Thought Catalog Agency

Why Each Zodiac Will Restrict Your Access To Them


They’ll restrict your access if you embarrass them in front of others. They know they deserve respect, whether you’re alone together or in a crowd. If you change your behavior based on who is around, they are going to walk away.


They’ll restrict your access if you are inconsistent. They don’t want unpredictable people clogging up their time. They only want to surround themselves with others who are responsible and reliable, and if that’s not you, they aren’t going to feel comfortable with you.


They’ll restrict your access if you repeat mistakes more than once. They are willing to forgive and forget when you mess up once, but if it becomes a pattern, they are going to change their tune.


They’ll restrict your access if you are rude to their friends, family, or partner. They might not stick up for themselves, but they won’t let anyone harm their loved ones. They are extremely protective over others.


They’ll restrict your access if you aren’t meeting them halfway. They aren’t going to do all the work in the relationship because they deserve to feel appreciated. If you aren’t going to do your fair share, then they aren’t going to deal with you at all.


They’ll restrict your access if have restricted their access. They aren’t going to give you every little piece of them if you’re unwilling to do the same. They’re going to give as much as they’re receiving in return and not a smidge more.


They’ll restrict your access if  they catch you in a lie. They don’t take well to liars and cheaters. They expect honesty twenty-four seven. If you can’t be transparent with them, then they might not want you in their world at all.


They’ll restrict your access if you break a promise. If they can’t trust your word, they can’t trust anything about you. And they don’t want anyone in their life who tries to lie to them, trick them, or get away with undervaluing them.


They’ll restrict your access if they grow suspicious of your intentions. They need trust in order to have a functioning relationship with you, so if you set off their alarm bells, they’re going to retreat.


They’ll restrict your access if you disrespect them. If you behave as if they’re beneath you and belittle their thoughts and opinions. They have too much self-worth to settle for such unfair treatment.


They’ll restrict your access if you cross unforgivable boundaries. They aren’t going to let you do whatever you please without repercussions. There are consequences to your actions and they are going to make sure that you know it.


They’ll restrict your access if you suck the energy out of them. If dealing with you becomes a problem that they want to avoid. They aren’t going to force themselves to stick with you if you’re only bringing them down.