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What You Should Release During This Week’s Full Moon (2/24), Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands signifies success, stability, praise, and celebration. With the Virgo full moon illuminating your sector of healing, wellbeing, duty, and daily routine, it’s a good time for you to slow down and reflect on what habits, situations, and relationships are keeping you from feeling fulfilled. What’s holding you back from attaining the results you desire? What changes can you make to feel more emotionally and financially secure? You need to release the things that are keeping you stagnant and that prevent you from realizing your dreams. It’s also a crucial time for you to meditate on what stops you from celebrating your victories thus far. That voice in your head that feeds your self-doubt is called imposter syndrome. It tells lies, Aries. You’ve gotten this far because you’re capable and talented in your field. The only thing stopping you from going after what you want are your limiting self-beliefs. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

Where do you not feel supported in your life—or who doesn’t make you feel supported, Taurus? What things or relationships are leaving you feeling dissatisfied and frustrated? Are there situations or people who make you feel like you don’t belong? You need to let go of those who don’t make you feel seen and who don’t appreciate your efforts. Take inventory of where there is disharmony in your life and determine what’s salvageable and what needs to go. There are unresolved issues and emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying around that have been causing instability in your life. You need to work towards closure and letting go of these things so that you can restore balance in your life. 


Your Card: Strength, reversed

Gemini, the reversal of Strength is telling you that you need to let go of any and all self-doubt. What self-perceived flaws and insecurities stop you from living as the most empowered version of yourself? Release your fears and anxieties so that you can re-harness your inner strength. Right now you’re allowing feelings of uncertainty and hesitance hold you back in many aspects. Stop listening to that voice that tells you that you’re not good enough—it’s your enemy. This Full Moon is also a time for you to examine what and who drains the joy from your life, and then let those situations, habits, or people go. That co-dependent relationship that has sucked you dry—it’s time to close the chapter on it. If you’ve been wasting your time with someone who’s emotionally unavailable, then say goodbye to them, Gemini. 


Your Card: The Hanged Man

What is currently making you feel confined in your life? Where do you feel suffocated or trapped? The Hanged Man illustrates that you’re in a situation that’s robbing you of your happiness—one which makes you feel so far removed from yourself. That void you’re feeling is there because you’re so disconnected from the person you are. Why is that, Cancer? What or who is making you feel like you’re at a standstill? Stop trying to distract yourself from the real issue and consider the endless choices at your disposal. Life doesn’t have to feel this way. This Full Moon you need to slow down and gain a new perspective. The Hanged Man is telling you that it’s time to surrender and master the art of letting go. You can’t get what you want out of life by staying in a place that doesn’t align with your overall desires and values. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is suggesting that you’re currently juggling too many things at once and it is leaving you feeling drained, exhausted, and as if you have nothing left in you to give. That’s because you can’t pour from an empty cup, Leo. This Full Moon you should slow down and take a break to evaluate where you’re placing your energy and which of those things are most important to you. Then, you need to cut back on what isn’t necessary and let go of that which is no longer working for you. With this Full Moon illuminating your second house of finances, possessions, value and resources, the Two of Pentacles is also telling you to make important choices as far as money is concerned. Get rid of the unnecessary spending. Review subscriptions you don’t use or need and cancel them. Let go of the frivolous shopping. 


Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed

Considering that this Full Moon in Virgo is all about you and will be lighting up your first house of identity, self, and ambitions, this a powerful card to pull. The Full Moon is moving through your sign, so there will be many personal revelations that will be highly conducive for your growth. The reversal of the Page of Cups is here to give you the message that you need to master the art of letting go of all that no longer serves you, in order to step into a more authentic and empowered version of yourself. This includes working towards overcoming past emotional wounds and trauma, Virgo. It may not be an easy road, but taking the first step is always the hardest. Now is the time to release all the habits, situations, and relationships that block you creatively and prevent your dreams and ideas from taking shape. Release your fear of failure, your insecurities, and the feeling that you need to present yourself as anything other than who you are. It’s time to express yourself more freely, Virgo. 


Your Card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

The reversal of the Page of Pentacles indicates that you’re losing sight of the things that are the most important to you—your desires, dreams, growth, passions, and ambitions. This card also suggests a lack of focus and missed opportunities, or the reluctance to take them. This Full Moon you need to release the distractions that are keeping you hostage from achieving your full potential. What external factors are getting in the way right now? You have so much promise Libra, you’re just not capitalizing on it right now. What you need to do is say goodbye to your comfort zone, step outside of it, and be willing to make the necessary changes and place the necessary efforts to go after what you want. Release what hinders your progress. 


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed

Scorpio, lately you’ve been feeling as if your life is stuck in a loop. To claim disorder, stagnation, and instability would be an understatement. You feel almost trapped. The reversal of the Wheel of Fortune suggests that you’ve been running around in circles. Right now you can’t shake the sense that there are external forces constantly working against you, and while this may be the truth to some degree, the reality is that you’re in the place you are in now as a result of your own choices and actions. You need to release all the things that make you feel powerless—the habits, relationships, toxic patterns, self-limiting beliefs, insecurities, the escapism, and low self-esteem. It is in your hands to shape and form your own destiny. This Full Moon is also a period to let go of all which doesn’t spiritually align with you or which goes against your values. Stop resisting change, Scorp. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed 

Sag, the reversal of the Ace of Pentacles suggests that things may not be going as you planned, especially as far as your finances are concerned. Your promise for growth and prosperity isn’t being realized due to missteps you may have taken. This Full Moon is a great opportunity for you to cut back on any frivolous spending, budget, and let go of unnecessary shopping. It’s also a time for you to release any fears of scarcity that may be influencing your behavior as far as greed or frugality is concerned. You know which of the two is your problem. 


Your Card: Three of Cups, reversed

Capricorn, it may be an extremely difficult and painful fact to accept, but there are people in your life right now who are close to you who you know you need to let go of. There’s a lack of mutual support there. You may not be technically alone, but you’re lonely. We can love people with all of our hearts, but sometimes it’s best to part ways when you’ve grown apart. This Full Moon is calling you to say goodbye to those relationships and friendships that no longer make you happy, serve you, and that hinder your growth. The reversal of the Three of Cups is also telling you to stop overextending yourself for others. Examine what area in your life you’re giving beyond your means and cut back. 


Your Card: Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands indicates that you are coming so close to achieving your goals or getting the results you desire. There are recent events and surprises that have left you feeling drained and exhausted, almost as if you can’t go on. This card is telling you that you can persevere and that anything is possible as long as you quit going. On this Full Moon, you need to release any doubts you may be having and all thoughts you may have of calling it quits. You can get through these obstacles, Aquarius. These challenges and setbacks are things that you can overcome, don’t give up. Say goodbye to that voice that’s making you question how close you are. 


Your Card: Seven of Wands, reversed

Pisces, stop everything you’re doing this Full Moon and take some time for yourself. You’re in need of some serious self-care and reflection. You’re feeling defeated, Pisces, and are coming so close to giving up. The reversal of the Seven of Wands is a reminder to hang on. This card is here to shake you out of your lack of self-belief. That doubt you feel in yourself right now is what you need to release during this Full Moon in Virgo. It’s also calling you to let go of situations, patterns, habits, and people that don’t align with or respect your values and convictions. In order to move forward in your spiritual path and get closer to your higher purpose, you have to surrender the old and embrace the unknown. It may even mean letting go of old beliefs that are no longer working in your favor.