Why Each Zodiac Should Be Careful This Pisces Season
Thought Catalog Agency

Why Each Zodiac Should Be Careful This Pisces Season


Be careful this Pisces season because there will be more waterworks than you’re expecting. You’re going to find yourself growing more emotional than usual — but that’s okay. It’s healthy to release your tears, to be honest about your feelings. Don’t avoid acting vulnerable. Let it happen. Let yourself feel fully.


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to feel extra clingy. There’s nothing wrong with needing attention and admitting it. But your person is allowed to have their own life. They can’t spend every second with you. You need to give them at least a little space. You can’t expect to be their whole world, their whole source of happiness.


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to feel extra laidback. While it’s wonderful for you to take some time off, you don’t want to take too much time off. You don’t want to end up acting irresponsible when you’re simply trying to have fun. Be gentle on yourself, but make sure you don’t forget about your responsibilities either.  


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to have your rose-colored glasses on extra tight. And that’s a recipe for trouble. If you overlook red flags, give the benefit of the doubt, and accept half-hearted apologies, you’re only going to get hurt. You need to be a little more cut-throat. You are allowed to cut people out if they aren’t treating you right. You’re allowed to see the awful truth instead of believing in pretty little lies.


Be careful this Pisces season because you don’t want to rely too heavily on your charm to get you out of trouble. Just because you could talk your way out of a situation doesn’t mean you should. If you want your loved ones to trust you, be honest with them. Take responsibility for your mistakes. Own up to them.


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to feel more inclined to people-please. You’re going to have trouble saying no around this time of year. But you can’t let your desire to help others convince you to ignore your own wants and needs. You’re allowed to be selfish. You’re allowed to do what you want to do.


Be careful this Pisces season because you don’t want to overindulge. Yes, you deserve to treat yourself, but you can’t spend too much time playing around and enjoying life that you forget the importance of hard work. Don’t lose track of your dreams. Don’t forget about your goals. Try to strike a healthy balance between work and play.


Be careful this Pisces season because escapism is only healthy in moderation. It’s great to get lost in a good book or TV show — but you don’t want to stop living your real life. You don’t want to close yourself off and avoid human interaction. You can enjoy fantasy worlds, but enjoy the real world too.


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to crave romance. This isn’t a bad thing on its own — but it could get dangerous if you lower your standards just so you can be less lonely. Remember, you shouldn’t settle for less than you deserve. It’s better to be on your own than with the wrong person.


Be careful this Pisces season because your emotions are going to be more intense than usual. Since you’re going to need an outlet for these feelings, make sure you engage in healthy behaviors. Don’t drink to make your problems fade. Don’t hurt yourself when you could be helping yourself. Journal. Paint. Write. Reach out to friends. Look into therapy. Release your emotions in a productive way.


Be careful this Pisces season because you’re going to be tempted to follow your intuition more. But your guesses aren’t always right. Even though you’re a good judge of character, that doesn’t mean you’re immune to mistakes. If someone you thought you could trust starts acting sketchy, accept that you might have made a mistake. You might have put your trust in the wrong hands.


Be careful this Pisces season because your compassion could backfire on you. It’s wonderful that you want to help others, but sometimes they won’t want your help. Sometimes, they won’t deserve your help. You need to be able to take a step back and decide whether your effort is going to be appreciated or wasted on certain people so you don’t burn yourself out needlessly.