What You Should Release During This Lunar Eclipse (3/25), Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Check for your sun and rising zodiac signs. (Pro-tip: You’re seriously missing out if you don’t check for your rising when reading horoscopes.)
Your Card: Death
The card of Death is a reminder to let go of the old so that you can embrace the new. With the Aries sun energizing your first house of the self, you’re already thinking about fresh beginnings. A personal reinvention can be yours if you truly want it. This lunar eclipse in Libra is the start of a profoundly transformative phase for you, but you have to be willing to “kill” what is no longer serving you. What are you clutching onto that isn’t in alignment with the improved version of yourself that you’re trying to step into? Where are you resistant to change? What fears, self-defeating patterns, and self-limiting beliefs are holding you back? What relationships don’t honor you? Release them under this lunar eclipse and jumpstart your new era.
Your Card: Ace of Wands
What’s stopping you from trusting your instincts and taking a leap of faith? You need to let go of the restraint that prevents you from taking bold action to develop your vision. Find the root of your creative block and then clear it. It’s easier said than done, but this lunar eclipse is a good time to start getting back in touch with your spark. You need to awaken that part in yourself that has long felt dead and use it to propel you forward. Release your hesitation, your self-doubt, and your need to play it safe. The best things are born out of the biggest risks, Taurus. Leave in your past the baggage that is keeping you from committing to making your desires a reality.
Your Card: King of Swords
The King of Swords is a call to express yourself and honor your truth, just as much as it’s a warning to stop letting your thoughts control you. Let go of everything that stops you from confidently taking action and speaking your mind—all your preconceived notions, your fears, your self-doubts, your creative blockages, and your emotional assumptions. Where do you invalidate yourself? What makes you shut down your own ideas? Why are you afraid to be honest with yourself and others? March’s lunar eclipse electrifies your fifth house of self-expression and desires, so you’d greatly benefit from following this card’s advice. To live more authentically you have to let yourself be guided by your own intuition, and to do that you have to cut out all the other noise.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
There are things that you’re trying so hard to preserve that are closing you off to new opportunities and to the natural ebbs and flows of life. You need to release that which you cling on too tightly for fear that it’ll slip away from your fingers. What is meant for you isn’t going anywhere, Cancer. The Four of Pentacles is calling you to examine if you’re placing your energy and efforts into the right places and people—to stop acting from a place of force. This card can also indicate that there are past issues or emotional wounds that you have yet to let go—the lunar eclipse in Libra is a great time to start the process. Take this opportunity if you want to be more open to what the universe has to offer you.
Your Card: Four of Swords
This card is a call to take a break from the outside world and spend some time alone focusing on inner reflection. Journal, meditate, and center yourself under the Libra lunar eclipse. Do whatever makes you feel the most grounded and alert. The important thing is that you find solitude and recharge your energy in your sanctuary. Use this time to take stock of the stressors in your life that are expendable so that you can say goodbye to them. What or who in your life causes unnecessary anxiety and tension? Are keeping them in your life worth making you feel drained? With this lunar eclipse illuminating your communication sector, it’s also a great opportunity to think of the boundaries you want to communicate with others moving forward.
Your Card: Eight of Swords
Where are you limiting yourself? With the lunar eclipse charging up your second house, think specifically in terms of finances, stability, material desires, and self-worth. You need to leave behind the stories you tell yourself that keep you from achieving the security you desire and from reclaiming your personal power. Release the previous belief systems that no longer resonate with you or align with the future you desire. There’s no one standing in your way but you, Virgo. Jupiter is activating your ninth house of expansion on this day, so it’s definitely a perfect time to alter your perspective in order to broaden your horizons. Let go of old views and thought patterns that keep you trapped in the same place. Remember that your perception becomes your reality.
Your Card: Judgment, reversed
There’s a situation at play in which you’ve been displaying a certain lack of self-awareness. Under this lunar eclipse, you need to let go of the denial you’re carrying in regards to the role you’re playing in your hardships. Take some time to reflect on how you have a hand in your own problems and on how you can start taking some responsibility. What changes and choices do you have to make to move forward in a positive direction? What lessons have you yet to learn? What past mistakes do you need to forgive yourself for? The lunar eclipse in your sign is prime time for new beginnings and a perfect opportunity to start reinventing yourself. Leave behind the excuses, the indecisiveness, the doubts, and everything that keeps you from growing into your next phase.
Your Card: The Empress
The Empress is calling you out, Scorpio. You’ve put up walls around your heart and closed yourself off emotionally to others. Instead of seeing the best in people, you doubt their good intentions and assume the worst. Truth be told, you assume everyone is out to get you. You believe that if you let yourself get too close, you’re going to end up hurt. It’s sad that someone as deep and passionate as you has allowed themselves to become so hardened by past emotional wounds. There’s so much love inside of you to give—you’re practically bursting with it. So, let go of the fear. Let yourself be soft. Let yourself be guided by your heart. Don’t listen to your anxieties, but to your intuition. This lunar eclipse is a great chance to start welcoming more beauty into your life.
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles is beckoning you to let go of everything that’s getting in the way of your emotional healing and stability. What keeps you from prospering, Sag? It all starts with how you speak to, think of, and take care of yourself. All your unkind thoughts, false narratives, toxic patterns, and self-harming behaviors need to go. You need to cut out what isn’t conducive to bringing you abundance and what isn’t nurturing your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Basically, cut ties with everything that stops you from feeling secure and successful. What feels like a no to you? What keeps you from having a safe, caring, and supportive environment? What can you no longer trust?
Your Card: The Lovers, reversed
You need to face any conflict and disconnection, and then choose whether you want to work through things or move on. The reversal of the Lovers is urging you to release any disharmony, one way or another, during March’s lunar eclipse. You can’t keep going on the way you’re going—carrying that weight of frustration and mistrust. You need to address any pain, resentment, and underlying issues that are leaving you feeling imbalance and out of alignment. This applies to your relationship with others, as well as to your own inner turmoil. Be honest about your biggest fears and truest desires. Something isn’t working for you anymore, and you need to let it go if you want to find what makes you feel fulfilled.
Your Card: King of Cups, reversed
There’s someone in your life that hasn’t been prioritizing your well-being for quite some time now. They’re someone whose coldness makes you feel sad, overwhelmed, and even manipulated. You’re not you when you’re with them. They dim your light with their unkindness and inconsistency. You need to start releasing your attachment to this person under this lunar eclipse. You’ve allowed yourself to be walked over and hurt by this person for too long, Aquarius. Your vulnerability is an extremely rare and precious thing and it shouldn’t be wasted on someone who doesn’t cherish it. You deserve emotional stability and someone who brings more peace into your life.
Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed
Pisces, this lunar eclipse in Libra is a powerful one for you, as it’s activating your eighth house of death, rebirth, transformation, and regeneration. You need to take advantage of this astrological event to leave behind anything toxic that may lead to undesirable consequences, especially when it comes to impulsive behavior. Release your self-destructive tendencies—everything you use to distract yourself, your addictions, recklessness, aggression, and self-harming cycles. There’s a big change that awaits you, but you have to be willing to do what it takes to get you there. How badly do you want it? Let go of all those things that are hindering your spiritual growth.