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Yes, These Zodiac Signs Will Always Cry At Movies


Cancer is a sensitive sign, and they’re highly empathetic towards others – even if those other people are actors on a film screen. They’re always going to cry at sad commercials, sad movies, and possibly even happy movies, too. If you’re sat next to them on the couch or at the theater, expect to be passing tissues regularly. The movies that will probably make them cry most usually involve animals, tragic romance stories, or movies that focus on family themes.


As an empathetic type, Pisces is rarely one to hold back your emotions during a movie. This makes the experience more exciting for them – they feel genuine fear during a horror movie, pain at tragic endings, and happiness when they see a fairytale romance onscreen. It’s usually the sad stuff that will make Pisces cry. Profound and moving stories will always be tearjerkers for them, although their sign might find themselves tearing up at less devastating storylines, too.


Believe it or not, Scorpio can actually be a big crier during movies – they just might not show it. If they’re around large groups, especially of people they don’t know that well, they’re unlikely to shed many tears. But in private or around people they’re close with, they shed real tears during those tearjerker storylines. Scorpio can be a deeply emotional sign who processes their thoughts and feelings internally, and their connection to their own subconscious can mean that the best way for them to do so is by crying – even if it’s over a movie.


Libra can be a big crier during movies because they tend to be a more emotional type. They’re not normally the sign to cry at every film – Libras often have a specific genre or story trope that brings them to tears. Libras feel things deeply and genuinely, and this makes them cry frequently at movies. They can often be sensitive and empathetic signs, too, even if those qualities aren’t always included as well-known Libra traits. This makes them likely to find at least one or two genres that will devastate them every time.