Why Each Birth Month Won't Share Their Real Feelings With You
Thought Catalog Agency

Why Each Birth Month Won’t Share Their Real Feelings With You


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you make them feel guilty about those feelings. If you act like they’re selfish or wrong over their opinions and emotions instead of trying to understand them and accept them.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you barely listen when they speak. If you simply nod along and wait for your turn to speak because you care more about what you have to say than what they have to share.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you turn every situation around on them and get upset with them when they were originally upset with you. If you won’t hear out their side of the story because you’re too busy being defensive.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you tease them about those feelings. If you make them feel childish or silly over what they tell you. If you make fun of them instead of taking the conversation seriously.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you air their secrets around town. If you can’t keep private matters private and will end up blabbing about their secrets to anyone who will listen. If you’re such a big gossip that they aren’t sure whether they can trust you.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you invalidate those feelings. If you act like they have no right to be angry or upset about whatever is bothering them. If you disagree with every word that comes out of their mouth.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you are always trying to one-up them. If you act like they don’t have it nearly as bad as you do so they shouldn’t complain. If you turn everything into a contest.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you disagree with everything they say. If you turn a heartfelt conversation into an argument because you expect them to feel exactly the way you feel about every little thing.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you don’t share your feelings with them. If you keep them in the dark about what you’re thinking. They need the gesture to be reciprocated. They need to know you trust them before they trust you.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you act judgmental. If you make them feel even worse after speaking to them instead of consoling them and reminding them that everything is going to be okay.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you have broken their trust before. If they aren’t sure whether you have their best interest at heart or whether you are genuinely going to be there for them.


They won’t share their real feelings with you if you aren’t that close yet. They need to know they can trust you before they’re going to open up to you. It takes time for them to reach a point where they will feel comfortable sharing with you.