably when a loved one hurts them.
Scorpios can practice relinquishing control by letting their loved ones make plans for a change. They may be pleasantly surprised by what happens when they loosen the reins a little bit. They must also remember that, if for any reason their relationship ends, there are plenty of other fish in the sea and they won’t have to be alone forever.
Sagittarius: Boundaries and Restrictions
Sagittarius is represented by the centaur, a mythical creature that is half man and half horse. Like a wild stallion, Sagittarians like to live boundless and free, and they hate feeling trapped. They never want to be obligated to any one person, place, or thing. Boundaries and rigid rules frustrate them and give them anxiety.
As the sign of the traveler, Sagittarians have an insatiable wanderlust. The thought of staying in one place for too long makes them feel restless and itchy, and they fear most forms of commitment.
Sagittarians must learn that they can play by the rules and still have fun. Most guidelines are meant to keep us safe and functional, rather than to inhibit us. This zodiac sign feels best when surrounded by the people and places that allow them to be themselves, without chains or a filter.
Capricorn: Work Stress and Failure
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of authority and responsibility. Saturn’s influence makes Capricorn the most ambitious and hard-working zodiac sign.
For Capricorns, work is a crucial part of their identity. They won’t stop until they’ve reached the highest possible level of power and responsibility in their careers. They’re unable to unplug from work, often bringing their job worries home.
Not only do Capricorns fret about work but they also fear financial or career failure. Although they’d never admit it, they need the admiration and approval of others to feel satisfied. So, to them, failure is unacceptable.
Capricorns can ease their anxiety by taking a real break. Disconnect the laptop, turn off the work phone, and go somewhere beautiful to relax. They must also do inner work to understand that their value lies in who they are, not what they do.
Aquarius: The State of the World
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian, so Aquarians often think about society at large. They are innovative and intelligent, seeking creative solutions for some of the world’s greatest problems.
What worries Aquarius the most is the state of the world. Natural disasters, war, and climate change plague the caring Aquarius mind.
Shielding themselves from too much negative news, such as limiting their social media time, can help Aquarius calm down. Finding outlets where they can be helpful, such as volunteer projects, also puts them at ease.
Pisces: Being Alone
Pisces is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, and a Pisces in love will do anything for their partner. Although they enjoy their alone time, Pisces is happiest in a committed relationship. They yearn for a deep soul connection with a loved one, and their most anxious thoughts are about ending up alone.
Sometimes, Pisces’ romantic and sweet nature makes them get taken for granted. Their partners may take advantage of their generosity and devotion.
Pisces can reduce their anxiety by focusing on the aspects of being single that they love, such as having more time for friends and spiritual pursuits. They must learn that the right relationship will be one of reciprocity rather than resentment, and that it’s better to be alone than with the wrong partner.