Why Each Zodiac Should Be Careful This Scorpio Season
Vince Perraud

Why Each Zodiac Should Be Careful This Scorpio Season


Be careful this Scorpio season because you don’t want your passion to overwhelm your common sense. You don’t want to listen to your heart without checking in with your head. Make sure you listen to them both throughout the season.


Be careful this Scorpio season because your jealousy is going to hit an all-time high. Although these feelings are natural and happen to everyone, remember that comparisons aren’t healthy. Just because someone else has something you want doesn’t mean you’ll never achieve your own brand of happiness. It’s not a competition. You can all win.


Be careful this Scorpio season because your ambition could lead to pretty extreme exhaustion. Although you have huge dreams you’re actively trying to achieve, you don’t have to spend every second of every day working. You don’t want to overextend yourself and end up hurting.


Be careful this Scorpio season because your resentment is going to come out in full force. But remember, instead of silently seething about how someone has treated you, you can have a conversation with them about it in order to fix the problem. Or you can walk away completely.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you’re going to feel the urge to control everything around you. Although you’re a natural leader, you can’t make other people’s decisions for them. You have to let them make their own mistakes. If you try too hard to guide them, they could end up resenting you.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you’re going to feel a surge of confidence. Use this to your advantage and bask in the beautiful feeling, but make sure you aren’t bordering on arrogance. Make sure you aren’t making others feel small in order to make yourself feel smarter or more successful.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you may feel more distrustful than usual. Just make sure you’re asking yourself whether you have a reason to distrust others or whether bad memories from your past are resurfacing and you’re worried about history repeating itself. If you really can’t trust someone, get as far away from them as possible. Bu if they’ve only been treating you right, know that some old experiences may be to blame for how you’re feeling.


Be careful this Scorpio season because your tendency to act mysterious and keep secrets could backfire on you. Although some people find this behavior intriguing, it can get old fast. The people who care about you want you to open up to them. They want to feel close to you emotionally. Don’t push them away out of habit when you know you can trust them.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you’re going to feel extra stubborn. Just remember, there’s a time and a place when you should definitely stick to your beliefs and your plans – and a time when you should remain open and flexible. Don’t automatically assume you’re right without listening to what your loved ones have to say first.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you don’t want your loyalty to tether you to the wrong person. You don’t want to keep them in your life when they are only hurting you, when they have proven they couldn’t care less about your feelings and are only concerned about their own.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you might find yourself obsessing over certain things (or people) more than usual. But you don’t want to rely on one outlet for all your happiness. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.


Be careful this Scorpio season because you are going to feel braver than usual. While this could lead to some grand adventures, it could also backfire on you. So make sure you’re still thinking through the pros and cons before coming to a decision. Use your head and your heart.