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What Will Make Someone Who Is Not Ready For A Relationship Suddenly Commit, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

An Aries may say they’re not ready for a relationship and they have a lot of options, but they will actually commit to someone who gives them both fiery passion and stability. Aries folks love a good time and they’re very passionate, but they also want to know that the person they’re with is emotionally mature and will give them the stability and consistency they crave, all while having the best time of their life. This will make them find the fulfillment they’re looking for without getting bored and will eventually want more from that person. 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

A Taurus will commit to someone who is patient with them and gives them their freedom and space when they need it. They want someone who makes them feel accepted without putting pressure on them so they don’t feel like the relationship is a burden, as they already have multiple burdens and responsibilities on their plate. They need to feel that a relationship is not another chore on their list and they don’t need to constantly go out of their way to please their partner. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis will commit to someone who can give them friendship first. They tend to fall for their best friends all the time because they naturally feel the connection and the comfort as the feelings naturally start developing over time. Geminis do not fall in love quickly; instead, they want someone they can trust and open up to first without any labels or expectations then the feelings will follow. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

They will commit to someone who shows them their vulnerability shamelessly and someone who is not afraid of expressing their deepest emotions. They appreciate vulnerability and sentiments more than any other sign, and if someone is willing to take the risk and show them who they really are unfiltered and be there to emotionally support them at the same time, then they’ve hit the jackpot and they will commit in a heartbeat. 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos love being the center of attention, so if someone makes them the center of their universe, then there’s a big chance a Leo will get addicted to that person. They love someone who makes them feel important and a priority, and they love someone who is completely available to them all the time. They love being able to do different things with the same person and want to always feel like they matter to someone. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos do not commit easily, but they are more likely to commit to someone who challenges them a little. They get turned off by people who come on too strong or show too much too soon, so they want someone who is a bit vague and mysterious at first but at the same time asks them the right questions and gets to know them without putting pressure on them or revealing how they feel from the get-go. 

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libras are friendly and have a lot of friends from the opposite sex, so they need someone who is open-minded and doesn’t make them feel like they have to change their lifestyle or their friends. They will commit to someone who blends in with their friends and is part of their social life because that’s the most important thing to them. They don’t want someone who will change their social dynamics or force them to distance themselves from some friends. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpios don’t commit easily and they are probably the hardest sign to tame, however, it’s not impossible. They need someone who makes them feel safe about commitment, which means they need someone who is super patient, understanding, and willing to wait a little longer than most to actually get the commitment. Scorpios don’t get attached easily too, so the key here is for them to find someone who can spend as much time with them doing things they love and integrating themselves into their daily life. Slowly but surely, they will change their mind and settle down. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Even if they’re not ready, they will still commit to the person who makes them feel needed. They love helping people improve their lives and supporting them through their toughest times, unlike other signs, they like to take care of others more than being taken care of. So if someone is heavily relying on a Sagittarius and they truly value them and their guidance, it’s only a matter of time before a Sagittarius starts falling for this person. 

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns will find themselves drawn more and more to someone who is as determined, driven, and family-oriented as them, which is why many of them end up falling for their colleagues or coworkers. The more they see that they have similar values and work ethics with someone, the more they will want to share their lives with them. Capricorns are definitely the ones to follow their minds not their hearts so they’re all about mental stimulation. 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians are a mystery, even to themselves, so they’re more likely to stay single until they find someone who doesn’t make them feel like they live on a different planet—someone who can understand their quirks and unorthodox way of thinking. They will commit to someone who makes them feel like they belong because they always feel different, odd, and misunderstood, so they need to feel seen, heard, understood, and accepted. They also love their freedom, so they want someone who doesn’t make them feel like they are trying to control them.  

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

They will commit to someone who pursues them relentlessly. Pisces are not the ones to make the first move or start a relationship, they simply need to feel like it just happened or they just stumbled upon it, and that won’t happen unless someone has the patience and the determination to win a Pisces heart by constantly trying to be with them and make the effort to see them and be part of their life. They need to feel like someone ‘earned’ their love because it’s not something they give away so easily.