What Your Favorite Christmas Activity Says About Your Personality

What Your Favorite Christmas Activity Says About Your Personality

The holidays look different for everyone. Some people prefer to stay inside and bake cookies while others want to be out sledding in the snow. Here is what your favorite Christmas activity says about your personality:

Writing out holiday cards.

You are fiercely loyal and protective of the people that you care about. If you love writing out holiday cards, it’s because you’re family-oriented. Maybe your ‘family’ isn’t actually related to you by blood, but they are the most important people in your world. They are the people you cannot imagine surviving without. They are the people you are so excited to share this holiday season with this year and every year.

Wrapping presents.

You are obsessed with order and cleanliness. You want everything to look aesthetically pleasing and probably have a pretty gorgeous Pinterest and/or Instagram that deserves more followers.

Driving around seeing Christmas lights.

You are a harsh critic who loves talking crap with your friends. When you spot a house that is decorated well, you are going to give them so many props. But when someone has hung lights in clashing colors, you are going to judge them. And you are going to have fun doing it.

Watching holiday movies.

You are a dreamer. A romantic. You love the idea of Christmas magic and daydream about having your own sappy romance in the snow. You want to love and be loved more than anything in this world.

Baking and decorating cookies.

You are unique and creative. You think outside of the box and surprise people with your ideas and intelligence. Your loved ones are inspired by you because you aren’t afraid to be yourself and chase after your wildest dreams.

Going holiday shopping.

You are broke. You should really be saving up your money, but you want to spoil everyone that you love, so that isn’t going to happen. Maybe next year.

Decorating the tree.

You are a nostalgic, sentimental soul. You enjoy breaking out the ornaments and sorting through memories from past holidays. You have some ornaments that your parents passed down to you from when you were little, some that represent pets and family members that you have lost, and some that simply make you laugh. Decorating the tree is always like going down memory lane, and you love it there.

Rocking ugly Christmas sweaters.

You are a jokester who never takes themselves too seriously. You struggle to have serious conversations and are always at the risk of bursting out laughing at the worst possible time – but you don’t mean any harm. You love bringing joy to others and making them laugh.

Eating chocolate from your Advent calendar.

You love to treat yourself. You are well-versed in self-care because you know what you deserve. You know you are worth it. And you aren’t going to let anyone tell you otherwise.  

Going sledding and ice skating.

You are a kid at heart. You’re playful and tease everyone who you’re comfortable around. Your friends consider you their little sibling because you annoy the heck out of them at times, but you are just so lovable the rest of the time.

Volunteering and donating toys.

You are selfless. You are constantly putting others before yourself because you care about their happiness as much as your own. You want to spread joy to as many people as possible – not just during the holidays, but during every month of the year.

Going Christmas caroling.

You are a natural born performer who can’t get enough attention. You want all eyes on you. But at the same time, you don’t want to be perceived. You can’t explain it, but it’s just the way you are.

Chugging eggnog.

You are a classic Grinch. You just want the holiday season to be over with, so you need some alcohol to get through it. You can’t deal with certain family members (not to mention how much money you lost on presents) without a little something to take the edge off.